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Maja Živković, conservator, DIJANA CentarKonzervacija i restauracijasrednjovekovne zdele iz crkveSvetog Petra kod Novog PazaraLOKALITET I ISKOPAVANJA. Crkva Sv. Petra kodNovog Pazara je najstarije episkopsko središte nateritoriji Srbije i jedan je od retkih crkvenih centarakoji je vekovima kontinuirano živeo. 1Sistematska iskopavanja na lokalitetu crkve Sv. Petravršena su u organizaciji Zavoda za zaštitu spomenikakulture u Kraljevu, u saradnji sa Narodnim muzejemu Beogradu, od 1960. do 1962.godine, od 1984. do 1988.godine i 2003. godine, kada su obavljena zaštitna iskopavnja.Lokalitet je izuzetno kompleksan i karakterišega čitav niz kulturnih slojeva. Crkva je podignuta iznadilirskog kneževskog tumula i nekropole iz bronzanog doba.U ovaj kulturni sloj su vekovima ukopavani temeljinovih građevina i grobovi. Crkva je u celini arheološkiispitana, dok je nekropola u porti delimično istražena.Na lokalitetu Petrove crkve pronađen je keramičkimaterijal koji pripada vremenskom periodu od IX doXV veka.Veći deo materijala čine posude za svakodnevnuupotrebu, ali značajan je i broj nalaza luksuzne, gleđosane,trpezne keramike, koja je korišćena u posebnimprilikama. Pronađeni su fragmenti tri zdele sa horizontalnopostavljenim drškama. Približno su istih dimenzija,kalotaste <strong>for</strong>me, a dekoracija im je izvedena na istinačin – kombinacijom slikanja i zgrafito tehnike. Keramičkazdela koja je tema ovog rada pronađena je u sondi1. za vreme iskopavanja 1986.godine, kojima je rukovodilaGordana Marjanović-Vujović. Međutim, nije bilomoguće doći do nekih dodatnih in<strong>for</strong>macija o ostalimnalazima u toj sondi, ni gde se ona nalazi na lokalitetu,jer dokumentacija i materijal sa ovih iskopavanja jos nisuobrađeni. 2JEDAN TIP SREDNJOVEKOVNE ZDELE. U centralnimoblastima Balkana zdele počinju da se proizvodeod IX ili ranog X veka, a sa ponovnim uspostavljanjemvizantijske vlasti na Balkanskom poluostravu, početkomXI veka, glazirana trpezna keramika počinje dase uvozi. 3 Potražnja za trpeznim posudama dekorativnogizgleda posebno je porasla tokom XIV i XV veka, uperioda uspona i razvoja srpskih gradova, kada su ojačalei trgovačke veze sa susednim zemljama. Uvoz luksuznihpredmeta je značajno uticao na rad domaćihmajstora.Tako se, uporedo sa pojavom vrednih predmetaod stakla i metala, javljaju i nove tendencije u proizvodnjitrpezne keramike, koje se velikim delom oslanjajuna starije vizantijske uzore. 4 Dekoracija najstarijihimportovanih zdela izvedena je u tehnici zgrafita i slikanja.One su bile uzor domaćim grnčarima za sva kasnijaostvarenja. Osnovni dekorativni motivi srpske srednjovekovnekeramike su bili spirala, lozica i krug, dok1 U VI veku na tom mestu je podignut ranohrišćanski baptisterijum,rotonda, koja je u IX veku rekonstruisana i proširena. Dograđivanjai prepravke crkve nastavili su se sve do XIX veka. U crkvi injenim paraklisima uglavnom je bilo sahranjivano sveštenstvo Raškeepiskopije i članovi bratstva manastira Sv. Petra. Još od srednjegveka, uz posebno odobrenje arhiepiskopa, u porti crkve sahranjivanisu i pojedini laici, da bi od XVIII do početka XX veka nekropolapored Petrove crkve postala glavno groblje novopazarskih Srba.M.Ljubinković, Nekropola crkve Sv. Petra kod Novog Pazara, ZbornikNarodnog muzeja,VI, Beograd 1970., 87.2 Posuda se, zajedno sa ostalim keramičkim materijalom, sadanalazi u Zbirci poznog srednjeg veka u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu,čiji je kustos Emina Zečević. Iz pomenutih razloga posuda nijeinventarisana, već ima terenske podatke: A-2, tip I/1b, 1/86, kese 1, 2.3 V. Bikić, Glazed Pottery in the Central Balkans (11th-13th c.),Starinar, XLIX/1998, Beograd 1999., 145.4 M. Bajalović-Hadži-Pešić, Keramika u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji,Beograd 1981., 109.132Maja Živković, conservator, DIANA CentreConservation and restoration ofa medieval bowl from St. Peterschurch near Novi PazarSITE AND EXCAVATION. St. Peter’s church nearNovi Pazar is the oldest Episcopal centre in the territoryof Serbia and also it is one of the rare church centresthat continually lived during the centuries. 