Upper Key Stage 2 - One Education

Upper Key Stage 2 - One Education

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<strong>KEY</strong> <strong>STAGE</strong> 2

(Upper)Sharon! Human Experianca(•uggatled)COMMUNICATINGK 8 U of religionEvaluation, Reflection6 ResponseCOMMUNICATINGDifferent ways ofcommunicating.... radioTV papers fax.Ways in which we communicatewith our bodies: -- facial expressions- greetings- handshakes- slumped shoulders- folded arms- clenched fists: < • • ; : - ; • • •* txiiy :•-• > , , : • • :What is communicating?Are some ways of communicatingmore reliable than others?Can we always believe what we reador hear?How can we know it is true?How did people communicate beforethey could write?How can we tell someone is listening?What helps people to hear a messagecorrectly?What must it feel like to have difficultyin communicating?How can we make it easier for the deafto communicate?How can we help someone whodoesn't speak English feel welcome?COMMUNICATING:SIGNS St SYMBOLSSigns road/ toilets/ litter/musical notation/mapsmathematical.Sign language semaphore/signing with the deaf.What does it say?Can it be interpreted another way?Is it difficult to understand?What happens if we don't understand?Objects of personal significance &value e.g teddy bear doll.......Christening robe familykeepsakes holiday souvenirs.Memories associated with these...feelings they arouse.Things which remind us of othertimes ....... places people.Symbols. sugj.> ••" \W:\i-$ymbols-"hav(- lay* rs ol: • •' • . • • .• Symbol i* •:•.]-, ;;se feeling^have to beHow can we unlock the secret of asymbol?Sounds which have particularsignificance to pupils e.g. bell,siren, others that are personal -& the reasons for theirsignificance,i.ExsHiplcsfrom religiort : • : : ••.•--•.-.th"e6 ceiigiqhi' & arte^a6priaie to thebafikgriiiund 1specially those ; u&ed li.-.• ;-::•i-.-z-i---.-Can some objects be both sign &symbol (e.g. cross) to differentpeopSe to the same people?© Manchesier City Council

Introductory Unit (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas! 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3Observe video of prayers/meditation in differentreligious traditions. Talk about the language coriveyedby body postures/facial expresssions etcObserve (or watch video) & ask questions of an Indianclassical dancer communicating a story of the Hindudeities.Brainstorm (in pairs/groups) different ways ofcommunicating.Categorise i.e. talking, reading, writing, sound, colour.Research & arrange major forms of communication inchronological order,Observe photographs/mime & interpret feelings & moods.Keep a personal communication log for a day.Play games & exercises to practice listening/ speaking /observation skills.(e.g. 'Chinese Whispers', 'Simon says ')Make a "communication collage'.Convey a message without wordsRead a passage as it might be seen by a dyslexic person orread own name in BrailleExperience paTt of a lesson in a strange language.Learn some 'signing'.Contrive situations where in pairs one converses & otherdoesn't respond.Talk about experiences of these four activities.Explore communication & non-communication through theexpressive arts.Devise version of 'Happy Families' using groups ofsymbols.Explore a religious artefact.Allow pupils to suggest questions they wish to askabout it k suggest meaning(s) for it.Talkabout a religious ceremony they have taken partin or observed. (Watch ceremony on video).Talk about different kinds of symbols used.Su gges t meani ngs.• Make a frieze of common signs. Write the definition of asign above it.* Quiz • 'Which do we know?' Read signs k pupils givemeanings.* Listen lo stories of popular symbols - (e.g. poppy, rainbow).* Make a display of objects of particular value/significance tothe class. Listen to each other explaining each personalsignificance.* Design a personal coat of arms with symbols of significanceto themselves.e.g. (family/character/likes & dislikes/hopes for thefulurejpersonal motto, etc.)Make frieze, sectioned by type of symbol/religion.Talk about meanings,similarities, differences.Make mobiles of symbols of 6 religions.Research a particular symbol. Find as many examplesas possible of its use.Invite a member of a faith community to talk aboul asymbol of particular significance to them.* Times of stillness & reflection: - few minutes before(a) lighted candle(b) barbed wire(c) Amnesty candle-(symbol of lighted candle with barbedwire around it.)•Share feelings.© Manchester City Council 3.47

KS2[ Dpper)Shared Human Experience(auggaatad)COMMUNICATINGK S U of religioni 1^- "••• ''• •\;r^ 4\;: j - ;• COMMUNICATING;SYMBOLIC LANGUAGEEvaluation, Reflection& ResponseShare proverbs/similes/metaphors(e.g. ' While as s« ow''.. like a ray of sunshine''.. raining cats & dogs'' butterflies in mytummy')Favourite poems., differences between poetry &prose.Reasons for writing in poetic waypoetry as a way ofcommunicating thoughts &feelingsThe way we describe people weadmire (e.g. sports/pop stars as:'the king', 'the best', the greatest'.)What the images suggest....Example?an. ,.-• ! rei-l " •lYc : tigions5£sapprO!3r:;iUp: Willis 1 .'Guru Gronih Sahib cmnflldtibn'ij'•'- .'.'•-..'. song: . . . - oi -anijfiiSstige.: Goa-< 'ThePatter'' '•''• "The formless On etc :.:|lr?;. Upper KS 2-~,.Gutu Giaitth SakH })_Judaism;i ..- ." " -i.•. \y of appropriate passages the ^ k ; «f>'$s.7:ll,Ps.47;7. Uaiah 64; 8}M: \^M:i$instsariity ; (e-,%••• •. '•'J fiHffcIS, Rev.kft, fm8:i2.fnUi6}^ Islam iCe-j- . '.'-• • •"•;.Puetiait qualities of the Qu> 'an • . . ?.g|1 fhythitf when reciit.i • .. ".aslfa 'Sij-aigfcj JVWT ! : ";jj ;;>.: •" -. ::• Some of the 99 beautiful r. • • " : . 'f..g. 'King'* 'judge', "i- ••• .•ff., -,- 'Cj. r - •if-, -;• ,What sorts of things can becommunicated more easily throughpoetry than story?What do the images suggest aboutGod's character and his relationship topeople?Why are all the images male?What images of God could we usetoday?Would any feminine images add to ourunderstanding of God?Is it possible to describe God?Why is the world sometimes describedas a 'dark' place?What changes need to take place for thedarkness to end?What sort of person am!?Reflect on own personalitiesqualities of character.*^:M\***;•• • : -' : - :i)( - v : •:COMMUNICATING:STORY, MYTHS & PARABLES- :Favourite stories... differenttypes of story fiction /non-fiction.Everyone has a story to tell.Share personal storiessymbolic stories: -(e.g. 'goodies & baddies','heroes & heroines')stories with a moral."Rriow'thcdifferenii - • • -\ • mytS, :.legend & parable.;.Myihs • stories v hlehdt il n ith " """"':• impi :iiv>i.ion5.&i!clipfs. They :Vare abo .•-•hat things (in!s!pi. ; :;. . . .•••;:

Introductory Unit (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Area 2 8 3xplore similes & metaphors in sacred writings.Talk about similarities tc differencesListen to recitation of the Qur'an and/or listen torecording of singing of one of rags from Guru GranthSahib.Talk about the experiences.Find out about the work of a shepherd in Palestine,Look at examples of Arabic calligraphy.Copy out some of the 99 names of Allah as beautifully aspossible; decorate with Islamic patterns.Observe, compare & contrast the artistic expression ofGod as Creator within Christianity & Sslam:(e.g. Michaelangelo's 'Creation of Adam' and Islamicgeometric pattern symbolising the unity, control £forder of the universe.)Talk about the concept of Islam as a Straight Path andrelate to the symbol of Islam.Explore the imagery in some feminist Christian writings.(e.g. prayers & hymns)Create own similes & metaphorsBrainstorm:"Life is like a "Share ideas. Choose few. Give reasons.Create own metaphors: -(eg. 'Iflwerea- fower j- food )- colour I I would be a "- sound j- animal ))Share books (eg. "Lave is ")Make class books.Wrile poem to convey own meaning.Suggest own images to describe God.Talk/write about image chosen.Make a vocabulary tree with words describing character.Listen to some different types of stories from religioustraditions within the class.(e.g. Prophets & Gurus)Talk about how they have been handed on & wliy theseparticular stories have been handed down,Listen to Hasidic stories 4: parables 4r suggest meanings forthem.' Talk about favourite stories and reasons for theirchoice/popularity.* Design a book jacket for their favourite story.* Share own story: -begin in pairs:A tells B.... A's story B listensD tells A .... B's story A listensJoin with another pair. Tell each other's story.How accurate were they?* Write own story to the present time.* Listen to a variety of stories including myths & legends fromdifferent cultures.Write own myths -(e.g. Explain how world came to be.Why people do evil thingsJ* Listen to Aesop's & other fables & suggest meanings.* Retell/act out a parable in contemporary setting." Write a review of a favourite story/story heard in this unit.© Manchester City Council3.49

