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<strong>LAFARGE</strong> <strong>HAMILTON</strong><strong>SLAG</strong> <strong>PROCESSING</strong><strong>PLANT</strong>

<strong>HAMILTON</strong>, ONTARIODedicationand excellenceThe Hamilton Slag Processing Plant has beenproducing materials for the constructionindustry since 1953. The plant was the firstof its type in North America, setting thestandard for slag products. Today it remainsone of the largest suppliers of Vitrex TM pelletizedslag, True Lite Lightweight Aggregate TM ,Litex® brand lightweight aggregate and aircooled slag aggregates.The plant’s success is founded on theefforts of its dedicated employees and theirunwavering focus on excellence. The HamiltonPlant is committed to being a good neighbour,serving as an active, positive force in thecommunity, and working toward cleaner andgreener operations.

Deliveringquality andinnovationThe plant pelletizes and expands molton slaginto several high-quality, innovative products– Vitrex TM used in NewCem® brand slagcement; Litex® and True Lite LightweightAggregate TM for lightweight concrete andengineered fill projects; and air cooledaggregates for rockwool insulation and roadconstruction markets.With Lafarge’s leading edge research anddevelopment, NewCem® has become a keyingredient in high-performance concrete usedin such projects as Air Canada Centre (homeof the Toronto Maple Leafs and the TorontoRaptors), Toronto Rogers Centre (home of theToronto Blue Jays) and the whale habitatat Marineland in Niagara Falls. Litex® andTrue Lite Lightweight Aggregate TM have beenused for lightweight concrete applications insuch projects as Scotia Tower in Toronto andLawfield Elementary School in Hamilton, aswell as schools, hospitals and recreationcentres throughout Ontario. Air cooledproducts are used in local road constructionprojects and are a main ingredient in theproduction of Roxul brand insulationproducts that are available in local buildingsupply stores. The Hamilton Plant’s productsare a key ingredient in concrete and buildingprojects used in local industrial, commercial,institutional, public works and residentialapplications.

<strong>HAMILTON</strong>, ONTARIOProducts for the21st centuryLocated in Hamilton in the Golden Horseshoearea of Ontario at its source of slag from twolocal steel mills, the Hamilton Plant has beenproducing slag products for more than fiftyfiveyears. Originally formed by Buffalo Slag,Canada Crushed Stone and ConsolidatedSand & Gravel, the plant is today owned byLafarge, the largest diversified supplier ofconstruction materials in Canada and theUnited States.The products produced at the Hamilton Plantare a result of processing the molten slag thatis received from the steel mills’ blast furnaceoperations. When iron ore is heated in a blastfurnace, the impurities (slag) become moltenand are separated from the iron for furtherprocessing. When slag is separated fromiron and rapidly cooled with water and air(pelletized or expanded), several chemicaland physical changes occur. These differentprocesses provide the chemical and physicalchanges required to give the solidified slagthe required cementitious properties orlighter density required for its end use. Thedifferent products produced are Vitrex TM , Litex®and True Lite Lightweight Aggregate TM . Vitrex TMslag is transported to a grinding site to beground to a controlled fineness, greater thanthat of portland cement. The Hamilton Plantprovides over 400,000 metric tonnes ofslag to these grinding sites annually. Litex®and True Lite Lightweight Aggregate TM areprocessed further to a finished product andare then sold to concrete product manufacturersto produce semi-lightweight and lightweightmasonry concrete blocks, as wellas aggregate for lightweight concrete andengineered fill for unstable soil conditionprojects.

Lafarge’s environmentalcommitment: working towardcleaner and greenerThe driving force:Hamilton’semployeesPreserving and protecting the environmenthas always been a priority for Lafarge. Overthe years, thanks to its consistent commitmentto practicing environmental leadership,Lafarge has made steady advances in environmentalpreservation, and its operationshave become cleaner and greener.Lafarge’s environmental program relies onthe commitment of its employees, working inhundreds of locations across North America.Teams of regional and corporate professionalscoordinate these employees’ efforts.Together, Lafarge has developed andsuccessfully implemented strategies and programsdesigned to care for the environmentin the local communities in which thecompany operates.Hamilton’s Commitment to SustainableDevelopment. Protecting the environmentis the Hamilton Plant’s mandate. All of theraw materials used to produce NewCem®,lightweight and other construction aggregateare by-products from the steel industry. Ifthey were not recycled, these by-products traditionallywould be landfilled. The HamiltonPlant is able to recycle over 900,000 metrictonnes annually (more than 50,000,000metric tonnes since the plant’s inception),thereby reducing the need for the consumptionof non-renewable natural resources whileproviding value-added products for the constructionindustry. In addition, our ongoinginvestment in upgrading environmental controland processing technology, our focus onproviding our employees with environmentallyrelevant training and the implementationof an environmental managementsystem demonstrate the desire for Lafarge toremain a leader in environmental stewardshipand management.Throughout Lafarge, employees are regardedas the company’s most valued asset and this iscertainly the case at the Hamilton Plant. Withan experienced production staff, the plant isthe market leader in providing customers withquality cementitious and aggregate products.Our highly motivated workforce uses itsexpertise, shared knowledge, and innovationto continuously improve manufacturingprocesses that enhance our market-leadingcustomer service.The Hamilton Plant is an active participant innumerous community activities. The plantsponsors youth athletic teams and contributesfunds to local community events andorganizations. Each spring and summer, employeescompete in local fundraising eventswith the World Wildlife Fund and local environmentaland community organizations,as well as contribute to local school fundingfor environmental and outdoor educationoutreach programs.

Lafarge Slag (Chicago)3210 Watling StreetEast Chicago, IN 46312Phone: 219-378-1193Lafarge Slag (Hamilton)95 Hobson RoadHamilton, ON L8H 0A4Phone: 905-547-2131www.lafarge-na.com

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