Issue 252 - MEWAN

Issue 252 - MEWAN

Issue 252 - MEWAN

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I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsSaint Paul’s Scoops the Football Trophies!School NewsIt’s been a fantastic football season for pupils at SaintPaul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe which hasculminated in them winning a vast array of footballtrophies across the board.The school scooped five major cups this season:• Manchester School premier League – Year 7• Greater Manchester Catholic Schools cup – Year 8• Manchester School Championship League – Year 9• Greater Manchester County Cup – Year 10• Manchester Schools Cup – Year 10“Winning so many cups in one season was an amazingachievement for our footballers,” explained Mr DarrenMawn, PE at Saint Paul’s. “Football is extremely popularat Saint Paul’s. The pupils have a real passion for thegame and this is a well deserved achievement for them.”“We have some avid football fans at Saint Paul’s and itis great to see this interest and commitment reflectedin this achievement,” said Mr Wiktor Daron, HeadTeacher at Saint Paul’s. “I am very proud of all thosewho took part; the team has shown great spirit anddetermination.”Saint Paul’s and Piper Hill Link DayPupils from Saint Paul’s Catholic High School and PiperHill School in Wythenshawe recently took part in a verysuccessful Link Day.The day, which was the third in a series of three, focusedon diversity, individuality and, most importantly,teambuilding. The event was designed to encourage,promote and facilitate the enjoyment of activities for all.The schools visited MOSI (Museum of Science andIndustry in Manchester) where they took part in severalactivities; the inclusion of everyone was a key goal ofthe day.“The pupils spent a very enjoyable day together havinglots of fun and learning to get along with each other,”explained Mrs Cathie Halbert, Teaching Assistant atSaint Paul’s. “Mrs Halbert added: “I was delighted to see the way ourpupils embraced the spirit of the day, participatingas friendly, unified and integrated group. It was anexcellent opportunity for able bodied and disabledstudents to enjoy a day out together in a fully inclusiveand rewarding way.”A very positive benefit was felt by everyone involved.Contact: Jane McAuliffe-HallTel: 0161 437 5841Email: j.mcauliffe-hall@st-paulshigh.net5

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsThe End Of An Era As Newall Green High SchoolSays Goodbye To A Legend!It is always sad to see a member of staff leave, especiallywhen they have been a part of the school for so long.This summer, after 22 years Dave Braithwaite retires.Admired and respected by staff, students and parents/carers, many of whom Dave has taught. Year 13 Mediastudents caught up with Dave to find out about his timehere…Why have you stayed at Newall Green for such a longtime?Loyalty, I have only ever taught at three schools and alsocommitment. I was fortunate when I came here as Headof Humanities that I got a promotion very early on andafter that, I never looked anywhere else for a job.What made you want to work at Newall Green HighSchool?Initially it was a promotion opportunity. At that timein my life my wife had finished working, we had twoyoung children and it was initially a gateway for me toget promotion. I spoke to people about the school, hada good look around it and I then made a decision that Iwanted to work here.What have some of the highlights of the last 22 yearsbeen?Out of the classroom I’ve had a lot of success withfootball; seven Manchester Cup Finals, three CountyCup Finals, English Schools semi-finals. But myhighlight every single year is results day. I like to seethat in some way I have helped students to succeed.That’s the best part of teaching.What roles have you had during your time here?I came as Head of Humanities, after two years I becameAssistant Headteacher, in charge of transition for Years5, 6 and 7. I have also been Acting Deputy Head on twooccasions.What have been your most memorable moments?I’m a great believer that I am providing a service, Ibelieve that the students and the parents are thecustomer. My most memorable moment was when Iwas nominated for a teaching award by parents. I feltthen that I had achieved his or her respect, admirationand hopefully meant I was doing my job properly, whichat the end of the day was make sure that every studentachieved. If the customer felt I deserved an award, thenI was happy!Are there any particular year groups or students thatstick out?The students that stick out in my mind are those that goon to study A-Level History. The ones that I feel I havegiven a love of history.I love football, I’ve spent lots of time coaching here. Theones who have made it professionally stick out, peoplelike Michael Raynes, Georgie Clegg, the Logan brothers.I just hope that in some small way I have helped them toprogress in football.What will you miss?I won’t miss the alarm clock going of, the 60 mile roundtrip on the motorway. Seriously; the staff camaraderieat this school is unbelievable, I will miss that. But, atthe end of the day I came into this for one reason onlyand that was to help children succeed and achieve andcome September I won’t be doing that anymore andthat is the thing I’ll miss the most, helping students.What do you have planned for retirement?Lots of cruises, I’m going to take up golf seriously andstart playing bridge again. My wife and I both enjoygoing to the theatre. But, the main one is that I amhoping to see Spurs win a trophy in the next 25 years.That would be nice, unlikely, but nice.NowThenContact: Karen LavinTel: 0161 234 4455Email: k.lavin@newallgreenhigh.manchester.sch.uk10