KSS(Upper) SPECIAL BOOKS : JudaismShared Buman Experience(suggested)K 6 0 of ReligionEvaluation, ReflectionG ResponseTHE TORAH -A GUIDE TO LIVING:(RIGHT & WRONGFAIR & UNFAIR]Guides - when we use them,why we need themKetubtn (Writii .jp^ebooksa •(0{d Testament of th'JFlUt Christian!IMiSt mportaiJews is the Torah.Ifotahwritl ninHe.{Prophetic books Se wi-vlnimfton'ThffpRAIt*the books* Sacrgd histury ofndmiWhat does sacred mean?Are sacred writings 'special'?To whom are they special?Are they only special toreligious people?-..Rules at home at schoollaws of the countryShare experiences & feelings of fair/unfair.Share experience of rules beingbroken... home... school....community.Consequences for other peoplefor rule breakers .... punishment..reasons for.irriiTinfidininntiWhy do communities haverules?Is it possible to live withoutrules?What can be the effect of toomany rules?What is meant by "Keepingthe spirit of the rules?"What happens when rulesare unfair?What is fair/unfair?What happens when rulesare broken?What is the purpose ofpunishment?G-D : • RESPQNDING TO C-D• IN DAILY LIFEReminders the way we rememberthings aids to memory.Foods we like... differences in diet,what is allowed & rot allowed.ibii .* The'She ma ; DeiitejonrHm-' 6.-1 -H| ' • • •;• - . • " • ! H \: .•(Rleiuzaiiie iaivMu - Pfiut, 6:4ffituaf

THE TORAH (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 8 £Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas2 S 3• Find out names of the 5 books of the Torah (First 5books of the Old Testament.)Find out what the Torah begins & ends with.• Observe video of how the Torah is treated & read inthe synagogue.Talk about why it is handled with such respect.Consider its symbolism (e.g. "The Tret of Life")• Use of Torah artefact - observation &questions /introduce using 'yad'• Find out about the making of the Sefer Torah - work oscribe - how it is disposed of." Recall stories of matriarchs & patriarchs.(Refer Lower KS 2, "People of the Covenant")* Try writing their name/ that of their school in Hebrew* Learn to say the Hebrew alphabet.' Watch video of Jewish children learning the alphabet.* Make a display to show how people who belong to areligious group seek guidance from their sacred texts,and how they treat their texts with respect,Pairs/group work - share experience of family rules.Produce posters. Discuss similarities & differences andreasons for rules.Play a game without rules.Discuss the experience,Brainstorm school rules.Categorise: health .... safety considerationRewrite negative rules as positive actionsDevise own classroom rules. Debate & consensus.Devisea poster encouraging 3'C's Courtesy,ConsiderationCommon senseRole play simulations of rules being broken at school.Decide punishments, Give reasons for choice,cf. Belief in one God in Judaism with other religions.Watch video of children learning about mezuzah StShema, (Refer to L KS 2 unit "People of the Covenant")Observe the putting on of the teftllinFind out when they are worn & what is said whenthey are put on,(Recall LKS 2 - "People of tlw Covenant")Consider which of the Ten Commandmenls are alsocivil laws.Read Leviticus 11. Find out which foods are allowed&c which are forbidden.Observe (video) on the Jewish kitchen and thepreparation of food cooking utensils/ plates/knives & forks.(N.B. not all kitchens & attitudes to 'kosher' are thesame.)Look at Jewish cook books. Prepare a menu for aJewish visitor.Talk to a Jewish visitor about the way keeping 'kosheraffects daily life.Goon a Judaism trail :... mezuzah ... shops...synagogues © Manchester City CouncilDiscuss Jewish maxim:'By doing, we become.'3.51

: ; . : • . • -• •- "• :.•KSZ(Oppar)SPECIAL BOOKS : JudaismShared Human Experience(suggested)K B 0 or religionEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseHome... school ...what is consideredimportant what values are &why they are important1 •-THR TO RAH - VALUES FORUVING'J.L'J '.[-:" T"-.'T.":~^-r-~'~:-~:~^7T:-'- 'Savings whicheipress v&iues::fi.g. u-.-. a •••• ••-^"^w;::_-hoHtiess, trutbv;?:-:;":!i :;-wpifcilijy,>•":" . : ius;'. • -$P| charily, rusp«tReferent' ".uiw •-. ' -; :LevJ9,18(The Golden Rule)- c( ',.\,,;:\MVf 7H2 "'"Iff?Deuteronom> 15.7-9I/AUTHORITY;.pirfeiftnt.aftMdes to Uu> taw- Some believe all the Torah was::'• given to MOBCI on Mowrtt Sinai;.- SomeTwlieve the laws .were .devfilo] • • • • i .,-:i^!,.i i, ne; f.'g^Sorne believe all ttifi Ijwisfarefor[ Vever;'..,Some believe she elnicj I•.•inmiiiidmcntsonly a»v 1What do family rules tell usabout what is valued in thehome?What sort of things does thisschool community considerimportant?How can we tell that thesethings are important?Would a visitor to school beable to tell that these thingswere important? How?What does holy mean?What is your idea of a holyperson?How do you expect otherpeople to treat you?Do you treat other people inthis way?Why is "The Golden Rule" socalled?If I lived like 'X' would myvalues be different?Does having a faith make adifference to what isvalued?Who needs my help?Do i have responsibilities tothe poor, old ,disadvanlaged?If so, whatarethey?--THEPEOP1.E-SI'ECUL TIMES-(COMMITMENT,RESPONSIBILITY& CELEBRATION)3.52Special times in own livesGrowing up signs of maturityphysical .... other making choices:• Tlie.\!ii2vaiiioh!iidy!lit; i.iv,: :• ^'SgecJal ocuasioiis in Jewiah life :•- •" •"; -•::•-• -;i-!ii-:i- : - = : I'., ',. ^^i^ii^! 1 :: p |What is the most difficult/important decision I haveever made?Who is responsibie for mybehaviour?Why shouid I do right?What are the consequences ofchoosing wrong?Why do we learn?Are some subjects moreimportant than others?Who/what enables us toiearn?How important is askingquestions?Do ail questions help us to learn?What is meant by "Asking theright questions"?How can we help others to learn?Why do Jews consider it veryimportant to study the Torah?Why do we study religion?© Manchester Cily Council

THE TORAH (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 8 8Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3Design a pamphlet for parents of new pupils telling them whatare the school's values & where they might expect to seeevidence of these in the life of the school community.Invite a religious leader to talk about her/his values& how they affect daily life.Read Leviticus 19:18 &: Matthew 7:12.Make a display of similar sayings from otherreligions.• Hear the story of Ruth.* Invite in someone who works in the communitye.g. Councillor, Social Worker - to talk about their values &how they affect what they do.* Talk about implications for their own lives.* Useof literalure to explore values* Complete sentences: -"I would like to learn in a school where"I would like to live in a community where"I would like to live in a world where* Simulation exercises involving moral decisions* Hold a'values auction'* Read case study of young person in the Third World.Discuss what is valued cf. with own lives.* Invite an elderly or disabled person to talk aboutthe special problems they face & what others cando to help.• Use photographs/video to introduce differenttraditions within Judaism, e.g. Orthodox & Reform• Simulation exercises involving moral derisions.* Watch a Bar Mttzvah ceremony.Discuss implications commitment choiceWrite an entry for a diary as if a person experiencing Bar/BatMitzvah.responsibility.* Research differences within Orthodox Sr Reformtraditionsconcerning the ceremony.* Pind out about/observe video & talk about thecelebration of Simchat Torah.* Design a poster to advertise Simchat Toraheelabrations ata Synagogue.* Working in groups, discuss the meanings of particular pointsof law for today.e.g. Exodus 20 vv 8 &12, Leviticus 19 vv 4,9&10 and 33.* Talk to a Rabbi about his studies.© ManchesterChy Council3.53

