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Kalkiranje svih fragmenatafresaka u R. 1:1, rekonstrukcijacrtežima morfološkogoblika slova, izradazbučnika slova, kompozicijescene, glava HristaEmanuela sa oreolom, borduracrvena, svi su oni biliveoma važni kao odrednicabuduće još nepoznate celine?Zaključak:1. Fragmenti ulomakaimaju, nesumnjivo, velikoistorijsko umetničko značenje,naročito sklopljenideo i to:a) kompozicija HristosMladenac sa oreolom, dopojasnafigura, blagosiljaobema rukama;b) otkriven je molitvenitekst kraljice i monahinjeJelene Anžujske, žene kraljaUroša Prvog, majke kraljevaDragutina i Milutina.Molitveni tekst počinje rečima:«Vladiko čovekoljubče..»(sl. 2). Tekst i kompozicijanastali su posle njenesmrti (+ 1314), MonahinjaJelena je, posle „javljanja usnu raškom episkopu”,postala svetiteljka, te jenjeno telo izađeno iz zemljei iz groba na južnom delunaosa prebačeno u drvenipozlaćeni sanduk i izloženopred ikonostas, kod slikanefigure Isusa Hrista;g) ceo posao oko iščitavanja zagonetnog i teško oštećenogteksta, može da se poveže sa ktitorstvom njenihsinova, kraljeva Dragutina i Milutina i kraljica (kraljiceJelene), i snaje Kateline (princeze Mađarice) i Simonide(princeze Grkinje, ćerke Andronika Drugog, vizantijskogcara). (2)(2)Aleksandra Jurišić: Običaj sahranjivanja fragmenata živopisai delovi arhitektonske plastike (Coutumes d’ enterremnet desfragments de peinturesmurale et des parties d’ornaments architecturaux),Saopštenja Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kultureSR. Srbije (Communications, Instutut pour la protection des monumentshistoriques da la republique de Serbie), knj. XIII, Beograd,1981, str. 169-176. A. Jurišić u njenom radu, navodi i druge primereotkrića ulomaka fresaka i to: Crkva sv. Petra i Pavla u Žiči (169-170); Severna kapela starije jednobrodne bazilike u Gracu (170-172); Crkva u Paniku (172-173); Porta manastira Studenice (173);Studenički konak iz 1927. godine (173-175); Radomir Petrović: Konzervacijai prezentacija fragmenata fresaka manastira Gradca iz XI-II veka, Glasnik društva konzervatora Srbije, knj. 7, Beograd, 1983,str. 7-82. Up.: Kulturno nasleđe Srbije 1947-1982. Trideset i pet godinarada i razvoja Republičkog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kultureu Beogradu, Galerija SANU, Beograd, 1982, str. 50; R. Petrović,Neka iskustva u konzervaciji, restauraciji i prezentaciji zidnih slika,Savetovanje Metodologija rada na zaštiti zidnog slikarstva. Društvokonzervatora Srbije. Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture,Beograd. Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, Kraljevo. Sopoćanskaviđenja, Novi Pazar, 26, 27 i 28. V 1982 (Zbornik nije objavljen).Rad je u rukopisu: 1. Konzervatorski-restauratorski rad u Crkolezu;2. Povodom restauracije priprate u manastiru Gračanici; 3.Konzervatorska otkrića u VelikojHoči; 4. Konzervatorska istraživanjau Šatornji; R. Petrović, Konzervacija i prezentacija fresaka manastiraGradac iz XI, XIII, X1V veka. Predavanje Galerija fresaka,Beograd (03.12.2003.). Ovom prilikom izneo sam i novija metodološkaistraživanja i konzervaciju: Konzervacija i prezentacija fresaka izcrkve Sv. Nikole iz XIV-XVIII veka. Autor ovog rada, priprema radza publikovanje: Ulomci fresaka molitvenog teksta za grob kraljicei monahinje Jelene Anžujske iz XIV veka iz manastira Gradac.1042. Hristos Mladenac u medaljonu i molitveni tekst kraljice JeleneAnžujske, XIV vek. Manastir Gradac. Ulomci fresaka koji su pronađeniu zemlji prilikom arheoloških radova. Rekonstrukcija ikonzervacija ulomaka