1Systematic excavations at the site of St. Peter’schurch had been organized by the Regional Institute <strong>for</strong>Protection of Cultural Monuments in Kraljevo in cooperationwith the National Museum in Belgrade, from1960 until 1962, from 1984 until 1988 and in 2003, when<strong>preventive</strong> excavation were undertaken. Site is an extraordinarycomplex one and it is characterized by seriesof cultural layers.The church is built over the tumulusof Illyrian prince and Bronze Age necropolis. Intothis cultural layer <strong>for</strong> centuries were embedded foundationsof new structures and graves. The church is archaeologicallycompletely examined, whilst the necropolisin the churchyard is only partially examined.On the site of St. Peter’s church ceramic materialwas found that belonged to period from the 9 th until 15 thcenturies. Most of items belong to utilitarian ware, butthere is also significant number of luxurious, glazed tablewarethat was used on special occasions. Fragmentsof three vessels with lugs are found. They are of aboutsame dimensions, segmented in <strong>for</strong>m, and they were similarlydecorated - combination of painting and sgraffitotechnique.Ceramic dish that is subject of this work was foundin trench 1 during excavations in 1986, led by GordanaMarjanović-Vujović. However, it was neither possible tofind additional in<strong>for</strong>mation about the rest of finds inthe same trench, nor about its precise position on the site,because the documentation and material from thisexcavation have not yet been processed. 2ONE TYPE OF MEDIEVAL DISH. In central areasof the Balkans manufacture of vessels began in the 9 thor early 10 th centuries, and with reestablished Byzantiumauthority in the Balkan peninsula, at the beginningof 11 th century, importing of glazed tableware started. 3Demand <strong>for</strong> decorative tableware especially increasedduring 14 th and 15 th centuries. This was the period of riseand development of Serbian towns, when trading relationshipswith the neighbouring countries werestrengthened. Import of luxuries influenced the work ofdomestic craftsmen. Thus parallel to appearance of valuableglass and metal objects new tendencies in themanufacturing of tableware emerged, greatly influencedby the Byzantian models. 4 Decoration on the oldestimported vessels was done by sgraffito and paintingtechniques. These vessels served as models <strong>for</strong> domestic1 In the 6th century an Early-Christian baptistery, rotunda, wasbuilt in the place which was reconstructed and extended in the 9thC. Outhouse and remakes of the church continued until the 19thcentury. In the church and its paraklision the Clergy of the Patriarchateof Raska and members of brotherhood of St. Peter’s Monasterywere buried. Since the Middle Ages, individual laymen were buriedin the churchyard with special approval from archbishop, andsince the 18th C until the beginning of the 20th century the necropolisnext to St. Peter’s church served as the main cemetery of theSerbs from Novi Pazar. M. Ljubinković, Nekropola crkve Sv. Petrakod Novog Pazara, Zbornik Narodnog muzeja,VI, Beograd 1970., 87.2 The vessel together with other ceramic material, is at the momentin Late Middle Ages Collection in the National Museum inBelgrade, whose curator is Emina Zecevic. For the mentioned reasonsthe vessel is not filed in inventory, yet has site references: A-2,tip I/1b, 1/86, kese 1, 2.3 V. Bikić, Glazed Pottery in the Central Balkans (11th-13th C),Starinar, XLIX/1998, Beograd 1999., 1454 M. Bajalović-Hadži-Pešić, Keramika u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji,Beograd 1981., 109.

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