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142lasasto duž celog oboda, odmah ispod ivice, a keramikaje blago zadebljana odmah iznad ovog ornamenta. Ovajsitni ornament bio je urađen tehnikom inkrustacije, alise ona sačuvala samo u tragovima. Na trbuhu posudepostoje tri veća paralelna plastična rebra sa svake stranetrbuha, i sličan, manji ornament kod korena drškeposude. Unutrašnjost posude nije glačana, rapava je i izbrazdana,sa mnoštvom manjih i većih udubljenja. Bojavarira od oker do tamno smeđe, skoro crne, dok je najednom delu trbuha uočen i crvenkasti ton, verovatnonastao usled naknadnog kontakta sa vatrom.Sud br. 6 po tipologiji je oblik urna-pehar. Malih je dimenzija:visine 8,5cm, prečnika otvora 6cm, prečnika dna3,5cm i sive boje. Posuda ima jednu dršku i neobičnog jetrouglastog - rogljastog oblika. Ima razgrnut obod, bikoničantrouglast trbuh koji se naglo sužava u prstenastustopu. Čini se da drška ide preko oboda, ali su u tom delui obod i drška oštećeni. Posuda je skoro cela, oštećena nadelu gde se spajaju obod i drška, nedostaje vrh drške itrouglasti deo vrata kod samog oboda.Vrat posude je blagokonveksan. Na delu trbuha uočena je pukotina koja sezrakasto pruža ka dnu posude i ka korenu vrata.Nakon čišćenja posuda je konsolidovana u 10% rastvorukonsolidanta (OHO II spec u acetonu) i konsolidacijaje trajala 2,5 sata. Posuda je potopljena u rastvor konsolidanta,pri čemu su iz strukture počeli da izlaze mehurićivazduha - konsolidacija je bila završena kada su mehurićiprestali da izlaze. Mehurići ukazuju na šupljine ustrukturi keramike, konsolidant ulazi u strukturu keramikei potiskuje vazduh, ukazujući nam time, veličinom samihmehurića, i na veličinu pora u keramici. U ovom slučajumehurići su bili dosta uni<strong>for</strong>mni i mali, pa se nakonkonsultacije zaključilo da nije potrebna dodatna konsolidacijau jačem procentu konsolidanta (koji služi za popunjavanjevećih pora). Prestanak izlaženja mehurića ukazaoje da je struktura keramike zasićena konsolidantom ipredmet je izvađen iz posude za konsolidaciju. Potom jeostavljen da se osuši, tj. da aceton ispari i konsolidant sestegne. Posuda je imala neprirodan sjaj usled vlažnostikonsolidanta, ali se ovaj sjaj izgubio tokom sušenja.Posudi je nedostajao jedan trouglasti deo vrata i vrhdrške. Prvo je, da bi se zaštitila površina keramike odgipsane prašine, kućne prašine i oštećenja koja bi moglanastati u toku rukovanja, prekrivena trakama selotejpakoje smo sada - pošto je posuda konsolidovana, moglibez bojazni da stavimo na keramiku. Sa postojećeg delavrata uzet je otisak u glini, sa unutrašnje strane, takošto je keramika naprašena talkom da bi se zaštitila odkontakta sa svežom glinom i komad rastanjene gline(debljine otprilike 1,5 cm) položen sa unutrašnje stranevrata i blago utisnut prstima. Potom je ovako dobijeniglineni kalup ostavljen da se prosuši. Tako je dobijenotisak koji je bio dovoljno čvrst da se može pomeriti sasvog mesta, i lako je odvojen zahvaljujući sloju talka, ada pri tome zadrži oblik i zakrivljenost originala. Ovajglineni otisak je zatim blagim guranjem postavljen ispoddela koji nedostaje (bio je od praznine veći sa svakestrane oko 3cm), i tu učvršćen komadom sveže gline, kojaje na mestu dodira sa drugom stranom vrata posudebila izolovana komadom sunđera. Ova konstrukcijaomogućila je da ne dođe do pomeranja otiska prilikomnanošenja gipsa. Smesa koja je korišćena za restauracijusastoji se od dental gipsa i 0.75% silakrila 4 . Gips jeumešen nešto gušće, da bi pre došlo do očvršćavanja.Ivice keramike premazane su 3% rastvorom silakrila, dabi se zaštitile od prodiranja gipsa u strukturu. Zatim jegips nanet na glineni otisak metalnom špatulom i potomizjednačen sa površinom okolne keramike. Nakon stezanjagipsa izvađen je glineni otisak koji je služio kao potning.It helped clean the layer of calcinations.When the cleaning of the surface was finished, thecleaning of the inside started. The