fresaka R. Petrović, 1987. god.The Child Christ in medallion and the prayer of the queenHelen of Anjou, 14th century, the monastery Gradac. The frescofragments found in the ground during archaeological excavations.Reconstruction and conservation of the fragments byR. Petrović in the southern part of thenaos and transferred to aguilded wooden coffin andplaced in front of the iconostasis,close to the paintedfigure of Christ;The analysis of the mysteriousand heavily damagedtext was carried outhaving in mind that hersons, kings Dragutin andMilutin, as well as their wives,the queens Katelina(Hungarian princess) andSimonida (Greek princess,daughter of Andronicus II,Byzantine emperor) wereco-founders of the monastery3 .Burnt frescoes of theHilandar monasteryThe ancient monasteryof Hilandar “The home ofthe Most Holy”, founded atthe end of 12 th century, issituated in the territory ofGreece, on the Atos peninsula.The endowers of theHilandar monastery, around1198, were the SerbianGrand Iupannus StefanNemanja, Simeon as monk,and his son, young princeRastko, who became amonk after “leaving thisworldly realm”and was namedSava. After they died,the main monastic churchin Hilandar was named “Home of venerable Simeon andSt. Sava”. Hilandar was the spiritual centre of Nemanjić3 Aleksandra Jurišić, Običaj sahranjivanja fragmenata živopisai delovi arhitektonske plastike (Coutumes d’enterrement des fragmentsde peinture murale et des parties d’ornaments architecturaux),Saopštenja, Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture RepublikeSrbije (Communications. Institut pour la protection des monumentshistoriques, Republique Serbie), part XIII, Belgrade, 1981,p. 169-176. In her work, A. Jurišić mentions several other examplesof fresco fragments discoveries, namely in following locations:Church of St. Peter and Paul in the Žiča monastery (p. 169-170); thenorthern chapel of the older single-nave basilica in the Gradac Monastery(170-172); Church in Panik (172-173); Gate of the Studenicamonastery (173); Studenica Dormitories from 1927 (173-175). RadomirPetrović, Konzervacija i prezentacija fragmenata fresaka manastiraGradca iz XIII veka, Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije,part 7, Belgrade, 1983, p. 7-82. Cf: Kulturno nasleđe Srbije 1947-1982. Trideset i pet godina rada i razvoja Republičkog zavoda zazaštitu spomenika kulture u Beogradu, Gallery of Serbian Accademyof Science and Arts, Belgrade, 1982, p. 50; Radomir Petrović, Nekaiskustva u konzervaciji, restauraciji, i prezentaciji zidnih slika,the lecture given during the seminar Fresco painting protection methodology,Serbian Association of Conservators, Institute for protectionof cultural monuments of Serbia, Belgrade, Institute for protectionof cultural monuments in Kraljevo; Sopoćanska Viđenja 26, 27and 28, 1982, following articles (not published): Konzervatorsko-restauratorskirad u Crkolezu, Povodom restauracije priprate u manastiruGračanici, Konzervatorska otkrića u Velikoj Hoči, Konzervatorskaistraživanja u Šatornji; R. Petrović, Konzervacija i prezentacijafresaka manastira Gradac iz XI, XIII, XIV veka, lecture given in theGallery of Frescoes, Belgrade (3 rd December 2003). On this occasion,the author talked about some new methodological researchand conservation: Conservation and presentation of frescoes fromthe church of St. Nicolas, from 14th-18th century.The author alsoprepared several other articles for publication: The fresco fragmentswith the prayer for the grave of queen and nun Helen of Anjou, from14th century, in the Gradac monastery.