KS £(Dppar)SPECIAL BOOKS: JudaismShared Banian Experience

THETORAH(c)Learning Experiencesrelating to Area I 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3Explore symbolism of Rash Hashanah and Yom KippurListen to the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac.Consider why it is read at Rosh Hashanah.• Listen to the sound of the Shofar.Talk about the feelings that were aroused & suggest meaningsfor it." Write about own experience of wrongdoing with emphasis onconsequences and feelings.• Use of literature to expose feelings of wrongdoingforgiveness.guilt• Explore wrongdoing guilt forgiveness through theexpressive arts.• Find out about the use of the scapegoat -- Leviticus 16:4-10, Ic 21-22. Discuss its relevance today* Research/discuss the role of fasting & penitence in otherreligions.• Talk about reports of events/hap pen ings in the media whichraise issues of wrongdoing k forgiveness.* Discuss meaning of 'at - one - menf.What is the opposite?© Manchester Ciiy Council3. 55

•KS2(Upper)SPECIAL BOOKS : ChristianityShared Human Experience(suggested)K 8 U of religionEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseRefer to different ways ofcommunicating how weiearn why we write thingsdown writing hooksbooks which are special to us .......what makes them special? ....different authors whal wecan learn from books.People with authority in pupils'lives reasons for theirauthority.Writings with authoritye.g. school rules, dictionaries,encyclopaediabooks written by experts..communicating knowledge &experience books that helpus to grow educationally & inself-improvement.Books that help us to understandothers, ourselves, the world'sdifficult problems.Books which inspire usVisiting a library differenttypes of books to be found there.THE BIBLE :REVELATION - God revealedthrough Ihe BibleAUTHORITY-source ofguidance & inspiration'AUTHORITY; Ti.Source book,'of t-itSome Christians ."^.they find [1- source t>f'-reading in crisisTerms: HoIy'E - : -criptureiDifferent understandings erf auihheld by various Christians,e.g. literj . i Cod's U-tnJREVELATIONturmn beings,REVELATION-CODMAKING HIMSELF KNOWNTHROUGH THE BIBLEday.Bible a books/writings (Creek)6fi bi: •'.;v,.doldiffert it authors.TestamentCoveriahlOld Tt'siamenl - the sacred writings ofJudaism tells of Gods promise to "rare fw the Hebrew people & •promist I(txo&ui 19:N.ew Testament.- teiis about iesus.'.he helped p-Qupk: toJtribW Cod better.Christians si* Cod's pron . s full inJGBUS.Some Christians have the Ap-.._: . intheir Bibles.-•••• •,•••STUDY SKILLSWhat does 'holy'/'sacred' mean?What else is 'holy'/'sacred'? towhom and why?Did Cod speak to people in the past?If so, how?Do you think Cod speaks lo peopletoday?Do you think God's message alwaysremains the same?How do people show thai theirsacred book is very important tothem?How should we treat other peoples'sacred books?Are sacred writings of any value tosomeone who does not believe inGod?In whom or what do we believe/showrespect?Do I need a guide to life?Who/what is my guide lo life?Who/what inspires me?Has this book anything important tosay to me?.How to useabibiit.g. Aeh'bA, Mr.U.Abbrevi i ...X56© Manchester Ciry Council

THE BIBLE - Unit 1 (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas I 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas2 B 3Talk about meanings of words - 'holy' and 'sacred 1 .* Observe & discuss pictures/ videos posters of Christianshandling and using the Bible - its prominent place inworship .... lectern t pulpit kissing it processing ....standing for the Gospel reading - "Hear the Word"..'* Make a display of Bible study guides.Talk to a Christian about their use & what the Biblemeans to her/him* Make a class display of people in authority.Talk about the nature of their authority & how it affects us.* Make a display of books which are special to pupils,including sacred writings (possibly posters). Distinguishbetween sacred writings & others.Share reasons for 'special ness' for each of the pupils,* Make a collage of newspaper/magazine cuttings whichillustrate what God is/is not like.Talk about where our ideas of God come from.* Read some famous passages & talk about how theymight influence ... inspire comfort.e.g. Psalm 23, Mkah 4:3-4,Matt. 5:3 -10. John 3:16E r h. 6:14 -17,1 Cor. 13:1 -7* Talk about other sacred scriptures noting similarities &differences.* Talk about passages studied and theirrelevance to their own lives.• Begin a display of inspirational writings lobe addedto as study progresses.* Problem solving activity using information cards &colour coding to recreate Bible bookcase in theclassroom.Games which practice study skills.e.g. Look up reference - who did what?Bible planliljirst & last books;longest £t shortest books;longestjshortest jtersesMfcTc '. i -_;):;?; children are present hi the class, some time'shouli be spe.nl disci

KS2{Upper)SPECIAL BOOKS : ChristianityShared Human Experience(suggested)K G U of religionEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseRefer to different types ofwriting in English workSKILL • INTERPRETATIONDifferent types of writing& their purposeRules & laws of the roadBeing frightenedBeing made to do thingsdisobedience feelings &consequencesSTORlfiitisr KS >:l!iousbut-3)m thirWhat frightening things haveever happened to you?What have you been told to dothat you were frightened to do?Why did you do it?How did you feel when you haddone it?What does this/these story/ieshave to say about what God islike?Do I have a duty to care forpeople I don't like?What we learn in history : -.... famous people & events in ourcountry's history thingswe know about ancient history.HISTORYAcW'Oftht; Athe Apostles(rcf. Peter/PJesus "JHebrew people attheir relationship with God;• of iiie beginnings of theChrisiian thurch; - ..What experiences might make theHebrew people feel that God waslooking after them?What experiences might make theHebrew people feel that God wasangry with them?Do people think like this today?Do you think God treats people inthis way?Bad things which are happeningin the world ways in whichthey would like the world to bedifferent feelings of fair &unfair.People who speak out againstinjustice.Own experiences:'".PROPHEC\ProphetWhat is unfair/unjust in the worldtoday?What injustices do you fee! verystrongly about?Have you ever been required to actwith courage?What does it feel tike to take anunpopular course of action?What is 'moral courage'?.58fonrth (Yunu$) hin htam..Differences are -"A Gift la the C'© Manchcsicr City Council

KS2(Upper)SPECIAL BOOKS : ChristianityShared Human Expariancs(suggested)K 8 U Qf ReligionEvaluation, Reflectionfi ResponseFavourite poemsDifferences between poetry &prose, (Refer Intro, unit on' 'Com m unica ti ng")Common proverbs and theirmeanings-POETRY^SONGS 'WISE SAVINGS»

THE BIBLE - Unit l(c)Learning Experiencesrelating to Area 111Learning Experiencesrelating to Area 2 8 3Look through a modern translation of the Bible notinghow much of it is set out as poetry, cf. Exodus 14&15Copy out and learn the proverbs they think give the bestadvice.Recite some psalms as choral recitation.Sing/listen to church choir sing/chant Psalm 23 or listento/sing a modern version of psalm.Write their own poem in praise of nature.Make a collage to show beauty/wonder in nature.Express Psalm 150 in music and dance.• Listen to some of the proverbs & talk about their relevanceto their own lives.* Makeup some proverbs of their own giving advice to ayounger person.• Read Luke 1:1 - 4, and tatk about why Luke wrote hisgospel & why he was a good person to do it. cf. Acts 1:1-54 Read Mark 1:1. What does it tell us is the good news?• Read Paul's letter to Philemon.Discuss what information it gives about the writer, hissituation and his reason for writing.• Markona map some of the cities to whom Paul sent letters.• Use an atlas to find which cities exist today and in whichcountries they are.• Copy out several famous passages from Paul's letters and usemarkers to link to the cities to which they were sent.Talk about the relevance of the passages to their own lives.Discuss what advice Paul might write to a Christiancommunity living in our city today.© Manchester Cily Council3.61

