Sikaflex Marine Handbook

Sikaflex® Marine Handbook - BlueMoment Sikaflex® Marine Handbook - BlueMoment


Instructions ForBonding of Decorative Panels and Work SurfacesDescription of ApplicationThe interiors of many boats areoften based on a variety oftraditional and modern materialsincluding mirrored glass, Avonite ® ,Corian ® , etc. These panels may beused purely for cosmetic reasons orfunction as working surfaces(galley worktops, etc); either way,elastic bonding provides an easy,durable method of fixing withoutvisible and unsightly mechanicalfixing.As the variety of materials used forpanels, surfaces and supportingsubstrates is so vast, for surfacepreparation please consult theSika ® Primer Chart.11 Support2 Decorative panel3 Sikaflex ® -2984 Sikaflex ® -291/ Sika SanisilApplication of Sikaflex ® AdhesivesVertical Panels4321 Support2 Spacer3 Sikaflex ® -2924 Decorative panelPlace spacers in position (thickness typically 3 mm,: approximately 50 Shore A hardness).Apply parallel beads of Sikaflex ® -292 at 600 mm centres in an 8 mm x 10 mm triangularbead.1234Assemble components within 20 minutes of applying adhesive.Panels, if required, may be held in place during cure by clamps, support brackets, or bythe use of SikaTack ® -Panel Tape.Clamps and other fastening aids can be removed after 24 hours.Full service strength is attained after approximately 7 days.208Traces of uncured Sika adhesives or sealants may be removed with Sika ® Remover-208.On no account should other cleaning agents or Sika ® Cleaner-205 be used for thispurpose.Horizontal PanelsFlat surfaces: Sikaflex ® -298. Inclined surfaces: Sikaflex ® -291Apply adhesive to previously prepared surface and spread over area to be covered, usinga spreader with 4 mm triangular notches. The bed thickness may vary depending on thethickness of any gap that needs to be filled (normally 1–2 mm)The panel must be positioned accurately within the tack free time of the adhesive andpressed firmly into place to avoid air-entrapment.Clamps, weights or screws (removable once the adhesive has set) can be used to securethe panel while the adhesive sets. Alternatively, the vacuum press method may be used.After approx. 24 hours the panels can carry their full service load and the temporaryfastenings can be removed. In case vapour-tight substrates are employed, spray a finemist (ca. 10 g/m 2 ) onto the Sikaflex ® -298 surface to ensure fast curing.Important: Please refer to the current Sika Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets obtainable throughSika or their local distributor.Note: Exposed seals in wet work areas may require a mildew resistant sealant such as Sika Sanisil.Contact Sika for further information.20

Notes on SubstratesGeneralSubstrates should be free fromdust, dirt, oil, grease and anycontaminants. Any dirty, corrodedor degraded areas of the joint mustbe cleaned.PaintabilityMost of the common paints(except alkyd-based paints) can beused on top of Sikaflex ® products.The best results are obtained whenthe adhesive/sealant is fully cured.It is, however, recommended thatthe compatibility is checked bypretesting if early painting isrequired or in critical applications.Please note that rigid paint systemsprevent joint movement, whichmay lead to cracking of the paintand defects in the seal.oxidation are less suitable.Polyvinylbutyral, epoxy resin estersystems and other non-reactiveair-drying one-component paintsare lower in final strength and aregenerally compatible, physically,with our sealants; however,depending on stresses, may or maynot be strong enough for use withour adhesives. Please note thatpaint additives which act on thesurface of the paint or varnish,such as coalescing agents, silicones,anti-foams, etc. can effect theadhesion of the adhesive/sealant tothe paint and should be removedfrom the surface.■ a black or white coloured filmsuch as Sika ® UV ShieldingTape.Under all circumstances the overlapof any of the aforementionedvariants should be taken intoconsideration because of refractionaleffects.If in doubt it is recommended toconsult with Sika.Coated Surfaces,Paints and VarnishesPretesting of adhesion is aprerequisite on coated surfaces. Asa guide, reactive systems which arecross-linked thermally (powdercoatings) or by polyadditionreaction (epoxy or PUR coatings)can be bonded with Sikaflex ®products. Alkyd resin-basedpaints/varnishes which dry byGlass and OtherTransparent SubstratesIf a transparent substrate is usedwhere the bond is exposed todirect sunlight through thetransparent layer, additionalprotection against UV radiation isrequired.This could be:■ a mechanical protection like atrim or metallic profile,■ a ceramic screen-printedperipheric edge (onto mineralglass) providing a sufficientbarrier against UV radiation, orGlassfibre ReinforcedPlastic (GRP)Generally, GRP’s represent athermosetting plastic of unsaturatedpolyester resin (UP), an epoxyresin (EP) or a polyurethane resin(PUR). Sometimes freshlyproduced UP-GRP parts may stillcontain residual styrene monomer,and, since the chemical reaction isnot completed, subsequently showpost-shrinkage. Only postcured oraged GRP parts should be bonded.The smooth side (gel-coated side)of the GRP part may containmould release agents. These impairthe subsequent bondingcapabilities to the surface andshould be removed. The rough sideof the GRP panels generally21

Notes on SubstratesGeneralSubstrates should be free fromdust, dirt, oil, grease and anycontaminants. Any dirty, corrodedor degraded areas of the joint mustbe cleaned.PaintabilityMost of the common paints(except alkyd-based paints) can beused on top of <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® products.The best results are obtained whenthe adhesive/sealant is fully cured.It is, however, recommended thatthe compatibility is checked bypretesting if early painting isrequired or in critical applications.Please note that rigid paint systemsprevent joint movement, whichmay lead to cracking of the paintand defects in the seal.oxidation are less suitable.Polyvinylbutyral, epoxy resin estersystems and other non-reactiveair-drying one-component paintsare lower in final strength and aregenerally compatible, physically,with our sealants; however,depending on stresses, may or maynot be strong enough for use withour adhesives. Please note thatpaint additives which act on thesurface of the paint or varnish,such as coalescing agents, silicones,anti-foams, etc. can effect theadhesion of the adhesive/sealant tothe paint and should be removedfrom the surface.■ a black or white coloured filmsuch as Sika ® UV ShieldingTape.Under all circumstances the overlapof any of the aforementionedvariants should be taken intoconsideration because of refractionaleffects.If in doubt it is recommended toconsult with Sika.Coated Surfaces,Paints and VarnishesPretesting of adhesion is aprerequisite on coated surfaces. Asa guide, reactive systems which arecross-linked thermally (powdercoatings) or by polyadditionreaction (epoxy or PUR coatings)can be bonded with <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ®products. Alkyd resin-basedpaints/varnishes which dry byGlass and OtherTransparent SubstratesIf a transparent substrate is usedwhere the bond is exposed todirect sunlight through thetransparent layer, additionalprotection against UV radiation isrequired.This could be:■ a mechanical protection like atrim or metallic profile,■ a ceramic screen-printedperipheric edge (onto mineralglass) providing a sufficientbarrier against UV radiation, orGlassfibre ReinforcedPlastic (GRP)Generally, GRP’s represent athermosetting plastic of unsaturatedpolyester resin (UP), an epoxyresin (EP) or a polyurethane resin(PUR). Sometimes freshlyproduced UP-GRP parts may stillcontain residual styrene monomer,and, since the chemical reaction isnot completed, subsequently showpost-shrinkage. Only postcured oraged GRP parts should be bonded.The smooth side (gel-coated side)of the GRP part may containmould release agents. These impairthe subsequent bondingcapabilities to the surface andshould be removed. The rough sideof the GRP panels generally21

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