Sikaflex Marine Handbook

Sikaflex® Marine Handbook - BlueMoment Sikaflex® Marine Handbook - BlueMoment


Instructions forBonding of Deck Panels and Feature DecksDescription of ApplicationIn modern boats, timber decking isfrequently constructed in the formof prefabricated panels laid overthe structural deck. This method isfavoured for reasons of cost.These panels generally consist of amarine grade, WBP-bondedplywood backing with strips ofteak or Oregon pine bonded orglued to the face. Alternatively,they may consist of teak plankingheld together by a few layers ofglass fibre sheet impregnated withepoxy resin. They are availableeither in standard board sizes or asmade-to-measure deck sections cutand machined to a template.Another type of prefabricatedpanel consists of teak plankingwith rubber jointing strips and noplywood backing.One-part elastic polyurethaneadhesives are ideal for bondingthese panels to the deck. One-partpolyurethanes are resistant to seawater, they possess excellent gapfilling properties, and noadditional mechanical fasteningsare needed. Once cured, theadhesive bond is extremely strong,permanently elastic and waterproof.Because it is waterproof andapplied to the whole surface of thedeck, the adhesive acts as anadditional skin to protect the deckfrom attack by the elements. As thedeck does not have to be drilled forscrews or bolts, there are no holesthrough which water couldpenetrate and cause damage.8Preparation of SubstrateGlass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Decks205206 G+P/215Timber Decks290 DCHeavily soiled surfaces should becleaned off first with a pure solvent(Sika ® Remover-208) to remove theworst of the soiling.Lightly abrade contact area with avery fine sanding pad. Remove dustwith a vacuum cleaner.Clean the substrate with Sika ® Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-free rag orpaper towel. Change frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursApply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-206 G+P or Sika ® Primer-215,using a clean brush or felt applicator.Drying time: minimum 30 minutes,maximum 24 hoursAbrade contact area on hull withsanding pad (80/100 grit) and removedust with a vacuum cleaner.Apply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-290 DC, using a clean brush orfelt applicatorDrying time: minimum 60 minutes,maximum 24 hoursApplication of Sikaflex ® -298 Adhesive2081 Sikaflex ® -290 DC2 Feature deck panel3 Sikaflex ® -2984 Deck3142Aluminium or Steel Decks, Coated withTwo-Part Lacquer205Clean the substrate with Sika ® Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint free rag orpaper towel. Change frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursEpoxy-Backed Deck Panels205215Heavily soiled surfaces should becleaned off first with a pure solvent(Sika ® Remover-208) to remove theworst of the soiling.Lightly abrade contact area with avery fine sanding pad. Remove dustwith a vacuum cleaner.Clean the substrate with Sika ®Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-freerag or paper towel. Changefrequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursApply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-215, using a clean brush or feltapplicator.Drying time: minimum 30 minutes,maximum 24 hoursFlat surfaces: Sikaflex ® -298. Inclined surfaces: Sikaflex ® -291Apply adhesive to previously prepared surface and spread over area to be covered, usinga spreader with 4 mm triangular notches. The bed thickness may vary depending on thethickness of any gap that needs to be filled (normally 1–2 mm corresponding to 1-2 litresof adhesive per m 2 )The deck panel must be positioned accurately within the tack free time of the adhesiveand pressed firmly into place.Clamps, weights or screws (removable once the adhesive has set) can be used to securethe panel while the adhesive sets. Alternatively, the vacuum press method may be used.After approx. 24 hours the panels can carry their full service load and the temporaryfastenings can be removed.Traces of uncured Sika adhesives or sealants may be removed with Sika ® Remover-208.On no account should other cleaning agents or Sika ® Cleaner-205 be used for this purpose.Important: Please refer to the current Sika Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets obtainable throughSika or their local distributor.

Instructions forBonding Anti-Slip Deck CoveringsDescription of ApplicationDeck coverings or mats ofsynthetic resin compositionprovide a safe, non-slip surface towalk on as well as protecting thedeck against damage and leaks.The use of a one-part polyurethaneadhesive maximises theeffectiveness of the coveringmaterial, facilitates installation andensures a professional finish.Proprietary deck coverings incommon use include:T B SAnti-slideTreadmaster Lay TechPolygripNautoflexNoramentMarine Deck 2000One-part polyurethane adhesivesgive excellent results with theseproducts. Installation is simple andstraightforward, while the longterm performance characteristics ofthe adhesive offer a number ofsignificant benefits.Timber DecksAbrade contact area on hull withsanding pad (80/100 grit) and removedust with a vacuum cleaner.290 DCApply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-290 DC, using a clean brush orfelt applicatorDrying time: minimum 60 minutes,maximum 24 hoursAluminium Decks,Coated with Two-Part LacquerClean the substrate with Sika ®Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-free205rag or paper towel. Changefrequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursFor the preparation of othersubstrates, please refer to thePrimer Chart.Deck CoveringsThe covering material must be freefrom release agents or other mediaused in the production process. UseMEK, Colma Cleaner, or otherappropriate solvents recommendedby the manufacturer. Perform a smalltest to verify if the substrate isaffected by the solvent.On non-porous coverings, the side205that is to be bonded should becleaned with Sika ® Cleaner-205, usinga clean, lint-free rag or paper towel.Change rag frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursIn the case of covering materials withan open-pore structure or texturedweave finish, the only preparationnecessary is to ensure that the side tobe adhered to is completely dust-free.Note: Due to the many variationsof deck coverings, a test to check foradhesion is always recommended.Preparation of Substrateand Deck CoveringsGRP DecksHeavily soiled surfaces should becleaned off first with a pure solvent(Sika ® Remover-208) to remove theworst of the soiling.Lightly abrade contact area with a veryfine sanding pad (Scotch Brite M 600).Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.Clean the substrate with Sika ®205 Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-freerag or paper towel. Change frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursApplication of Sikaflex®-291/-298 Adhesive208Flat surfaces: Sikaflex ® -298. Inclined surfaces: Sikaflex ® -291Apply adhesive to previously prepared surface and spread over area to be covered, usinga spreader with 2 mm triangular notches. The layer thickness should be 0.5–1 mm approx.The covering material must be placed in position within 30 minutes of applying theadhesive, so adhesive should be applied only to an area large enough to receive the nextsection of covering.When the covering has been placed in position it should be rolled down with a rubberroller, working from the centre outwards to expel any trapped air and push any excessadhesive out to the edges, where it can be removed. It is essential to ensure no trappedair remains.Note: If the covering material is laid under tension, the edges must be held or suitablyweighted.Traces of uncured Sika adhesives or sealants may be removed with Sika ® Remover-208.On no account should other cleaning agents or Sika ® Cleaner-205 be used for this purpose.Important: Please refer to the current Sika Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets obtainable throughSika or their local distributor.9

