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ne zimske noći, kiša, vetar i sneg). U šutu sam pronašaostare knjige iz jedne monaške kelije.Zbog veoma velike toplote seko malter i bojeni sloj(slikano na suvom malteru), “okamenjen je”, trošan, ausled požara bojeni sloj je izgubio svoje orginalne kolorističkevrednosti, te je postao bezbojan, sa sivkasto-belimflekama (sl. 3). Mnoge freske su potpuno uništene,kao u kuli i crkvi Sv. Nikole itd. Pred slikarima konzervatorima-restauratorimaje spasavanje ulomaka fresakaiz šuta i njihovo vaspostavljanje na prvobitna mesta. Ostajejoš mnogo problema koji zavise od arhitektonskihkonzervatorskih radova, obnavljanja ovih požarom stradalihcrkava, kapela i konaka u kojima se nalaze. Ostajenam novo metodološko konzervatorsko-restauratorskopitanje: posle „povratka” fragmenata fresaka kojesu sasvim izbledele, da li je moguće restaurirati pigmentom,na osnovu fotografija u boji? Moj stav je da bi tobio veliki restauratorski greh!Zapaljeni spomenici PrizrenaGodine 2004. 17. i 18. marta, šiptarski teroristi su zapalilii teško oštetili spomenike kulture u drevnom graduu Prizrenu. Na Kosovu i u Metohiji u toku poslednjihšest godina (od 1989.), posle ratnih sukoba, uništeno jepreko 150 pravoslavnih crkava i manastira.U Prizrenu i okolini tzv. prizrenskoj oblasti, u srednjemveku su sagrađene mnogobrojne vlastelinske crkve;prema jednom predanju starih prizrenaca ni jednaepiskopija nije bila tako bogata crkvama kao prizrenska.Po ovom pripovedanju, smatra se da je “u Prizrenubilo onoliko crkava koliko dana u godini”. Grad Prizrenbio je poznato episkopsko sedište u vreme Vizantije iNemanjića. Iz tog vremena je i drevna katedrala BogorodicaLjeviška, sa poznatim živopisom iz vremena svetogSave, prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa (1219), od kada jePrizren postao značajno episkopsko mesto novoosnovanesrpske crkve. Pominje se ikona “čudotvorni obrazPrečiste”, najverovatnije je u pitanju fresko ikona sapredstavom Bogorodice sa malim Detetom KrmiteljemHraniteljem siromašnih, oko 1220. godine, iz BogorodiceLjeviške; freska je nasilo uništavana i zapaljena 17.marta 2004. godine. Katedralna crkva Bogorodice Ljeviškeje obnovljena u vreme srpskog kralja Milutina, uXIV veku.U namernom požaru, marta 2004.godine, crkva jegrađevinski veoma oštećena, kamena bifora sa kapitelomje od velike jare teško oštećena, svi drveni delovinosača na kuli zvonika su stradali, a sa njima i fresko živopis.Zbog velike vatre gotovo je sasvim uništen bojenisloj i fresko malter u crkvi, kao primer navodimo samonekoliko: ktitorska dinastička Nemanjićka kompozicija,mnogobrojne stojeće figure svetitelja i mučenika u prvojzoni, prikazi Bogorodice, svetih žena mučenica,“HristosPrizrenski”, “Povest o Varlamu i kraljeviću Josifu” (uticajiz budističke umetnosti na vizantijsku i katoličkusrednjovekovnu umetnost), Strašni sud, Loza Jesejeva,velike scene: „Sv. Dimitrije na konju”, „Sv. Đorđe na konju”,„Danilo među lavovima”, ktitorska kompozicijakralj Milutin i sv. Simeon Nemanja, sv. Sava prvi srpskiarhiepiskop, kralj Stefan Prvovenčani i kralj Stefan Dečanskiitd.Kao na freskama u Hilandaru, isto tako i u crkvamaprizrenskim, usled vandalskog martovskog namernogrušenja i paljenja i visoke temperature “jare”, pigmentisu promenili kolorit ili izgubili autentičnost kolorita, asamim time je nestao izvorni kolorit, tj. Pretvoren je usivobele fleke u Bogorodici Ljeviškoj (XIII-XIV), crkviSv. Nikole Tutićeva (XIV), Sv. Spasa (XIV), Sv. Nikole -Koraćeva (XIV), Sabornoj crkvi Sv. Đorđa (XIX), crkviSv. Đorđa braće Runovića (XV) (sl. 18), crkvi Sv. Nikole106properties, becomes colourless, with