11ma2(Upper)8PEI AL BOOKS ; Ghrisllai|y9harad Buiman EspsrtsneaK 8 B el ntiigfou© EsspoassEPeople in society who havedifficulties communicating withothers.:;•;!•i'.REVELATION - Handing onthe messageVALUING & CLARIFYINGGod's Word_:•• • •- " • . . .i f f ' " " ' " " .••••• ; . • . . "Barriers, e.g. hearingimpairmentBarriers of language thework of translators & theirimportance.•' TION • ,: Jf|||i •• •3 : i" ih'G'.ighiht-EiblisTranslators & h ... • • ;:. ; .; "

THE BIBLE - Unit 2 (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas I S 1Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3• Read some passages in different translations.Try placing them in the correct sequence.Give reasons for the choice.• Try translating a passage from an old version into modernEnglish.1 Observe & talk about the O.T. in Hebrew h NT. in Greek.Discuss advantages & disadvantages of translating.d. belief in non-translation of the Qur'an for Muslims.• Write their name/school etc. in Hebrew.• Make a display of passages from the Bible, e.g. "Tlie Lord'sPrayer" from different translations & in different languages" Observe artefacts with the Chi - Rho & Alpha - Omegasymbols. Talk about their meaning.• Listen to stories of the Bible translators e.g. Jerome. Beds,Wyctiffe, Tyndale.Talk about the difficulties 6 dangers faced & whatmotivated them.• Copy out some verses from the Bible.Work out how long it would take to copy out a wholepage/the book.• Look at some illustrations from illuminated MSSe,g. Undisfarne Gospels. Find out about role of monksin handing the message on.Talk about why they illustrated so beautifully." Find out about the work of SPCK -cf. with pupils' own efforts to read their sacred book.• Invite Christians of very different perspectives to talk abouttheir views.• Listen to stories of the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls orof Codex Sinaiticus and talk about how such discoverieshelp the Bible translators in their work.• Read some Bible passages to discover inconsistencies: -e.g. Gen 6:19-20, Cen 7:2-3.Give own reasons for inconsistencies. Listen to solutionsoffered by Biblical scholars.• Find out about the discovery of Sir Leonard Woolloy at theancient town of Ur & talk about the clues this might giveto what happened in thu kinds the Bible came from.• Invite a deaf person into school to talk about theirdifficulties &c how people can help.• Talk about the translations they like best and why.• Listen to/ talk about stories of people who risked theirlives to take the Bible to others, e.g. Brother Andrew.• Use a good dictionary to find words which have come intoour language from Creek, e.g. 'alphabet'• Create own Chi -Rho design• Create own symbol for God. Talk about reasons for choice.* Talk about pupils' own feelings towards their work.* Design own illuminated letter(s) e.g. llieir initials.' Listen to story of 'Mary Jones & her Bible'. Talk about ownvalues.* Find out about olher children in other parts of the worldwhere it is difficult to acquire an education. Raise money tosupport a charity which helps them.* Probicm solving activity.Tnlk about how they went about solving the puzzle.Listen to stories of The Flood 1 from different traditions aerothe world.Talk about similarities/differences & reasons for thorn.Find out about Charles Darwin ic his theory of evolution.Read Genesis 1 & 2and talk about one in the light of the other.Listen to/read excerpts of conversations or accounts ol eventsout of/in context (including history context).Talk about difference this makes to understanding-© Manchester Ciiy Council 3.63

' :!••::•••:• :••••••• •• •.KS 2(Upper)SPEGIAL BOOKS : ChristianityShared Human E»p»iancau(Ifl«stad}K 8 U of leiigionEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseVisiting different countriesdifferent lifestyie.•INFLUENCE OF THE BIBLEON PEOPLE'S LIVES StSOCIETY & CULTUREPeople's names whatthey say about belonging.'theDo you like your name?In what way is it special to you?What does it tell you aboutbelonging?Were you given yourname on a special occasion?What happened?If you could choose anothername for yoursejf, what wouldyou choose & why?Holidays & special days-"PaMrncalendaii afjeti.Holiday ='holy; loca| holiday?major Christta n. ; • : , , ; • - !Why is Sunday a special dayfor Christians?How do Christians mark thisspecial day?What other days are special toreligious people?What is done that is differenton these days?Does everyone need a day ofrest?What are the advantages/disadvantages of sharing thesame day of rest?Why is this no longer possible?Do you have a special day? If BO,why is it special?^t/ ChwitenjSikkTo whom do I make promises?Are promises easy to keep?What happens if 1 break apromise?What do words like"fdr better/for worse mean?Why do some people notmarryin church or live togetherwithout marriage?3.64© Manchester City Council

THE BIBLE - Unit 2 (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 fi 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3* Pie/bar charts etc. showing % of pupils with Christiannames/Muslim names/Sikh names /other fore-namesetc.• Research naming ceremonies in different religions,cf. similarities & differences• Write an acronym on their own name, describing theperson they think they are.* Research the life of the person they are named after.* Look at Humanist naming ceremony & promises made.• Make a class display of names & meanings.5hare stories of how names were chosen.' Collect Biblical sayings which have become a part ofeveryday speech, e.g to be 'a Judas', 'a job', 'adoubtingThomas' etc.* Find origin of the word 'holiday' and research holidays ofthe past which were linked to reiigious festivals.Talk about how far this is true today.* Listen to stories/accounts of how Sunday was observed irVictorian times.Talk about how Sunday is observed today.Discuss advantages/disadvantages of having Sunday as aday of rest.• Conduct a survey of the number of churches built inVictorian times, which have now closed down/used forother purposes.Discuss what this telis us about changes in society/people'slifestyles since Victorian times.• Talk of own experience of weddings and funerals.• Watch on video or study an order of service.Notice when k which passages are read.Talk about the beliefs contained in the passages.* Look at a Humanist wedding service.Study promises made.* Look at a Humanist funeral service.* Research statistics of funeral and thanksgiving servicesduring the last 100 years - those held in church &crematoria/burial ground • those only at crematoria.© Manchester City Council3.65

. .(Dppar)SPECIAL BOOKSShared Human Experience(suggested)K 8 U of religionEvaluation, Reflection6 ResponseCountries continentslarge small east ........west.Differences within our countrypeople accents ,.... regional foods ....saints' daysFAMILY, COMMUNITY &TRADITIONS- Importanceof family incl. extended HinducommunityHistori eographical contextreligions.Origin dirt India"**.;' ••a-aWe^emtem Lathsreligion of the people beyondJRivcr Indue. (1•cf. Sindu • ; HinduIndus IriitiiiCorrect namu = 'Sanalana Dharma''the eternal • • .!india-a • • Eiven untry,^Many Hindus ftvejii li h t otherparts oi the world. fW£They speak different languages; oatdifferent foods; wear different dress.Differences relate to different partsoi India, eg. Kashmiri, Senghali,^Punjabi, CujaraU, Tamil etc.U d by tiiuirrc&gipH.What differences are to be foundamongst the different regions ofBritain?What do people share in common?Would you expect to find more/less differences amongst the peopleof India?Why?Do all Christians worship in thesame way?What differences are there?What differences might you expectto find in the way in whichHinduism is practised?3.66Gaining knowledge what wele.im how why we learnSCRIPTURES - HINDU HOLYBOOKSMany holy books-written over a longperiod of time. An icntlSanskrit. e.g. A: fO.y.R.VEPAS?!jr the most iniporl .... pture;' : * Oldest book-, in the' • .• 3000 years old;.•Veda 1 = -km ted-REVEAL! . Godtothi(cf. great tl: " men}-Pi • : .. pjrts of the Vis.ias.are |iyinji!> in:? praiseof the|io.werofCdd.asseoIn hi • sicai;?ienient$ (earth, u• pre. p i e}- whidi make up"i Verses = 'mantras' which are used: in prayers. The rnain manlra/PRAYER is the Gayalri Mantra. - -;i SYMBl ! • . :i'lmpof taut aspects

SACRED TEXTS in HINDUISM (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas I 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3* Be exposed to a 'feast 1 of India images,music, dance, costume, food.* Invite Hindu visitor to show slides/talk about avisit to India ..... family life lifestyleworship.* Make own large scale 3-dimensional map ofIndia.* Conduct a survey through a mandir to discoverevidence of diversity within the Hinducommunity & also the significance of themandir in their Jives.* Watch a video of aspects of Hinduism in India;cf. pictures/accounts of Hinduism in Britain.* Talk about examples of diversity and change inother religions studied." Talk about the way in which members of the class are thesame/different. Explore implications.* Make own family tree/record own family history.Visit a mandir & witness the havan yajna' (firesacrifice) ritual.Find out the meaning of this ancient vcdic ritualfor Hindus today.* Place given number of people & events in historical sequence,incl.BCE&CE.Find out about the different forms throughwhich Hindus worship the One Cod.In what way is this the same as/different fromother religions?' Listen to ML' sfory of the origin of the fourvarnns.Draw own picture to represent the story.1Use vegetable/fruit /finger painting lo represent aspects ofGod revealed in Nature.* Create a mura! representing the 5 physical elements in Nature;(Croup work • each one element?)* Draw an Hindu 'swastika'. (2)Talk about its meaning. Talk about how it was misused by theNazis Si how it is still being misused today.Bo clear about the different ••-.Do some cross-curricular work on Science in the Vedas.1 Vafnas att not cflhoutd'he «•..' •basgd I • •,,. i • '.hersuij Mani.liL-i.Lcr Lily 1.1.