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsAnd the National Award Goes To…School NewsTeachers and students, at the Kingsway Federation ofLadybarn and Green End Primary schools, have beencelebrating after winning a National Award for their‘Whole school eTwinning’ projects resulting in themreceiving prestigious eTwinning National Quality Labelsfor each of their schools. The Label recognises the highquality of work the Federation has produced as part ofeTwinning, the education programme which enablesschools and colleges across Europe to work together oncreative projects using online technology.To secure their National Quality Labels, each schoolworked in partnership with a school in Europe -according to their Modern Foreign Language. Ladybarnprimary school in Withington (which studies French)linked with Ecole Marie Curie, in Lisieux, France, on their‘Our School / Votre Ecole’ project. Green End Primaryschool in Burnage (which studies Spanish) linked withCEIP Soledad Sainz, in Madrid, Spain, working on their‘Our School / Vuestra Escuela’ project.The projects entailed each Year group working withtheir European partner classes on a mutually agreedschool theme, using Global Citizenship, MFL andICT lessons. As well as celebrating similarities anddifferences around a common theme, the childrenalso practised each other’s languages. For example,the younger children, whose theme was school songs,taught each other ‘Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes’in their language, while learning it in their partner’slanguage.Funded by the European Commission and managedby the British Council in the UK, eTwinning is an onlinecommunity for schools in Europe, enabling schools in32 countries to link with each other. There are 145,000active members registered in the scheme, with over8,000 schools and colleges involved in the UK. TheNational Quality Label is only issued to schools thatproduce outstanding work as part of their eTwinningProject.Lisa Vyas, Executive Headteacher said: “We are delightedto have been awarded a National Award for our work.Everyone at both schools in the Kingsway Federationhas enjoyed working with their partner schools and tobe awarded the ‘National eTwinning award’ in the wholeschool category, from hundreds of nominated schools,is a real honour.”eTwinning is part of the EU’s Comenius programme,which aims to develop knowledge and understandingof different European cultures and languages and helpyoung people gain skills for their futures lives andcareers. Through the eTwinning portal, schools andcolleges can search for partners in Europe and accessonline tools to take part in joint projects free of charge.Simon Williams, Head of EU Programmes at the BritishCouncil, said: We have a responsibility to prepare youngpeople for life and work in our global society andeTwinning enables thousands of schools to equip youngpeople with the skills and understanding they need. TheeTwinning National Quality Label is a great celebrationof the innovative and exciting work being produced bythese schools and their pupils.”To join eTwinning and start collaborating with schoolsand colleges in Europe, visitwww.britishcouncil.org/etwinningContact: Jack HarrisonTel: 0161 445 4898Email: j.harrison@ladybarn.manchester.sch.uk11

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsLet Teachers Shine CompetitionCongratulations to Mr. Hayes, staffand students of The East ManchesterAcademy for becoming the only schoolin Greater Manchester to win the ‘LetTeachers Shine Competition’ this year.The idea is a Homework/Literacy mobileApp called Pocket Peers. The Academywill benefit from £15,000 to develop theidea. Congratulations to all involved.School NewsThe Infamous Sweeney ToddThe Performing Arts team, with thesupport of Laing O’Rourke, pupilsand staff, put on a showcase theatreproduction about the infamous SweeneyTodd. Despite being scary and gruesomein places, the audience thoroughlyenjoyed the performance.“The best production yet.” (Parent)A special mention goes to lead performerAaron A and to Mr Rostron who spenthours making the Barber’s Chair.Geoff Thompson MBE and former five time Karate World ChampionThe East Manchester Academy weredelighted to welcome Geoff ThompsonMBE and former five time Karate WorldChampion to meet with pupils as partof a Youth Consultation about sport inManchester.The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their timewith him, and he definitely motivatedthem to enjoy sport more through hisstories and his advice.Contact: Angela DooleyTel: 0161 230 8039Email: a.dooley@temac.co.uk14