grayish-whitestains (Fig. 3). Many frescoes are completely ruined, as,for example, those in the Tower and the Church of St.Nicholas. Paintings conservators-restorers are to facesaving of fresco fragments from the ruins and their restorationon the original support. There are still manyproblems to solve, depending on architectural conservationwork, restoration of these churches, chapels anddormitories they are situated in. There is also a newmethodology question referring to conservation-restoration:Is it possible, after re-attaching frescoes that havecompletely lost their colouristic properties, to restorethem with pigments, based on accurate colour photographs?In my opinion, it would be unforgivable restorationsin.Burnt monuments of PrizrenOn 17 th and 18 th March 2004, Albanian terrorists seton fire and heavily damaged cultural monuments in ancienttown of Prizren. In last six years (since 1999), afterthe war, more than 150 orthodox churches and monasteriesin Kosovo and Metohija were destroyed. InPrizren and its surroundings, many churches were builtby rich donors and, according to a story told by old citizensof Prizren, none of the eparchies was so rich withchurches as the Prizren Eparchy. It is said that “Prizrenhad as many churches as there are days in a year”. Prizrenwas famous eparchy centre during the rule of Nemanjićfamily, in the Byzantine times. Ancient cathedral ofthe Virgin Ljeviška, with well-known fresco paintingsfrom St. Sava times, dates from this period. St. Sava wasthe first Serbian archbishop (1219) and Prizren was importanteparchial centre of newly found Serbian church.In recent events, a fresco painting called “miraculousImage of the Most Holy” was mentioned as being damaged.It is probably the fresco-icon presenting the Motherof God with the Child who is nourishing and protectingthe poor, dating from 1220. It was systematically destroyedand finally burnt on 17 th March 2002.The cathedral of the Virgin Ljeviška was restoredduring the rule of Serbian king Milutin, in 14 th century.In the recent arson, the construction of the church washeavily damaged, the stone bifore with capital was heavilydamaged by heat, all the wooden parts of supportingpillars in the bell-tower were also damaged, togetherwith fresco paintings in them. The paint layer andfresco mortar in the church are almost completely ruinedwith fire, and I will mention only some of the examples:the composition of the endowers from Nemanjićdynasty, numerous standing figures of saints and martyrsin the lower zone, presentations of the Virgin, hollywomen, the presentation of “The Christ of Prizren”,“TheStory of Barlaam and the prince Josaphat” showing influencesof Buddhist art in Byzantine and catholic mediaevalart, The Last Judgement, genealogy of Jesse, largecompositions – “St. Demetrius on horse”,“St. Georgeon a horse”, “St. Daniel in lion cave”, the presentationof the endowers, king Milutin and St. Simeon Nemanja,St. Sava the I Serbian archbishop, king StefanPrvovenčani (the First Crowned) and king Stefan Dečanski,etc.In the same way as on the frescoes of the monasteryHilandar, due to intentional deconstruction, burningand heat, pigments in the churches of Prizren also changedtheir properties and lost the authenticity of colours.The coloured areas turned into greyish-white stains inthe church of Virgin of Ljeviška (13th-14th centuries),St. Nicolas of Tutić family (14th C), Christ the Saviour(14th C), St. Nicolas of Korać family (14th C), cathedralof St. George (ž9yh C), church of St. George – church of

Manastir Hilandar stradao u požaruMonastary Hilandar devastated by fireFoto “Pravoslavlje”