KS Z(Oppu) SPECIAL BOOKS :Sharad Bumin Experianca(suggested)K a (T of religionEvaluation, Reflectionfi ResponseTeachers pupils howwe learn life's mysteriousquestions creation GodCONCEPTS, TRUTHS fcVALUES t ONE GODUpamsrsad ma•t . - . . . - •;".••What, for you, are the mostmysterious questions aboutpeople?.... the world?How people have differentsides to their characters &activities•Ai -:JSmost jye|5|i s^b'ouf DrahEM ONE COP,for thdfamaaii m-3-rri3in; •BrabmaaIiU'SOCONCEPTS. TRUTHSlly:ION:Is it important to try and findthe answers?Who/what can help you to findthe answers?Who/What is God?Does Cod have powers?If so, what are they?Can we really know what Godis like?Do all religions warship thesame God?How do other religionsdescribe God?How do you think the worldbegan?What do we call people whodo not believe in God?What reasons do people givefor believing/not believing inGod?the concept of avatar, "TheDescents of Vishnu"Stones of heroes & heroines'goodies = baddies'we learn from such stories.whalacted aifili (Ret.- ])•• 1*1-anbu»baiid,:|;itis;cl£-vWhy do we enjoy stories ofgoodies & baddies'?Who usually wins in suchstories?is this true to life?Why do we need such stories?What is evil?Is H possible to have a worldwithout evil?Does 'good' always win?torf KrishnaGauge?"Read in tern]; children to hetheir hath,What are the duties of a son?husband?What is your idea of the idealman/woman?Is it good to have a picture/notion of the ideal man/womanon which to base ourselves?What are the dangers of having such apicture?© Manchester Cily Council

SACRED TEXTS in HINDUISM (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 8 3* Discuss the Upanishad prayer:" O Brahman, lead us from the unreal to the real;Lead us from darkness to light;Lead us from death to immortality."* Guided fantasy.Journey to visit the 'Ancient & Wise One' who knows theanswers to all questions.Ask one question. What will It be?* Observe pictures/images of the Trimurti -(Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva)Explore the symbolism.• Draw the symbol 'Aum' in its Sanskrit form.Relate the three syllables to the role of God as Creator,Preserver & Destroyer.* Make a collage of the universe.Talk about their own beliefs of how it came intoexistence.Share ideas of how they think it wil! end.* Write their own stories of goodies' k 'baddies'/ heroes &heroines.• Visit a mandir and explore the images of Rama/Sita etc.Find out about their place in Hindu worship.1Watch an Indian dancer (possibly on video) dancethe story of the childhood of Krishna.* Recall how the birthdays of Rama & Krishna arecelebrated in the Hindu community.(KS 1)• Hearthestory of the birth of Lord Krishna & thestory of the birth oi |csusCompare similarities & differences in the stories &the way in which their birthdays arc celebrated.* Create own representation of gtxxi & evil.* Talk about the duties of husbands/brothers sons/friends/wives/daughters etc. & why the characters in the Ramayanaare seen as ideals to follow.In groups: Discuss the ideal man/woman for today.Compare pictures especially those of males &females in class.* Make Ramayana masks/shadow puppets. Dramatise storyfor school assembly.* Learn Diwali songs* Interpret the storv in dance/mime.(i) Avatar - the descent ofa ..AII iuairnation.iNtii all 1 lindus aJture to this belief ~ for some ,Riitnah an historic person only.) '£> Manchester City Countil3.69

KS2(Dppei)SPECIAL BOOKS : SikhismShared Human Experience(suggested)K a U of ReligionEvaluation, Reflection6 ResponseTHERIIRUSiThe Living Guru - THE MESSAGEOF THE GURUS (gurbanl)REVELATION; AUTHORITYHow we get to know others. how others get to know us.revealing character by what wesay do ....write.People whom it is difficult to getto know reasons.The importance of helpingpeopie to get to know us.'liuuuu"Theholj :. . bod. ;od" "• : ; =1226 Guru ArjarY)RELATIONGraritti s col!i • • . •.•okSahfli-Sir/1Tliellih & living Guxy.-.jiwnj; ti\»cher : .-"-;.To read fe listen to the Guru Oanih SahibbliUc talking to the Gm*X.•ilfefer.Gui ..:Gurbani/bn:ii s the word • •:/word •: : '• ' :-".-Doc; -"• is the \\\ ing GurilCOMMUNITY:GURDWARA& WORSHIPWho knows what I am like?Do I make it easy for people toget to know me?What is revelation?Who/what is Cod?Can we know what God wantsus to do?Who knows mo well enough totell others what I am like?Who/what is able to tell usabout/show us God?What makes a good teacher?Can a book be a good teacher?What advantages are there inlearning from a person?What advantages are there inlearning from a book?Symbols of authority specialclothes objecls titlesseats special roomsGurdwai . . • -z.CuruGranthS.;! " • ;sofWORSHIPauthority:• platform = takht = throne- manj! sahib = stooi L : i he Curu -What is the most preciouspossession in your family?How do you know it is special?fichanani.-roniala• . . .= doth which covers open •1• • • ' 'ing• Grant hi = reader im/fl -ch.iuriActions of (lip devotee-removal p/shoi ;••••• of] id;';b6w/prostratebefore Curu Cranth •::;-.Sahib; si , • ••!:in,ikoiiS [ca-. ..; . eadjRitualNHbtiurn the back QP 1 e fee: iS:-additional terma oi respecl e,j • '. op&&.. arecEt-maicii.Rptein WorsliipHukam • worship "begins withglKeCuru GrantiiWhy do Sikhs how before theCuru Cranth Sahib?What is ritual?What rituals are used in otherions to show the respectgii I'TI to she holy book?Significant times in lifesad happy,Times of decision & commitment,... feeling in need of help/ad vice.' ' : ' • • •• • •- apjutual | . • •••- Pas^agoasay bedisplid inWhat is meantby spiritualguidance?What do you seek guidance?To whom/what do you go forspiritual guidance?3.70O Mancliesier Ciij Council

THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 B 2Learning Experiencesrelating lo AreasK 8 3Compare a picture of Guru Nanak sitting with hiscompanions -Bala (waving a ehauri), & Mordana -witha picture of the Guru Cranlh Sahib in the gurdwara.Draw conclusions.Be shown pictures of the Gurus.Recall what they know of them. IL KS 21* Create a mnemonic on own name, using words whichdescribe themselves. Talk about what the poems revealof themselves & others.• In pairs, spend a few minutes 'disclosing' themselves toeach other (V tolls 'b'; T b' tells 'a')Join with another pair & share knowledge gained.Visit a gurdwara.* Make a list of the advantages & disadvantages of havinga written source of leaching as guidance in life instead ofa personal guru.Make a model of the Guru Cranth Sahib on its takht& under the chananiMake a collage of symbols of authority in religions.Talk about significant times in own life & to whom/whatthey turn for guidance.© Manchester City Council3.71