Zapaljene freske manastira HilandaraNa teritoriji Grčke, u Svetoj Gori Atoskoj, nalazi sedrevni manastir Hilandar, Dom Presvete Bogorodice”,iz kraja XII veka. Ktitori manastira Hilandar, oko 1198.godine, bili srpski veliki župan Stefan Nemanja, koji sezamonašio dobivši ime Simeon, i njegov sin, mladi princRastko, koji se, „ostavivši carstvo ovog sveta”, zamonašiopod imenom Sava; posle njihove smrti crkva manastiraHilandara naziva se”Dom prepodobnog Simeona isvetitelja Save”. Hilandar je duhovni centar Nemanjićai srpskog naroda.U XIV veku, manastir svete Bogorodice, obnovio iproširio srpski kralj Milutin. Potom su i ostali vladariNemanjići, bili darežljivi ktitori kao: srpski kralj StefanDečanski i njegov sin kralj i car Stefan Dušan-Silni,srpski knez Lazar i njegov sin despot Stefan Lazarević,despot Đurađ Branković i mnogobrojna srpska vlastelai obični priložnici.U noći oko jedan sat, između 3. i 4. marta, 2004. godine,požar je zahvatio je deo konaka i crkava i kapelamanastira Hilandara. Vatrena stihija zahvatila je severozapadnideo konaka (1821), igumenariju, dohiju, gostoprimnicuka glavnoj ulaznoj kapiji manastira. Potomse raširio na „Beli konak” (1598) i uništio sve dovelikog pirga svetog Save (sl. 2, pre požara). Navodimsamo nekoliko primera fresaka stradalih od požara irušenja nastalog zbog izgorelih drevnih drvenih greda ito:1. Crkva Svetog Save Srpskog i Svetog DimitrijaCrkva je sagrađena zajedno sa stambenim monaškimkelijama posle požara 1778.-1779. godine, u kome jebio izgoreo stariji konak iz 1639.-1640. godine. Nalazi sena zapadnoj strani manastirske porte. U okviru zidanogkonaka postoje dve crkve i to: svetog Save Srpskog, kojaima kupolu i nalazi se iznad crkve svetog Dimitrija,sa kojim je podignuta istovremeno. Postojalo jenekoliko dragocenih ciklusa iz “Života svetog Save Srpskog”i ciklus iz “Života svetog Dimitrija Solunskog”,patrona hramova. Pored izgorelih fresaka, mnoge freskesu propale od rušenja, zatrpane u šutu. Neke freske visepotklobučene u vidu „čaršava”, obrušavaju se i izloženesu atmosferalijama (velike dnevne temperature ili hladroyalfamily lands and Serbian people.The Hilandar monastery of Virgin Mary was reconstructedand enlarged in the 14 th century by the Serbianking Milutin. Serbian kings coming to the throne afterMilutin were also generous, among them king StefanDečanski and his son, king and emperor Stefan Dušanthe Great, duke Lazar and his son despot Stefan Lazarević,despot Đurađ Branković, many Serbian aristocratsand other donors.In the night between 3 rd and 4 th March 2004, around1 a.m. a part of the dormitories, churches and chapels ofthe Hilandar monastery was set on fire 4 . Fire attackednorthwestern part of the dormitories (built in 1821), thehome of the prior, cookhouse, the guesthouse close to themonastery gate. It further attacked the “White Dormitory”(built in 1598) and destroyed everything all theway to the Tower of St. Sava (Fig 2, before fire). I willmention only several examples of the frescoes destroyedin the fire and deconstruction caused by the fire. Theseare:1. The Church of St. Sava and St. DemetriosThe church was built together with monastic cellsafter the fire of 1778/79, when the older dormitory, builtin 1639/40, was destroyed. The church is situated onthe west side of the monastery. Within the hard-builtdormitorythere are two churches: the Church of St. Sava, witha dome, situated above the church of St. Demetrius, builtat the same time. There were several valuable frescocycles presenting “The life of St. Sava” and the cycle of“The life of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica”, the patronsof these churches. Beside of the burnt frescoes, there weremany frescoes destroyed in deconstruction, coveredwith mortar. Some of the frescoes just hang there halfdetachedfrom the wall, falling down, exposed to weatherconditions and climatic changes (high daily temperatures,cold winter nights, rain, wind, snow). I evenfound some old books covered with mortar, once belongingto a monastic cell.At high temperatures, secco-mortar and the paintlayer (painted on dry mortar) resemble stone, becomefragile and, due to fire, paint looses its original colour3. Ulomak freske izgorele u crkvi u zapadnom delu konaka manastira Hilandara.Burnt fresco fragment from the church in the western part of the dormitories of the Hilandar monastery.105