ne zimske noći, kiša, vetar i sneg). U šutu sam pronašaostare knjige iz jedne monaške kelije.Zbog veoma velike toplote seko malter i bojeni sloj(slikano na suvom malteru), “okamenjen je”, trošan, ausled požara bojeni sloj je izgubio svoje orginalne kolorističkevrednosti, te je postao bezbojan, sa sivkasto-belimflekama (sl. 3). Mnoge freske su potpuno uništene,kao u kuli i crkvi Sv. Nikole itd. Pred slikarima konzervatorima-restauratorimaje spasavanje ulomaka fresakaiz šuta i njihovo vaspostavljanje na prvobitna mesta. Ostajejoš mnogo problema koji zavise od arhitektonskihkonzervatorskih radova, obnavljanja ovih požarom stradalihcrkava, kapela i konaka u kojima se nalaze. Ostajenam novo metodološko konzervatorsko-restauratorskopitanje: posle „povratka” fragmenata fresaka kojesu sasvim izbledele, da li je moguće restaurirati pigmentom,na osnovu fotografija u boji? Moj stav je da bi tobio veliki restauratorski greh!Zapaljeni spomenici PrizrenaGodine 2004. 17. i 18. marta, šiptarski teroristi su zapalilii teško oštetili spomenike kulture u drevnom graduu Prizrenu. Na Kosovu i u Metohiji u toku poslednjihšest godina (od 1989.), posle ratnih sukoba, uništeno jepreko 150 pravoslavnih crkava i manastira.U Prizrenu i okolini tzv. prizrenskoj oblasti, u srednjemveku su sagrađene mnogobrojne vlastelinske crkve;prema jednom predanju starih prizrenaca ni jednaepiskopija nije bila tako bogata crkvama kao prizrenska.Po ovom pripovedanju, smatra se da je “u Prizrenubilo onoliko crkava koliko dana u godini”. Grad Prizrenbio je poznato episkopsko sedište u vreme Vizantije iNemanjića. Iz tog vremena je i drevna katedrala BogorodicaLjeviška, sa poznatim živopisom iz vremena svetogSave, prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa (1219), od kada jePrizren postao značajno episkopsko mesto novoosnovanesrpske crkve. Pominje se ikona “čudotvorni obrazPrečiste”, najverovatnije je u pitanju fresko ikona sapredstavom Bogorodice sa malim Detetom KrmiteljemHraniteljem siromašnih, oko 1220. godine, iz BogorodiceLjeviške; freska je nasilo uništavana i zapaljena 17.marta 2004. godine. Katedralna crkva Bogorodice Ljeviškeje obnovljena u vreme srpskog kralja Milutina, uXIV veku.U namernom požaru, marta 2004.godine, crkva jegrađevinski veoma oštećena, kamena bi<strong>for</strong>a sa kapitelomje od velike jare teško oštećena, svi drveni delovinosača na kuli zvonika su stradali, a sa njima i fresko živopis.Zbog velike vatre gotovo je sasvim uništen bojenisloj i fresko malter u crkvi, kao primer navodimo samonekoliko: ktitorska dinastička Nemanjićka kompozicija,mnogobrojne stojeće figure svetitelja i mučenika u prvojzoni, prikazi Bogorodice, svetih žena mučenica,“HristosPrizrenski”, “Povest o Varlamu i kraljeviću Josifu” (uticajiz budističke umetnosti na vizantijsku i katoličkusrednjovekovnu umetnost), Strašni sud, Loza Jesejeva,velike scene: „Sv. Dimitrije na konju”, „Sv. Đorđe na konju”,„Danilo među lavovima”, ktitorska kompozicijakralj Milutin i sv. Simeon Nemanja, sv. Sava prvi srpskiarhiepiskop, kralj Stefan Prvovenčani i kralj Stefan Dečanskiitd.Kao na freskama u Hilandaru, isto tako i u crkvamaprizrenskim, usled vandalskog martovskog namernogrušenja i paljenja i visoke temperature “jare”, pigmentisu promenili kolorit ili izgubili autentičnost kolorita, asamim time je nestao izvorni kolorit, tj. Pretvoren je usivobele fleke u Bogorodici Ljeviškoj (XIII-XIV), crkviSv. Nikole Tutićeva (XIV), Sv. Spasa (XIV), Sv. Nikole -Koraćeva (XIV), Sabornoj crkvi Sv. Đorđa (XIX), crkviSv. Đorđa braće Runovića (XV) (sl. 18), crkvi Sv. Nikole106properties, becomes colourless, with grayish-whitestains (Fig. 3). Many