Instructions forBonding of Deck Panels and Feature DecksDescription of ApplicationIn modern boats, timber decking isfrequently constructed in the formof prefabricated panels laid overthe structural deck. This method isfavoured for reasons of cost.These panels generally consist of amarine grade, WBP-bondedplywood backing with strips ofteak or Oregon pine bonded orglued to the face. Alternatively,they may consist of teak plankingheld together by a few layers ofglass fibre sheet impregnated withepoxy resin. They are availableeither in standard board sizes or asmade-to-measure deck sections cutand machined to a template.Another type of prefabricatedpanel consists of teak plankingwith rubber jointing strips and noplywood backing.One-part elastic polyurethaneadhesives are ideal for bondingthese panels to the deck. One-partpolyurethanes are resistant to seawater, they possess excellent gapfilling properties, and noadditional mechanical fasteningsare needed. Once cured, theadhesive bond is extremely strong,permanently elastic and waterproof.Because it is waterproof andapplied to the whole surface of thedeck, the adhesive acts as anadditional skin to protect the deckfrom attack by the elements. As thedeck does not have to be drilled forscrews or bolts, there are no holesthrough which water couldpenetrate and cause damage.8Preparation of SubstrateGlass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Decks205206 G+P/215Timber Decks290 DCHeavily soiled surfaces should becleaned off first with a pure solvent(Sika ® Remover-208) to remove theworst of the soiling.Lightly abrade contact area with avery fine sanding pad. Remove dustwith a vacuum cleaner.Clean the substrate with Sika ® Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-free rag orpaper towel. Change frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursApply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-206 G+P or Sika ® Primer-215,using a clean brush or felt applicator.Drying time: minimum 30 minutes,maximum 24 hoursAbrade contact area on hull withsanding pad (80/100 grit) and removedust with a vacuum cleaner.Apply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-290 DC, using a clean brush orfelt applicatorDrying time: minimum 60 minutes,maximum 24 hoursApplication of <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® -298 Adhesive2081 <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® -290 DC2 Feature deck panel3 <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® -2984 Deck3142Aluminium or Steel Decks, Coated withTwo-Part Lacquer205Clean the substrate with Sika ® Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint free rag orpaper towel. Change frequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursEpoxy-Backed Deck Panels205215Heavily soiled surfaces should becleaned off first with a pure solvent(Sika ® Remover-208) to remove theworst of the soiling.Lightly abrade contact area with avery fine sanding pad. Remove dustwith a vacuum cleaner.Clean the substrate with Sika ®Cleaner-205, using a clean, lint-freerag or paper towel. Changefrequently!Drying time: minimum 10 minutes,maximum 2 hoursApply a thin, continuous coat of Sika ®Primer-215, using a clean brush or feltapplicator.Drying time: minimum 30 minutes,maximum 24 hoursFlat surfaces: <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® -298. Inclined surfaces: <strong>Sikaflex</strong> ® -291Apply adhesive to previously prepared surface and spread over area to be covered, usinga spreader with 4 mm triangular notches. The bed thickness may vary depending on thethickness of any gap that needs to be filled (normally 1–2 mm corresponding to 1-2 litresof adhesive per m 2 )The deck panel must be positioned accurately within the tack free time of the adhesiveand pressed firmly into place.Clamps, weights or screws (removable once the adhesive has set) can be used to securethe panel while the adhesive sets. Alternatively, the vacuum press method may be used.After approx. 24 hours the panels can carry their full service load and the temporaryfastenings can be removed.Traces of uncured Sika adhesives or sealants may be removed with Sika ® Remover-208.On no account should other cleaning agents or Sika ® Cleaner-205 be used for this purpose.Important: Please refer to the current Sika Technical Data Sheets and Safety Data Sheets obtainable throughSika or their local distributor.

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