Zapaljene freske manastira HilandaraNa teritoriji Grčke, u Svetoj Gori Atoskoj, nalazi sedrevni manastir Hilandar, Dom Presvete Bogorodice”,iz kraja XII veka. Ktitori manastira Hilandar, oko 1198.godine, bili srpski veliki župan Stefan Nemanja, koji sezamonašio dobivši ime Simeon, i njegov sin, mladi princRastko, koji se, „ostavivši carstvo ovog sveta”, zamonašiopod imenom Sava; posle njihove smrti crkva manastiraHilandara naziva se”Dom prepodobnog Simeona isvetitelja Save”. Hilandar je duhovni centar Nemanjićai srpskog naroda.U XIV veku, manastir svete Bogorodice, obnovio iproširio srpski kralj Milutin. Potom su i ostali vladariNemanjići, bili darežljivi ktitori kao: srpski kralj StefanDečanski i njegov sin kralj i car Stefan Dušan-Silni,srpski knez Lazar i njegov sin despot Stefan Lazarević,despot Đurađ Branković i mnogobrojna srpska vlastelai obični priložnici.U noći oko jedan sat, između 3. i 4. marta, 2004. godine,požar je zahvatio je deo konaka i crkava i kapelamanastira Hilandara. Vatrena stihija zahvatila je severozapadnideo konaka (1821), igumenariju, dohiju, gostoprimnicuka glavnoj ulaznoj kapiji manastira. Potomse raširio na „Beli konak” (1598) i uništio sve dovelikog pirga svetog Save (sl. 2, pre požara). Navodimsamo nekoliko primera fresaka stradalih od požara irušenja nastalog zbog izgorelih drevnih drvenih greda ito:1. Crkva Svetog Save Srpskog i Svetog DimitrijaCrkva je sagrađena zajedno sa stambenim monaškimkelijama posle požara 1778.-1779. godine, u kome jebio izgoreo stariji konak iz 1639.-1640. godine. Nalazi sena zapadnoj strani manastirske porte. U okviru zidanogkonaka postoje dve crkve i to: svetog Save Srpskog, kojaima kupolu i nalazi se iznad crkve svetog Dimitrija,sa kojim je podignuta istovremeno. Postojalo jenekoliko dragocenih ciklusa iz “Života svetog Save Srpskog”i ciklus iz “Života svetog Dimitrija Solunskog”,patrona hramova. Pored izgorelih fresaka, mnoge freskesu propale od rušenja, zatrpane u šutu. Neke freske visepotklobučene u vidu „čaršava”, obrušavaju se i izloženesu atmosferalijama (velike dnevne temperature ili hladroyalfamily lands and Serbian people.The Hilandar monastery of Virgin Mary was reconstructedand enlarged in the 14 th century by the Serbianking Milutin. Serbian kings coming to the throne afterMilutin were also generous, among them king StefanDečanski and his son, king and emperor Stefan Dušanthe Great, duke Lazar and his son despot Stefan Lazarević,despot Đurađ Branković, many Serbian aristocratsand other donors.In the night between 3 rd and 4 th March 2004, around1 a.m. a part of the dormitories, churches and chapels ofthe Hilandar monastery was set on fire 4 . Fire attackednorthwestern part of the dormitories (built in 1821), thehome of the prior, cookhouse, the guesthouse close to themonastery gate. It further attacked the “White Dormitory”(built in 1598) and destroyed everything all theway to the Tower of St. Sava (Fig 2, be<strong>for</strong>e fire). I willmention only several examples of the frescoes destroyedin the fire and deconstruction caused by the fire. Theseare:1. The Church of St. Sava and St. DemetriosThe church was built together with monastic cellsafter the fire of 1778/79, when the older dormitory, builtin 1639/40, was destroyed. The church is situated onthe west side of the monastery. Within the hard-builtdormitorythere are two churches: the Church of St. Sava, witha dome, situated above the church of St. Demetrius, builtat the same time. There were several valuable frescocycles presenting “The life of St. Sava” and the cycle of“The life of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica”, the patronsof these churches. Beside of the burnt frescoes, there weremany frescoes destroyed in deconstruction, coveredwith mortar. Some of the frescoes just hang there halfdetachedfrom the wall, falling down, exposed to weatherconditions and climatic changes (high daily temperatures,cold winter nights, rain, wind, snow). I evenfound some old books covered with mortar, once belongingto a monastic cell.At high temperatures, secco-mortar and the paintlayer (painted on dry mortar) resemble stone, becomefragile and, due to fire, paint looses its original colour3. Ulomak freske izgorele u crkvi u zapadnom delu konaka manastira Hilandara.Burnt fresco fragment from the church in the western part of the dormitories of the Hilandar monastery.105

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