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grada Marseja i na opus tessellatum-usa arheološkoglokaliteta Frežus.Obuka u Ateljeu je obuhvatalakompletnu zaštitumozaika, tako da je poredosnovnog konzervatorskogtretmana, uključivala pakovanjemozaika za transport,načine smeštanja u depo,dokumentovanje, načine izlaganjamozaika i prezentacijukonzervatorskog tretmanapublici.Poseban deo programačinili su analiza stanja očuvanostimozaika i odabir odgovarajućihpostupaka zakonzervaciju i restauraciju.Imala sam izuzetnu prilikuda sa Patrikom Blanom, Mari-LorKurbules i PatricijomŽuket, učestvujem u dijagnosticiranjustanja u komese nalazi podni mozaik naKonzervacija mozaika iz Narodnog muzeja u BeograduConservation of mosaic from National museum Belgradearheološkom lokalitetuGrand. Lokalitet je veomaznačajan zbog dimenzija mozaika, 224m 2 u jednom komadu.Pokrivao je pod civilne bazilike i datovan je ukraj I veka. Otkriven je 1883. godine, a već sledeće godineje pokriven građevinom koja ga i danas štiti.Trodnevna analiza stanja uključivala je: pravljenjedetaljne fotodokumentacije i crteža na kojima su obeležavanasva zapažanja (pukotine, destabilizovane tesere,stare restauracije), probe čišćenja, otvaranje sonde da bise proverile pretpostavke o načinu na koji je izvedenarestauracija pedesetih godina prošlog veka.Rad na arheološkom lokalitetu Grand bio je za menevredno iskustvo. Stekla sam uvid u različite aspektekoje je potrebno uzeti u obzir kada se vrši procena stanjaočuvanosti mozaika na arheološkom lokalitetu. Istovremeno,to je bila prilika da se upoznam druge regioneFrancuske i posetim nekoliko divnih gradova – Bon,Langr i Dižon.Tokom obuke u Muzeju antičkog Arla i Provanse,upoznala sam stručnjake iz različitih oblasti zaštitekulturnih dobara, koji su bili spremni da podele svojaznanja i iskustva vezana, ne samo za konzervaciju, već iza zaštitu muzejskih predmeta uopšte - od uslova čuvanjai načina smeštanja materijala u depoe, do pripremeizložbi, načina prezentacije i komunikacije sa publikom.Videla sam kako se osnovni etički principi konzervacijeiprimenjuju u praksi i stekla sam jasniju sliku o tome nakoji način je organizovana zaštita kulturnih dobara uFrancuskoj. Mogućnost da se «iznutra» oseti kako funkcionišesistem zaštite u nekoj drugoj zemlji, posebno akota zemlja ima dugačku tradiciju brige za kulturno nasleđekao što je ima Francuska, veoma je značajna za nekogako počinje svoj profesionalni život.Već se pokazaloda su iskustva koje sam stekla tokom oba boravka uFrancuskoj i kontakti sa francuskim stručnjacima, odneprocenjive pomoći u radu sada, kada menjamo pristupzaštiti kulturnih dobara kod nas.Projekat konzervacije i restauracije mozaika izzbirke Narodnog muzejaMozaici iz zbirke Narodnog muzeja potiču sa arheološkihlokaliteta Stobi i Guberevac (Kosmaj). Mozaici sukonzervirani na podlozi od gipsa, pedesetih godina proninumfrom the collection of HistoricalMuseum in Marseille andon an opus tessellatum from thearchaeological site of Fréjus.Apart of basic <strong>conservation</strong> treatment,my training included completeprotection of mosaics - packing<strong>for</strong> transport, storing of mosaics,documentation, ways of displayingand presentation of <strong>conservation</strong>treatment to the public.Special part of the programconsisted of diagnosing state ofpreservation of a mosaic, decisionmaking and selecting of appropriatetechniques <strong>for</strong> <strong>conservation</strong>. Ihad extraordinary opportunity toparticipate with Patrick Blanc,Marie-Laure Courboulčs and PatriciaJouquet, in diagnosing stateof <strong>conservation</strong> of the pavement onthe archaeological site of Grand.This site is important <strong>for</strong> the dimensionsof the mosaic, 224m 2 in awhole. Mosaic paved a civil buildingand is dated in 1 st century AC.It was discovered in 1883. The nextyear, the building was constructed over it, which protectsit even today.Analysis of the state of <strong>conservation</strong> lasted <strong>for</strong> threedays and consisted of: making of detailed photo-documentationand drawings where all observations werenoted (cracks, destabilised tesserae, old restorations),tests <strong>for</strong> cleaning, opening of a sonde to confirm themanner in which old restoration in the fifties was done.Working on the site of Grand was a valuable experience.I realized various aspects that should be consideredwhile diagnosing the state of <strong>conservation</strong> of a mosaic.At the same time, it was an opportunity to get toknow other regions of France and to visit few wonderfultowns – Bonne, Langres and Dijon.During my training in the Museum of the Antiquitiesof Arles and Provence, I met professionals who gladlyshared their knowledge and experiences referring notonly to <strong>conservation</strong>, but also to protection of museumobjects in general – from storaging and safeguarding, topreparation of exhibitions, presentation and communicationwith public. I saw the way ethical principles in<strong>conservation</strong> are applied in practice and got clear idea ofthe organization of the protection of cultural heritage inFrance. Opportunity to experience from “inside” howprotection of heritage functions in other countries, especiallywhen that country has a long tradition of care <strong>for</strong>patrimony like France does, is very important to someonewho is only starting his professional life.It already turned out that experiences that I gainedduring both of my stays in France and contacts withFrench experts, proved to be a valuable help in ourwork, now, that we are changing the approach to theprotection of the heritage in our country.Project of Conservation and Restoration ofMosaics from the Collection of the NationalMuseum BelgradeMosaics collection of the National Museum Belgradeconsists of pavements from two archaeological sites –Stobi and Guberevac (Kosmaj). During the fifties, mosaicswere restored on gypsum support and stored in theGallery of Frescoes.151

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