KB2(Upper)Shared Human Experience(suggested)SPECIAL BOOKS :K 8 U of ReligionsSikhismEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseSpecial timesin lifecelebratingKlitan (the praise oi Cod]- mu -: - ."•• mpaniment,• - passages for pfiayi r& reflectionAlt acts of worship ancl significanti n in the lifeof me individual•.' • . • theCurui Iran 1fl,. - Clioosinga child's natne: •• randomopening .'• •• •. (\ itelterofl!- • • •••• tsiite.- Mm !:.'•;• " • a tsirtg>•:••

THE GURU GRANTH SAHIB (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Area 1Learning Experiencesrelating to AreasS B 3• Watch/listen to singing of Kirtan on video/rape.• Role play a Sikh naming ceremony showing the way inwhich the Guru Granth Sahib is used.• Compare Sikh naming ceremony with those of otherreligions.• Watch video of a Sikh wedding ceremony.• Talk about how their own names were chosen.• Make a frieze of everyone in the class displaying [heirnames & meanings.• Find out by reading the lavan, why the holy book isencircled four times during the wedding ceremony.* Make a photographic display showing the cenlrality of IheScripture in Sikh life.• Invite a Sikh to talk about the place ofGuruCranth Sahibin their lives.Make a book of advice on 'Do s & 'Don'ts of how tobegin the day.Practice writing some Gunnukhi.Make a display of the original languages of the holy booksof the religions sludied.Talk about the reasons Guru Nanak might not have felt itnecessary to write down his hymns & why Guru Angad feltit had become necessary to do so.cf. with the writings of the Gospels.Make a display of Gurmulkhi words and their meanings.Hear the story of Curu Nanak ic Bhai Mardaua's visit withSajjan.Make a 'Welcome' display for school in as manylanguages as possible.Make a collation of favourite hymns or songs and talkabout reasons why they are favourites.JN.B. Muslim children might do some work on Qur'anicrecital ion.I© Manchester City Council3.73

•KSI(DppM)SPECIAL BOOKS SikhismShared Human Expertnnci(«uggett«d)K 8 U of ReligionEvaluation, Reflection& ResponseMusic in their lives musicfor different moods andoccasions religious music.Used the best of piHad; the help of Bhai Buddha - .'o\d jiiirvMng followsgf Guru IIncluded additionally tlREVELATIONS whichh. cornel• •dipranth = First (most important}cl •ijtid-JnttJ.3!.J: i^t !iii aftftf Indian rjwi?ka!':itiheaexpressed different rnobds-Placed copy in built H:$ahiblGol ; - pieSowed before it (cf. loda.-": AUTHORITYSinghGave it the name (and declared it T:; AUTHORITY; RidIONAl!. copies have 1430 pr.• Ref>A.G. 91 s A,O-. page !t9 :: A-G, 91.3 * ...AC. page 91 lineji:. : . :::: A.C. 106.A. = Hymn of G, Ae^lEach - • iymns of the gurus Ifl. Muslirrt & i lindu contributors. ":";Pages 1 -13 = major recitation^ udaily moditatioaWhat different ways ofworshipping Cod are there?Why did Guru Arjan makesure the musical settingsexpressed different moods?Are there pieces of music youlike to hear when you are in aparticular mood?Why should Guru Arpn bowbefore- the Adi Grantrt?What would rliat imply?Why does the Sikh holy bookcontain the writings of Hindus& Muslims?How does this fit in with Iheteachings of Guru Nanak?Se " ! i • • i McolMaBeing the greatest peopleabout whom they would use theterm reasons whatthey admire- Exploration of soinawrittendesciof God; -'. Waheguru = Wonderful Lord:. vSatnatn - the Nam-. 1V 1 ;.;; the Eternal, • . - • , •. '• the Formless One,The Tiiith. -• -Ever - Joy,Beauty,Pure Light,:'•['.; ..TheC 1 -:- •. • .•.:;• Highest at the i Ughcs t,:Tfte Potter.What words would you chooseto describe God?3.74appropriate forpupili e.g. Sikh pthe class, ..; .© Manchester Ciiy Council

THE GURU GRANTH SAHIR (c)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas] 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating to AreasZ & 31 • Find out about the Harmander Sahib.• Learn about the form of a 'rag'.• Hearsome Indian musical instruments.* Create some 'Indian' music.• Draw some Indian musical instruments.• Choose some different pieces of music which expressdifferent moods, then interpret in dance.' Create their own 'mood' music.Guru Granth Sahib.cf.them with descriptions in some other religionsstudied,© Manchester City CouncilW.B. To SIMJBJ fit-lures of.Guru Naitek mappropriaubj1 cause offence.

THE STRAIGHT PATH OF OBEDIENCE (a)Learning Experiencesrelating la Area 1Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 & 3JM* Make a display of flagsof Muslim countries notingwhat they share in common.• Listen to appropriate stories/rhymes written forMuslim children.• Hear relevant Hadith.* Observe & discuss video/slides/photographs ofdifferent aspecls of Muslim life within the variety ofthe Ummah. e.g. pictures from different countries.• Find out how a Muslim baby is welcomed into Hiecommunity.* Go on Islamic Irai! for evidence of the Muslimcommunity in Manchester.* Listen to variety of stories - factual & imaginativee,g. adventure, discovery, quest - including stories of life asa journey, e.g."Pilgrim's Progress", "1 am David"* Make/play "Mobile Maps" (acknowledgment to "Values &Visions - DEP)* Draw a time line to represent their own journey of life to thepresent time, then branch into two: -(1) their probable future;(2) their ideal future, and mark on significant events.Be encouraged to share experiences including sad/difficulttimes.• Talk about how we can support each other through painfultimes & and celebrate together through joy fuJ times.' Express own feelings of peace through the creative arts.• Look at pictures of buildings supported by pillars.* Draw the building of Islam supported by the 5 Pillars-* Talk about (heir own duties; how seriously they take them;how they affect them.* Play a circle game: "1 believe "orTalk about the ways beliefs affect the sori of people weare.* Write their own statement of belief e.g. charter with a seat.* Talk about the role of prayer/meditation/reflection in their© Manchester City Council3.77

KS 2(Oppar)THEJOURNEY OF LIFE:Islam1 7R%fi toShared Human Experience(auggestesl)Patterns of their own daystheir rituals & focus.Rich and poor in society & ways (heyinter-relate.Greed & what causes it?Training sport p'aying aninstrument training the mind ....training alone.... & in thecompany of others feelings... personal satisfaction & long-termbenefits.Special places reasons forspecialness places to which theylong to return, or to visit in thefuture.•J f •; • focussel m iri KS 3,;_i£ : -—:;L.:;-U—'.—i__J© Manchester City CouncilK a U of religion• THEFIVS PILLA! 1 !-- (I ititin ted). iM.... ..•: 'A; • . . . : • • ; ; ." " " ' . " " : |;>y • • tCJeanuness befoceone•• •;•.&&.:'.•- ,.-\? . ' . -.:.•#•-'"'t • n »* i fiJ-1 n r*Q Af J i) S^ifiK^-ti '-'-'-•The importanceof Friday congregationalprayer-|umu'ah-: a RITUAL which \-$&: • • - - • » . . • : . : • : • / : . ' . • •. • . : • -IjfpjnbiBes words, thoughts.^actions.:y^orship = ir.-Ah inaction/,o.K^n * plii'\\ ' '_•••••..-- *.- t^iiGsECtfy •> Li - • • - -\contributions to the. • n«dy(rf2,5%0fsivings': : :N|? •".-."- punRes.wenlthfrom • •.•:'/•'.(ksfer. KS 1 Unit on 'Nwl : ; f: V:•:.--1 :•. - self-control ,r T ernp^U ty with • ri j -.^ pt 'QT • -;* tht-isc v>vKp :^)i^jli! •?Jfttus&.1..;; : ;Eid- ul - 1 Fiti ; ;! i i;oiei^ating the 1 ?: • suet - • •, ' ;i ,:• • • ot the ! •, •-- eoiebiinms in homes . j';* HajjflJ s'tOEEtDut with a definite' ', _ J o n t i •.. •;.-• t h e i ,'l'H -'i• Makkah to perform the •:v•"•:• - pcescrtbedjHuivls- • . ••r:"onciJiri a life-firm;, if theyhave the heibh.& canv -""-"" : -• - a rLmEnd^i'i.>i '['•* \o\. iv i'ic^--'• of lifi 1 • • • -'-. "* 2"n Opportu^ii^, •. . -; ireshshirt"..:..--..Id^-tjJ-'Ad]!,;: -•'?,tEvaluation, Reflection8 ResponseWhat is prayer?Why do religious people pray?Is it only religious people whopray?Is prayer different from meditation?Do you think Salah would make aMuslim feel closer to Allah? How?What else might a Muslim gainfrom Salah?Why do you think these particulartimes were chosen for prayer?What do you think it would bolike to perform wudu ? ..Salah?What might Muslims gain bypraying with other believers?What do you do to remindyourself of what is importantin your life?Is there anything so importantthat you prepare carefullybefore doing it?What is the pattern of your day?On what does the pattern/dayfocus?Do we need help to stop usbecoming greedy? Am I greedy?Does everyone have a duty to giveto those worse off than themselves?Who is in need of this kindof help in our society?Are there right & wrongreasons forgiving?What is the best way to give?How are Muslim children trainedto keep the fast of Ramadan?Is it easier to control one's hunger orto control one's speech & actions?Can fasting help a Muslim tobe obedient to Allah?What other benefits might it have?How/when do you practiceself-discipline?What, about yourself, wouldyou like to be able to control?How could you train yourselfto do so?What is a pilgrimage?Why do people go on pilgrimage?Why are all the Muslim pilgrimswearing the same clothes? What sortof clothes are they wearing? What doyou think the clothes symbolise?Where have the pilgrims come from?How do you think they feelnow they have arrived?What different emotions canyou sea on their faces?What mightit fee! like to be par!of that crowd? How might theirfaith be strengthened?To whom am I devoted?