frescoes are completely ruined, as,<strong>for</strong> example, those in the Tower and the Church of St.Nicholas. Paintings conservators-restorers are to facesaving of fresco fragments from the ruins and their restorationon the original support. There are still manyproblems to solve, depending on architectural <strong>conservation</strong>work, restoration of these churches, chapels anddormitories they are situated in. There is also a newmethodology question referring to <strong>conservation</strong>-restoration:Is it possible, after re-attaching frescoes that havecompletely lost their colouristic properties, to restorethem with pigments, based on accurate colour photographs?In my opinion, it would be un<strong>for</strong>givable restorationsin.Burnt monuments of PrizrenOn 17 th and 18 th March 2004, Albanian terrorists seton fire and heavily damaged cultural monuments in ancienttown of Prizren. In last six years (since 1999), afterthe war, more than 150 orthodox churches and monasteriesin Kosovo and Metohija were destroyed. InPrizren and its surroundings, many churches were builtby rich donors and, according to a story told by old citizensof Prizren, none of the eparchies was so rich withchurches as the Prizren Eparchy. It is said that “Prizrenhad as many churches as there are days in a year”. Prizrenwas famous eparchy centre during the rule of Nemanjićfamily, in the Byzantine times. Ancient cathedral ofthe Virgin Ljeviška, with well-known fresco paintingsfrom St. Sava times, dates from this period. St. Sava wasthe first Serbian archbishop (1219) and Prizren was importanteparchial centre of newly found Serbian church.In recent events, a fresco painting called “miraculousImage of the Most Holy” was mentioned as being damaged.It is probably the fresco-icon presenting the Motherof God with the Child who is nourishing and protectingthe poor, dating from 1220. It was systematically destroyedand finally burnt on 17 th March 2002.The cathedral of the Virgin Ljeviška was restoredduring the rule of Serbian king Milutin, in 14 th century.In the recent arson, the construction of the church washeavily damaged, the stone bi<strong>for</strong>e with capital was heavilydamaged by heat, all the wooden parts of supportingpillars in the bell-tower were also damaged, togetherwith fresco paintings in them. The paint layer andfresco mortar in the church are almost completely ruinedwith fire, and I will mention only some of the examples:the composition of the endowers from Nemanjićdynasty, numerous standing figures of saints and martyrsin the lower zone, presentations of the Virgin, hollywomen, the presentation of “The Christ of Prizren”,“TheStory of Barlaam and the prince Josaphat” showing influencesof Buddhist art in Byzantine and catholic mediaevalart, The Last Judgement, genealogy of Jesse, largecompositions – “St. Demetrius on horse”,“St. Georgeon a horse”, “St. Daniel in lion cave”, the presentationof the endowers, king Milutin and St. Simeon Nemanja,St. Sava the I Serbian archbishop, king StefanPrvovenčani (the First Crowned) and king Stefan Dečanski,etc.In the same way as on the frescoes of the monasteryHilandar, due to intentional deconstruction, burningand heat, pigments in the churches of Prizren also changedtheir properties and lost the authenticity of colours.The coloured areas turned into greyish-white stains inthe church of Virgin of Ljeviška (13th-14th centuries),St. Nicolas of Tutić family (14th C), Christ the Saviour(14th C), St. Nicolas of Korać family (14th C), cathedralof St. George (ž9yh C), church of St. George – church of

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