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Preporučuje se uspostavljanje edukativnih centaraza kulturno nasleđe, kako bi se ljudi lakše upoznali sanematerijalnim kulturnim dobrima. Posebnu pomoćodraslima, u upoznavanju tradicionalne kulture,predstavljaju turističke ture, koje organizuju lokalneuprave. Pri tome određenu korisnu ulogu imaju suveniri,ali i lokalni folk festivali. Ovi festivali mogu da sekoriste i za kulturni turizam, čime se maksimalizujemogućnost uživanja u lokalnim kulturnim dobrima.Brze promene u načinu življenja, kao i tendencijeglobalizacije postepeno narušavaju, uništavaju kulturnadobra. Muzika i igra, koji su nekada bili javni simbolirafiniranosti, sada su predstave koje se izvode nascenama, zanati koji su bili bitni za život, sada su postalinekorisni, a veštine i folklorne igre, koje su stvaraleatmosfere svečanosti i slavlja zajednice, nestaju jedniza drugima. Danas razne organizacije, škole, društvoi cela nacija, moraju sistematski da sarađuju i na efikasannačin da štite i staraju se o nematerijalnim i materijalnimdobrima, koja sadrže nacionalni duh.Potrebno je usmerenim naporima stvarati usloveda svako može da uživa u tradicionalnoj kulturi.U svakom slučaju, procedura koja obavezuje muzejei odgovorne institucije vlasti, kada je reč o nematerijalnomnasleđu, podrazumeva:Identifikaciju nematerijalnog kulturnog dobraPredloge za označavanje nematerijalnog kulturnogdobraOdređivanje procedure procesa obeležavanja i proglašenjanematerijalnog kulturnog dobraOdređivanje procesa zaštite i konzervacije nematerijalnogkulturnog dobraOdređivanje načina finansiranja nematerijalnogkulturnog dobraNa Konferenciji u Seulu je prezentovan IHOT, novičasopis za nematerijalno nasleđe i usmenu tradiciju.IHOT izdaju Međunarodni institut za nematerijalnonasleđe i usmenu tradiciju i Muzej bajki/priča, u Poljskoj.Obe institucije su uključene u brojne studije u ovojoblasti, u kojoj je učinjen značajan napredak, naročitou korišćenju inovativnih primena novih tehnologijaza medije u sakupljanju, deponovanju, izlaganju i čuvanjumaterijala. IHOT je multidisciplinarna publikacija,<strong>national</strong> property which must be transmitted to the generationsto come.System of inheriting importantintangible heritageIt should be noted that UNESCO confirmed in 1996the South Korean system of definition and safeguardingintangible heritage as a reference system.Intangible heritage is taught about, practiced andinherited by authorised individuals – holders and relevantorganisations. They are encouraged and supportedin maintaining and safeguarding the traditional culture.In order to make activities related to system ofintangible heritage stable and systematic , the Koreansystem suggests it is necessary to maintain a consistenttransmission procedure of skills with participation ofholders, participants in courses and students as well asscholars. The basic task of holders is to disseminate cultureand enable its transmission to the next generations.It is recommended that cultural heritage educativecentres are established to help people learn about intangiblecultural heritage. A particular help <strong>for</strong> grown-upsin learning about traditional culture is provided byorganizing tourist tours by local authorities. Souvenirsand local folk festivals can also be of help. These festivalscan be included in cultural tourism programmesthus increasing opportunities to enjoy in local culturalebents and property.Fast changes of the way of living, as well as globalisationtrends gradually damage and destroy culturalproperty. Music and dance, once public symbols ofrefinement, now turned into shows, crafts once essential<strong>for</strong> living became useless and skills and folklore dancesonce part of festivities and festive events in a communitydisappear one after another. Today relevant organisations,schools, society and the entire nation have tosystematically cooperate and effectively safeguard andcare about both the intangible and tangible assetsexpressing the spirit of the nation.It is necessary to make targeted ef<strong>for</strong>ts to enable allto freely enjoy in the traditional culture.In any case, procedure binding museums andresponsible authorities when intangible heritage is concernedincludes:- identification of intangible cultural property,- proposals <strong>for</strong> designation of intangible culturalproperty,- establishing procedures <strong>for</strong> the process of safeguardingand <strong>conservation</strong> of intangible heritage,112

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