THE STRAIGHT PATH OF OBEDIENCE (b)Learning Experiencesfelating to flieaa I 8 2Learning Experiencesrelating lo Areas 2 5 3• Group work:Observe different artefacts/pictures related to Salah &raise own questions to be answered.• Work out the positions a Muslim would need to lake indifferent parts of the world in order to face the Ka'ba.• Watch a video of Salah.Talk about the aspects of Salah which symbolisehumility it obedience.* Write own prayers/meditations focusing on what is importantto them?• Be shown pictures of jumu'ah prayer• By prior arrangement, small group visits to the mosqueto observe prayer.* Read Q 9;60 and find out to whom Zakah should bepaid?" Role play,asa family, to whom/what they would give zakah.• Raise money for a chosen cause.• Talk about the giving of Zakah as an expression ofworship.* Express own feelings about wealth & poverty in societythrough the creative arts.Talk about tasting in other religions & the reasons forits commonality.• Talk about the way in which Eid - ul - Fitr marks a newbeginning for Muslims." Talk/write about when they exercise - or would like toexercise - self-discipline.* Talk about the relationship between discipline & trainingin developing character." Talk about way in which Zakah & Sawm might help aMuslim develop compassion; and of opportunities todevelop compassion in their own lives.* Watch section of video of the Hajj, e.g. arrival ofpilgrims, circumambulation of Ka'ba.Talk about those aspects which emphasise equality,belonging & obedience.* To a given brief, work in groups on different aspects ofthe 5 pillars.Prepare a display & share what they have learned.* Listen to stories which teach the importance of rightintention, (niyyah)• Talk about the benefits a Muslim might gain from observingthe 5 pillars.' Devise four practices/pillars to support their own statementof belief.© Manchester Ciiy Council3.79

KSZ(DpperTHE JOURNEY OF LIFE:HinduismShared Human Experience(suggettad)K S U ol ReligionEvaluation, ReflectionG Response•..•.rnMCFiPTs. TR[JTHS & VAI.IIFSCYCUCALTIMEONE COD - his powers•The pattern of the dayweek year.IQisa^goinr>. • ;;Cyclical • '• • - : " :i*Xhe vrarld {.*; universe} as one loi How do Hindus show theirtcne 1 - of worlds [& universal : '•'.•"- respect for all living things?;' TbecycicofcrcaliiWhere, and in what do youj tion.think religious believers seeT h e . . . .God?Brahman, whoc- • 1 be How do you show, your respect.;?-& is In $l\ living things. 1 R.if

THE CYCLIC PATH (a): Sanatana Dharma - The Eternal WayLearning Experiencesrelating to Areas 1 B 2Learning Experiencesrelating to AreasZ & 3* Learn about solar & lunar calendars and whichreligious festivals are based on them.• Be shown and talk about a visual representation ofLord Brahmaa from the navel of Lord Vishnu.• Retell the story in a collage.* Observe and explore the imagery of Shiva in thedance of life.* Look at 'mirror' images which result in different perceptions.• Look at pictures/film of our galaxy. Be dear about thedifference between world galaxy universe.' Listen to/express creatively "The Rhythm of Life"from 'Sweet Charity* by Cy Coleman & Dorothy Reid* Listen to excerpts from 'The Planets' by G. Hoist• Begin a vocabulary tree for the new words learnedin this unit of study,• Explore the imagery and beiiefs of the Christianhymn - "Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all Joy"Listen to the Hindu story of "The Blind Men & theElephant".Hear the story of "The Butterfly' by Hans Anderson.Talk about the message in the story.Reflect on the seasons and the symbolism associated withthorn, e.g. Spring hope, new life etc.Make a display of cycles in nature.Study/observe life cycles of plants/animals.Find out about the cycle of the food chain.Talk about the Interdependence of living things.Hear the story of 'Godfather Death' by the Brothers Grimm. .Talk about ils meaning.Look at pictures/models of the physical body - internaland external.Play the ancient Indian game of Moksha Cliitram (aform of 'Snakes & Ladders'.)© Manchester Cily Council• Create a modern version of the game with good & badactions relevant to the pupils' experiences.Suggest likely/appropriate consequences for the actions.3.81

• • • :. " • : • • • •. . : . : •KS2(Upper)THE JOURNEY OF LIFE:HinduismShared Human Exporlenco(suggutad)KSUol ReligionEvaluation, ReflectionG Responseescaping from||l|;Huty t-:u ru. . •1 .. ,wmns,What are good/bad actions ?How much is your characterthe result of what you do?Does what we do in this lifeaffect what happens to uswhen we die?FAMILY. COMMUNITY,TRADITIONS -THE JOURNEY OF LIFEThe way they have changed.... babies chiidren.How they will change in thefuture.5tagcs of life stage they areat.... moving on to SecondarySchool the future turningpoints.Different roles people piay athome/at school1e4siages:.f Wt< : WIIKAMAS:*tadeEii!J.;|eHre!neiit.: ; wofJclly : things) , : e.s ftiwry. ;•: :^repflTC thcsou! for dash stege lias its .:" SIIL-J, idharma)'efdutks afa •;JOURNEY OF LIFE:IMPORTANCE OF DIRECTIONSLIFE RITUALS (SAMSKARS) ASMARKERSWba t are your duties as astudent?How well do you carry themout?Who is responsible for youcarrying them out?Being lost mazes... getting out one way out.Celebrations what iscelebrated individual &community celebrations.....events in the.lives of keyfigures & in a people'shistory significant timesin life.Taken to &;e niomiiVg inn . ,... introduction tojisturt. :Some ;i.- ; gn^ Ukebabutomaif-irsS solid food t 7 • Binorith^tirst half-cut'To all iSiVFAll h'sifshavfed apart it--removal oi Kaiauprevious liio.journey fhj •ivayouta:...sG.who-5ct of|||l|m:[ions"''iTi.,j;f^^^:^i: jnsfk the. stages of life i :•!.j*^ct as signposts: give Irtdiviaiial ai|| ^etise of. dirtctKm.|^; constant remindej ot th purpose of|||ihis lifd> flje'wsjease of fte soul laiman)flw cycle' ot.n>bjrlhr: •Dealh* Trace syi)UMi"*A.i]|T!' withhoneyon i.. BaBy's irioulh; . ...-.'1Matnmg ceremony: - itm outing.'Piifaithork the quailtit^otWhich are the most importantstages in ti/e? Why?Which stages in their ownlives/lives of family membershave been marked by specialceremonies?Do such ceremonies help tokeep us on the right path?What do they tell us aboutwhat different people,including religious people,consider to be important?If you could choose, whatname would you like to begiven?© Manchester Ciiv Council