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsPatrice Evra Teaches Students A Lesson In FrenchPatrice Evra delighted Wythenshawe students recentlywhen he dropped in to a French lesson at their school.Just days before his 32nd birthday, the French internationaland Red defender surprised pupils at Manchester HealthAcademy with a treat of their own as he took part in a Q&Asession and gave advice about the importance of learninglanguages.Patrice has helped the students to understand that to beable to express yourself in different languages is important.“I wanted to share my experience with the children becausethey are the future,” Patrice explained. “I told them howimportant it is to learn a new language and that I learntEnglish so that I could express myself when I joinedManchester United. If you want to adapt to a new countryyou have to learn the language.”The multi-lingual star was born in French-speaking Senegal,West Africa before his family moved to France when he wasa year old.He impressed the class of 11-16 year-olds by telling themhe speaks five languages: “I speak French, English, Spanish,Italian, Senegal and I am trying to learn Korean but it is verydifficult!”Following the lesson Patrice presented the class with signedcertificates and was pleased to receive a birthday card fromthe pupils.The visit was organised by the Manchester UnitedFoundation, of which Manchester Health Academy is apartner school. Gaynor Gorman, Vice-Principal of MHAcommented on the impact of the visit on the young peopleinvolved: “All we try to do is widen the possibilities for allour students and I think if you have a language it reallyhelps you in the future. It’s very important and that is thereason why we wanted Patrice to come today, to helppupils to understand that if they have the skill of one or twoother languages it can open so many doors.”Manchester United Foundation’s partnership with MHAsees full time football coach, Lee Caldwell, based at theschool to work with pupils and the local community.Contact: Paul BarrettTel: 0161 998 3992Email: p.barrett@manchesterhealthacademy.org.uk15

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsEventsManchesterSunday 4 AugustNational Cycling Centre10am - 4pmMy Bike. My Manchester.Ride together on traffic free streets. Visit goskyride.comContact: Neil FletcherTel: 0161 234 3166Email: neil.fletcher@manchester.gov.uk18

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsGeneralFirstDayGroup only£8*2 adults and upto 3 childrenUse our great value tickets, convenient family traveland visit firstgroup.com/summerfun to discoverunforgettable days out across the region and getgreat discounts on family-friendly attractions.FirstWeekChild now only£5†Putting our customers’ pockets First* These prices are promotional prices from 20th July 2013 until 31st August 2013. After which they will revert to original price of FirstWeek Child £6.50 and FirstDay Group £8.60.† FirstWeek Child tickets are for customers aged below 16. When purchasing this ticket you may be required to show an under 16 pass, application forms available from TfGMTravelshops or visit www.tfgm.com. Terms & Conditions apply for these tickets, visit firstgroup.com/summerfun for details.23057 A3 poster_Greater Manchester.indd 1 01/07/2013 10:49Contact: Linda DaviesTel: 0161 627 7250Email: Linda.Davies@FirstGroup.com19

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsGeneralMessing around on the railway can kill!With the summerholidays fastapproaching I amtaking the opportunityto ask you to remindyour students about thedangers of trespassingand vandalism on therailway.This time of year, with the lighter nights, istraditionally the time when route crime incidentssuch as stone throwing, putting obstructions in frontof trains, trespassing and lineside vandalism begin toincrease across the railway.Not only is it illegal to trespass on the tracks(incurring a fine of up to £1000) it is also extremelydangerous for both the trespasser themselves and forthose working or travelling on the railway.Sadly, in 2011 alone 50 people were killed aftertrespassing on the railway and there were over 400near misses. Trespassers simply don’t realise thateven after a train has put on its brakes it can travelup to 2,000 metres (the length of about 20 PremierLeague football pitches) before stopping. Not onlythat but wind turbulence produced by trains can dragsomeone standing by the tracks under the train’swheels.Statistically most trespassing and vandalism incidentson the railway are committed by boys aged betweeneight and 16 but children as young as five has beenfound risking their lives by playing on the tracks.Network Rail has set up a website called ‘Rail Life’(www.rail-life.co.uk) dedicated to educating youngpeople on the dangers and providing real lifeexamples of the consequences of trespassing onthe railway and I would be grateful if you couldencourage your students to thinkAnyone witnessing dangerous or illegal behaviour onthe railway should contact the British Transport Policeon 0800 40 50 40.Contact: Laura McHughTel: 0141 555 4523Email: laura.mchugh@networkrail.co.ukStanding with MalalaDo you remember Malala Yousafzai?She’s the 15 year-old that the Pakistani Taliban tried toassassinate last October because of her strong voicein the fight for women’s rights and youth education.The Taliban gunmen shot her in front of her peers-- but she survived and she has not stopped fighting.On 12 July, she marked her sixteenth birthday byspeaking at the UN. She delivered the first ever set ofeducation policy recommendations written for youth,by youth.I just signed a letter to the UN Secretary Generaltelling him, and the world, that Malala does not standalone in her fight for universal youth education. Willyou sign it as well?https://secure.aworldatschool.org/malala-friendshareThank you for supporting this cause with me. Everysignature really does make a difference!Contact: Jenny PattersonTel: 0771 752 7750Email: j.patterson@manchester.gov.uk20