inside earth was takenout carefully, looking out <strong>for</strong> smaller finds that couldprovide useful data <strong>for</strong> the burial ritual. However, insidewere only concretions and few pieces of roots. Lasttraces of dirt were cleaned with alcohol pads.When the mechanical cleaning was finished, all detailsof decoration were visible. The vessel was burnished,but the large part of the surface layer was damaged anddim. On the bottom of the neck, there were short parallelincised lines probably encrusted. However, the encrustationwas lost. The rim slightly everted and thinner at theedging line, bore a wavy punctual incision, just below theedge, and ceramic was slightly thicker above the ornament.This tiny ornament was done by encrustation techniquebut it survived only in traces.There are three largerparallel ribs on the both sides of the belly, and a similarsmaller ornament near the bottom of the handle. The innersurface was not burnished; it is rough and with manysmaller and bigger recesses. The color varies from yellowto dark brown, nearly black, and on one part of the belly,there is a reddish hue – probably due to a later firing.Vessel no. 6 typologically is an urn-beaker. Small indimensions, height 8.5 cm, diameter of the rim is 6 cm,diameter of the bottom is 3.5 cm and gray in color. It isof unusual triangular shape and has one handle.The rimis everted, biconical triangular belly suddenly narrowsto a foot-ring. It seems that the handle goes over the rim,but both handle and the rim are damaged. Object is almostcomplete, damaged on the joint of rim and handle,with top of handle and part of the neck, near the rim,missing. The neck is slightly convex. There is a crack onthe belly that expands to the bottom and to the neck.After cleaning, the vessel was consolidated in a tenpercentsolution of OHO II spec <strong>for</strong> 2.5 hours. Object wasdipped in the solution, and the bubbles started to comeout – the consolidation was finished when the bubblingstopped. Bubbles indicate pores in the ceramic structure.The consolidation solution penetrates the structureand pushes out the air, and the size of bubbles correspondswith the size of the pores in the ceramic body. Inthis case, bubbles were unique and small, and there wasno need <strong>for</strong> additional consolidation in a stronger solution(which would fill bigger pores). When the bubblesstopped, the structure of ceramic was saturated with resinand the object was taken out. The object was left todry, e.g. <strong>for</strong> the acetone to evaporate and to tighten theresin. The vessel had an unnatural glow while it was wet.A triangular part of the neck and the top of the handlewere missing. To protect the surface from the plasterdust, usual dust and damage that may occur during handlingthe vessel, ceramic was covered with stripes of Sellotape.The clay mould was taken from the existing partof the neck, from the inner side. The ceramic was powderedwith talk to avoid direct contact of surface with wetclay, a piece of thinned clay (about 1.5 cm thick) placed onthe inner surface of the neck and gently pressed with fingers.Then the mould was left to dry. The clay was hardenough to be moved still keeping the shape of the original.Gently pushing a clay mould was placed under themissing part of the vessel (larger than the missing part<strong>for</strong> about 3 cm on both sides), and fixed with a piece ofwet clay. The clay was then isolated from the other sideof the neck by a piece of sponge. This construction preventedmoving of the mould during casting. The plasterwas prepared using a 0.75% solution of Silakril 4 and distilledwater, mixed a bit densly to speed up hardening. Inorder to protect plaster penetrating the structure, the ed-4 Silakril, akrilna disperzija koju proizvodi Sileks, Pančevo 4 Silakril, acrylic dispersion, made by Sileks, Pancevo

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