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Na osnovu konzervatorskog iskustva odgovornogkonzervatora objašnjeno je da je na skifosu ranije bioizveden konzervatorski tretman. Taj tretman nije rađenu Narodnom muzeju, već ga je izveo sam Dunjić, lekar ikolekcionar, čija kolekcija je, po njegovoj želji, 1976. godinepoklonjena Narodnom muzeju. Takođe, na predmetunije moguće odrediti koji su delovi originalni, a kojisu izvedeni u toku ranije intervencije, jer je originalnakeramika u potpunosti oponašana. S obzirom da predmetnije imao dokumentaciju, nije bilo moguće zaključitikojim konzervatorskim postupcima i kojim vrstamamaterijala je izvršena konzervatorska intervencija.Konzervatorski tretman se sastojao iz više faza:a) mehaničko čišćenjeb)odstranjivanje delova stare restauracijec) konsolidacija struktured) lepljenje fragmenatae) restauracija delova koji nedostajuf) restauracija drškig) retušh) impregracijaa) Mehaničko čišćenjeSud je očišćen od prašine tamponima vate i destilovanevode, nakon čega je ostavljen da se suši na sobnojtemperaturi, u trajanju od 30 minuta.b) Odstranjivanje delova stare restauracijeSkifos je potopljen u dva litra destilovane vode, u kojuje dodato pola kašike dejonizovanog deterdženta. Sudje ostao u rastvoru jedan čas. Nakon ovog perioda ustanovljenoje da su se fragmenti posude delimično odvojilijedan od drugog i da ih dalje ne bi trebalo mehaničkiodstranjivati zbog mogućih oštećenja. Stoga je posudaponovo stavljena u isti rastvor, u trajanju od jednog časa.Nakon završetka procesa dobijeno je 10 fragmenataoriginalne keramike i 5 fragmenata koji su izvedeni ugipsu. Drška koja je bila na posudi dobila je četiri originalnafragmenta. Takođe, otkrivene su dve vrste gipsakojom je izvedena stara restauracija. Prvu predstavljagips koji je mešan sa pigmentom, zbog čega ima plavuboju, i druga, koju predstavlja čist gips, bele boje. Takođe,pokazalo se da su ivice originalnih fragmenata blagode<strong>for</strong>misane i da se na njima nalaze višeslojne, čvrstenaslage lepka, kojim su spojeni tokom ranije intervencije.Lepak je natapan acetonom po sistemu kap po kap, uzpomoć plastičnog šprica i igle, i nakon omekšavanja pažljivoje uklonjen detalnim alatkama. Ostaci gipsa starerestauracije na fragmentima originalne keramike uklonjenisu detalnim alatkama i destilovanom vodom. Poslemehaničkog čišćenja fragmenti su isprani u destilovanojvodi i ostavljeni da se suše na sobnoj temperaturi.c) Konsolidacija struktureKonsolidacija je izvršena u 5% rastvoru Paraloida B72 u ksilolu. Fragmenti su nakon toga ostavljeni da sesuđe na staklenoj podlozi 24 časa.d) Lepljenje fregmenataLepljenje je izvršeno OHO lepkom (proizvodi ga Grmeč).Proces lepljenja je bio otežan jer su ivice fragmenatabile blago de<strong>for</strong>misane. Zbog toga je sa unutrašnjestrane dna posude postavljena glina, koja je poslužilakao oslonac za fragmente. Za pridržavanje slepljenihfragmenata korišćena je skoč traka. Nakon završenogprocesa spajanja fragmenata videlo se da nedostaje skoropolovina recipijenta i jedan deo dna.e) Restauracija delova koji nedostajuDelovi koji nedostaju restaurisani su alabaster gipsomi glinom, kao pomoćnim sredstvom. Alabaster gipsje mešan sa rastvorom Silakrila od 1,5 % u destilovanojvodi. Glina je služila kao podloga na koju je nanošenalabaster gips. Prostori između spojenih fragmenata keparts:base, walls and two handles, one of them fragmented.The base is round consisting of three concentricrings more or less damaged. The recipient’s surface ischanelled with irregular semi-circular facets stretchingfrom the lower edge to the rim of the recipient. On theouter surfaces there are cracks of smaller dimensions.Object has one vertical strap handle with plaque-likeplastic ornament in the upper part. There are two fragmentsof the second handle: the upper part with plaqueand ending part. The inner surfaces of walls and baseare dirty and dark brown in color.The responsible conservator concluded that the restorationtreatment previously done on object was notdone by the National Museum conservators but by Dunjichimself, doctor and collector who donated his collectionto the National Museum in 1972. Also, it wasnot possible to define which parts were original andwhich ones restored, because the original ceramic wascompletely imitated by the treatment.There was no <strong>conservation</strong>documentation which hampered the understandingof <strong>conservation</strong> treatments and materials used.Conservation treatment at DIANA Centre consistedof:- Mechanical cleaning- Removing of old restoration parts- Consolidation- Bonding of fragments- Restoration of missing parts- Restoration of handles- Retouching- Impregnationa) Mechanical cleaningObject was cleaned from dust with cotton-wool padsand distilled water. After that it was left to dry thoroughlyat room temperature <strong>for</strong> 30 minutes.b) Removing of old restoration partsSkyphos was put in 2 liters solution of distilled waterand half spoon of deionized detergent. After onehour parts partly separated and it was decided not tofree them mechanically as damages may occur. There<strong>for</strong>e,the object was returned <strong>for</strong> another hour to the samesolution. After the process, there were 10 fragments o<strong>for</strong>iginal ceramic and 5 fragments of the old restoration.The handle belonging to the object had four originalfragments. Also, two types of plaster used in the old restorationwere uncovered. One that was mixed with bluepigment and the second was pure plaster, white in colour.Also, edges of fragments were slightly de<strong>for</strong>med.On the edges there were strong, bedded deposits of glueused in the previous treatment. The glue was graduallysoaked with acetone in order to soften it and after thatdeposits were partly removed by dental tools. The remainingplaster on fragments was removed by dentaltools and distilled water. After mechanical cleaning allfragments were rinsed in distilled water and put to dryat room temperature.c) ConsolidationThe fragments were consolidated in five-percent solutionof Paraloid B 72 in Xylol. After that, the fragmentswere left to dry on a glass suppport <strong>for</strong> 24 hours.d) Bonding of fragmentsThe fragments were joined with OHO cellulose glue(made by Grmec). The process was difficult as the fragments’edges were de<strong>for</strong>med. That is why as support wecovered the inside of the base with clay. Scotch tape wasapplied to hold the fragments together until the gluedried. After the process it became obvious that almosthalf of the recipient and part of base of object were missing.139

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