THE CYCLIC PATH (b): Sanatana Dharma - The Eternal WayLearning Experiencesrelating to Areas I fl 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas2 G 3* In groups talk about the meaning of the sayings: -'We become whal we do';'As we sow, so shall we reap.'Relate to own experiences.* Role play examples of good/bad actions havingconsequences.4Read Shakespeare's "All the World's a Stage" -'As You Like if cf. Hindu idea.• Devise dance/movement activity on the theme of a maze.• Create own maze puzzles & test on each other.• Create own board game" The Journey of Life" with ownsigns/directions.* Make a visual display of rituals.Talk aboul the similarities & differences in life ritualsbetween religions.• Watch a video of Hindu rites of passage.Talk about what they show us about what Hindusconsider to be important in life.1Brainstorm experiences of celebrations in awn lives.Categorise into groups.Consider inportance of celebrations in peoples' lives.* Design a poster to illustrate some of the symbols associatedwith Hindu birlh ceremonies.UL - tke'Qneijod should not be cottfusetl withfirahma - the Creative power of the One God.- ...„,. ;(DIM dt&Trimurii or Trinity)

KS2THE JOURNEY OF UFE: BuddhismShared Human ExparlaneK B 0 of ReligionEvaluation, ReflectionB ResponseChange things change ...people changechanges in our liveschanges for the better.BUPPHIST TEACHING:• everything changes« accepting change• we can change ourselves &become happier people• The Path of Changeivy.way tfiat.WHJKelp ys.!-••.us";iiplirliappior pt -The Buddha" .taught the;•}; !•>.}• Si bl .: happths Noble Eightfold f'atich leads tram sufrerjiig fa 1U rhe Pain of Change.ffP&dte = balanced noifd!••„ !.i I- i ••.-.,i;,;•'•. • or self -der-fal}What changes have youexperienced as you havegrown up?What changes in your life haveyou liked/disliked?What kind of grown-up wouldyou like to become ?What qualities would youlike to have?Do you think il is possible foryou to become this sort ofperson?What is one change you wouldhave to make to become likethis?SYMBOL: -THE DHARMA.CAKRAThe Wheel of Change3.84Training practising.The need to train if we want newskill 'Practice makes perfect'.,willingness to learn.Wise people we knowwe become wise.howy l forthe Noble ^ ||.;'- : ; ;W"hct! change, tnov.eni*' : circle , :. completertei^rc- : -peoplc.# followietc.iTHE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH-THE PATH OF CHANGE\ii) Right underisa:iji^i .world as it ;•I;";" "that everyJh;(%} Right emotion -very strong t;C3iatiging irfiir. negativg3.tMti:de= .•" : . • •Posl!ive.aiWhat can we improve throughtraining?What new skills ? sport....... music dancecycling reading etc.What new qualities?kindness honestyconlentment etc.What training guide can wefollow?How do we know we areimproving?Who can help you?What makes a person wise?Why are wise people usuallyshown to be old? (experienced)How can we become wise?(Listen to people who arewise/learn from experience.)What have you learned asa result of what you havedono/experienced?What makes you happy?Do money ... possessions ....make us happy?Who is the happiest personyou know?How do you show you arehappy?What is happiness?© Manchester Ciiy Council

THE PATH OF CHANGE (a)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas I 8 8Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas 2 B 3• Recall the story of the life of the Buddha (Lower KS 2).Make a picture/comic - strip style story of his life.cf. Examples of change from other faith traditions.Produce a picture - sequence showing changee.g. life cycle of insects, animals, plants, human beings.Bring photographs which show themselves at differentstages of growth. Arrange in a time - sequence ortime- path.Write about the changes & new skills learned along the way.Read stories about change, eg. "Shrinking of Treehorn'"FLif Stanley'"Magic Finger"" Watch a video of a Buddhist training to follow theNoble Eightfold Path.* Talk about the skills we can develop with training.e.g. sport, educational skills, social skills.• Designa Dharinacakra. Label its eight limbs.Decorate.• Compare the Dharmacakra to other religioussymbols, e.g. The Five Pillars of Islam.' Watch video of training of a child in another faithtradition.* Choose a skill or quality we would like to have.Make a list of all the things we can do to become like that.* Draw the list into a symbol like the Dharmacakra.In groups work on different limbs of the path includingthe reflective questions.Feedback.* Listen to stories of wisdom from different religioustraditions, e.g. Solomon & the baby, The Magi,Prophet Muhammad (pbuhl & his cousinWaraka.Listen to a tapeof Theravadin monks chanting aboutloving kindness.• Watch programme 4 of video by Clearvision:"Buddhism for KS2" - 'Worship' - sequences l,2St3.Talk about the positive emotions or attitudesmentioned.© Manchester City Council• Listen to stories of wise people/ wisdom/folk tales.Suggest meanings.* Discuss how we learn by reflecting on experience & listeningto the experiences of others, (e.g. safety at home/on road)* Make a list of positive/negative attitudes or emotions.Role play.* Use colour & lettering stylos to make a collage of positiveemotions & attitudes.Find faces/images from magazines/newspapers to enhanceIhe design.3.85

KS2(Upper)THE JOURNEY OF LIFE:BuddhismSharad Human Exparianca{suggaatad)K S U of ReligionEvaluation, Benection8 ResponseThe people in our daily lives.How we affect each other byour words & our actions.How our feelings 4 thoughtsaffect how we speak A: act (howwe relate to others)Taking the initiative to speak& act kindly.Different jobs & how we alldepend on one another.... interdependence.People who help others in theirwork those who dedicatetheir lives to helping others.... those whose work harmsothers.Actions which have an effectright across the world... pollution greed.Good It bad thoughts and theway they make us feel.Training the body trainingihe mindThe world inside us.. thoughtsfeelings imaginings.Daydreaming concentrating,putting our minds on one thingat a time.Not knowing what we want todo knowing clearly whatwe want to do & whya sense of purpose.Becoming still specialplaces t times for being cairnActunBull: (3) Bight speech (tnjthfid; gent]/.. • helpful, harmoniouU) Right act:: . • •:.-•• • precepts -. refer LK5••/(S) Right livelihood.i tvl 1 .•. ;if Choosing an otciipjttioil that is -helpful fo" : others& ourselves.Mental(6) Right effort (avoidingpositive £).••- - Theneed-tobeawareafwhatthoughts & feelings harm . :& tiiy relationships 1 i •.'•-• Makinga conscious ... •

THE PATH OF CHANGE (b)Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas I B 2Learning Experiencesrelating to Areas2 G 3Hear the story of Angulimala/watch video of hisstory, (Refer L KS 2)Discuss how the word 'friend' changed Angulimala'slife.Discuss the effects Angulimala's actions had had onhis life.Discuss the effects of negative speech.Draw a diagram showing the people we meet in oureveryday lives.Write speech bubbles to show the kind things we could sayto each of them.Hear stories about bullying, cruelty, e.g. "Terry on the Fence'by Bernard Ashley. Apply to own experiences.Dramatise the story of Angulimala, perhaps using musicalinstruments to make gentle, rough sounds, instead of speech.• Talk about the kinds of work Buddhists might preferto do/avoid.Make a collage using own ;irt work & cut - outs frommagazines to show a range of work that helps others.Make an audit of the ways in which their lives aredependent on the work of others, e.g. food eaten, clothesworn.Consider the work of one voluntary agency & its effects onpeople world - wide.Consider what voluntary work they can do to help theworld/its people, e.g. re - cycling, Blue Peter appeals etc.Reflect on something good they did recently.Write a few lines about it/draw a picture of it.Be aware of how they feel about themselves as they do it.Invite a Buddhist visitor to talk about/demonstratemeditation (or watch a video).Listen to the story of King Ajatasattu.Talk about good &; bad feelings.Make a list of ail their good (positive) points.Make a list of their friend's good points.Share lists. Describe how they feel when they see their goodlists.Have a 'half - pace' P.E./movement lesson rolling ....catching walking: concentrating on their actions &.feelings.Have a Japanese tea ceremony with orange juice it fruit.Work in pairs/threes to prepare & display food, movingslowly & carefully. Sit in silence to share the meal.Concentrate on movements .... smelling .... lastingchewing.Sit very still on chairs, eyes closed feeling their breath movein & out for three minutes.Prepare an assembly where each group/class presents one'limb' of the path.© Manchester Ciiy Council3.87

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