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsCircularsNo. <strong>Issue</strong> date Short title (linked to Word document) Contact StatusJuly 2013649 16-07-2013 New Public Law Outline – Family Justice Reforms July 2013 Jane Johnson Red0161 219 6895648 16-07-2013 Update on the Connexions Contract 2013-15 Elaine Morrison Red0161 234 4277647 16-07-2013 Secondary school clothing grants for 2013/14 Mark Holroyd Amber0161 455 1070Attached: SSCG Post Office Letter 2013-14646 15-07-2013 Termly Finance Update – Summer 2013 Reena Kohli Green0161 2344235/1467Attached:Spring update on finance issues645 15-07-2013 Bridgelea Pupil Referral Unit Open Days Phil Hoyland Amber0161 234 4477Attached:Reply slip Bridgelea open days644 15-07-2013 Manchester Standing Advisory Council for ReligiousEducation (SACRE) - SecondaryAttached: SACRE Secondary July 2013643 15-07-2013 Manchester Standing Advisory Council for ReligiousEducation - Primary (SACRE)Attached: SACRE for Primary Heads July 2013642 15-07-2013 National College for Teaching and Leadership – ‘Steppinginto Headship’Attached:1. Info for participants stepping into Headship2. Guidance for completing application form3. Application form Stepping Into HeadshipNick Paul07903559677Nick Paul07903559677Nick Paul07903559677641 08-07-2013 Grade 1 school support staff – Competency review Peter Bradshaw0161 245 7504Attached:1. G1 Managers guide2. G1 Employees guide3. G1 Assessment Form4. Competency Increment Assessment Action Plan640 08-07-2013 Childcare Voucher Scheme Julie Newton0161 245 7504639 08-07-2013 MCR + Employee Discount and Benefit Scheme Julie Newton0161 245 7504638 08-07-2013 Amended Documents to support the changes to attendancelegislationAttached:1. Holiday in Term Time letter2. Whole school information and warning3. Penalty Notice Warning Letter for further UA Leave of Absence4. School Attendance Policy tracked changes5. Multi-languages prosecution info sheetTracey Dunn0161 234 5193RedRedRedAmberAmberAmberRed21

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3Headline School Council Events Training General CircularsCircularsNo. <strong>Issue</strong> date Short title (linked to Word document) Contact StatusJuly 2013637 01-07-2013 Keeping Safe in the School Holidays Lynda Karalis0161 234 031Red636 01-07-2013 National Collegef or Teaching and Leadership - ‘Steppinginto HeadshipAttached:1. Application form2. Guidance document3. Information for participants Stepping Into HeadshipNick Paul07903 559 677635 01-07-2013 Milk in Schools Schemes Allan Acton0161 234 5724Attached:Copy of NHS Dental Milk Letter634 01-07-2013 Changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools and theSchools Financial RegulationsAttached: 1. Scheme for Financing Schools (July 2013)2. Schools Financial Regulations (July 2013)Reena Kohli 0161234 4235RedAmberAmberThat is the last edition of the In Touch With You newsletter in it’s current form,and the last one I will produce. I have really enjoyed reading the articles andseeing some of the brilliant things that our schools have done in the last fouryears I have been doing ITWY. I would like to thank on a personal note all theschools and teachers who have supported the newsletter during my time onit. Richard Smith (Children’s Services Communication Team)22

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