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<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsInTouchWith YouChildren’s Services Directorate Newsletter to SchoolsIssue 248 27 March 2013<strong>Headline</strong>‘Raising the Participation Age....’School Council EventsGeneralTrainingCirculars1

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsWe’re Programming and It’s Ace!School NewsCrumpsall Lane Primary School are excited to announcethat this Spring term all our classes, from Nursery to Year6, have been taking part in programming lessons, whichhave been thoroughly enjoyed!With the proposed Computing curriculum now unveiled(though still currently under consultation), we werekeen to introduce programming early to start todevelop teaching and learning around these new skillsand knowledge. To begin with, all our staff took part inan experiential staff meeting using a range of iPad appsand computer based programming environments tocode their own programs. This helped our teachers tounderstand key concepts of programming and explorehow programming skills and knowledge progressesthroughout the key stages.In EYFS and KS1 pupils have been learning theimportant basics of coding using apps such as Daisythe Dinosaur and Cargo Bot to write sequences of codeusing directional commands, loops and simple inputs.Throughout KS2 pupils have been learning to code in avisual programming language called Scratch, which isfree to use and can be downloaded fromhttp://www.scratch.mit.edu. Using Scratch pupilshave been introduced to the concept of variables andconditions in programming, which has enabled themto code their own computers games with high scores tobeat and ‘power ups’ to discover!Throughout our programming lessons, pupils havemoved through three stages of learning to ensureprogression. Initially, an ’exploratory stage’ providespupils the opportunity to develop code as they wishand observe the outcome when the program is run.This is progressed to a ‘Coding for an outcome’, in whichthe outcome is defined and pupils generate the mostefficient effective code to meet that outcome.Finally, an ‘evaluative’ stage offers pupils the opportunityto critically review and debug existing programs thathave errors in them. As well as coding their own games,pupils will also have the opportunity to make their owngame controllers using a ‘Makey, Makey’ which, putsimply, turns anything in the world into buttons!Go to www.makeymakey.com to see a few of the infinitepossibilities! To learn more about our programmingcurriculum, please visit our Computing blog(www.primarycomputing.co.uk) which can also befound in the curriculum area of our websitewww.crumpsalllaneprimary.org. Feel free to get in touchwith questions and/or comments.Contact: Jonathan ChippindallTel: 07790 036 517Email: jchippindall@gmail.comBasketball Bronze for the Ladybarn Lions!Contact: Jack HarrisonTel: 0161 445 4898Email: j.harrison@ladybarn.manchester.sch.ukCongratulations to the Ladybarn Primary School basketball team whowon bronze at the City-wide finals. Under the guidance of Leo Okorie, ateam of year 5 and 6s whitewashed their way through round after roundto reach the finals, where they came third out of all Manchester schools.Well done to the team for the great achievement - let’s hope we cancontinue next year!5

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsAshbury Meadow Primary School - Chinese New Year CelebrationsAshbury Meadow celebrated the Chinese New Yearwith a wonderful afternoon event. All the childrenmade decorations for the hall. Experts came to teachYear 6 how to do a Dragon Dance and the childrenthen entertained the whole school and parents with aperformance.After school, children took part in workshops to makelanterns, kites and snakes. Lots of families cameand enjoyed the Chinese food provided. The Karatemaster class was enjoyed by the participants withmany in the audience admiring the children’s grasp ofthe moves.It was an excellent get together and much enjoyed byeveryone.Ashbury Meadow Successfully Renew their Eco Green Flag AwardContact: Lorna Rushton / Tricia WoodTel: 0161 219 6630 / 0161 219 6634Email: head@ashburymeadow.manchester.sch.uk / p.wood@manchester.gov.ukAshbury Meadow Primary School and Children’s Centrehave successfully renewed their Eco School Green Flagstatus on Monday, 28 January 2013. They have heldthe award for two years running and have continuedto work on maintaining various projects, includingdeveloping the school grounds, healthy living andlitter and progressing the topics of waste and energyreduction.The Assessor commented on how articulate andconfident the children in the eco council were inexpressing their ideas and plans for the eco environmentwhilst they showed her around the school and children’scentre, proudly sharing their achievements.6

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsHappy Birthday to the SSC – Our <strong>One</strong> Year JourneyOn 5 March 2013, we celebrated a very special day atBowker Vale Primary School, the one year anniversaryof the opening of our Specialist Support Centre. TheSpecialist Support Centre, or the SSC, is a resourcedprovision for children with statements of SEN in thearea of SEBD. At present we have six children attendingfull time and the children range in age from Year 2 toYear 5.The day was a very special one for all the childrenand the staff at the SSC and the whole school, as wecelebrated how far we have come in the past year.Early 2012 we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of sixchildren at our SSC. The whole staff team were lookingforward to meeting the children and welcoming theminto the friendly and inclusive Bowker Vale community.Despite the many challenges we faced during thefirst term, such as delays in finishing the building, allsix children starting together at the same time and acombination of the children’s needs and not knowingthe other children or adults, the SSC has gone fromstrength to strength and is now an integral part ofBowker Vale School.Children at the SSC are supported by specialist staffwith their learning and with their social and emotionaldevelopment. The children all have individualeducation and behaviour plans and spend timelearning in small group activities and in one to onesessions. The morning is dedicated to reading, writingand maths and the children take part in activities andGolden Time in the afternoon. An emphasis is placedon self reflection, with children becoming increasinglyresponsible for managing their own behaviour anddeveloping strategies to manage their feeling andemotions.The children take part in many outdoor learningactivities, including trips to Heaton Park to find outabout the local community, canoeing to develop teamwork, climbing to develop self esteem and confidenceand sledging at Christmas to reward the children forthe very hard work which they have put in this year.The SSC has also developed excellent links with thelocal police, with 15 GMP response officers taking partin SEBD awareness sessions at the SSC. The officerswere so impressed by what they saw at the Centre,they asked to come back on their next training dayto spend more time with the children and to furtherdevelop their knowledge and understanding of SEN.<strong>One</strong> of the staff’s highlights of the year has been thenativity play which all the children took part in duringthe last week before the Christmas holidays. All thechildren took part in the play, with some childrentaking on the role of more than one character. It wasa real pleasure to see the children perform in frontof their parents and carers and to see how proud thechildren were of themselves and each other.If you would like any further information on the SSC,then please contact Kate Allely on 0161 740 5993.Contact: Kate AllelyTel: 0161 740 5993Email: k.allely@bowkervale.manchester.sch.uk8

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsWhat does the futurehold in 2088?Year 7 students at Newall GreenHigh School have just completedtheir ‘Humanities HomeworkChallenge’ in which they had toproduce a time capsule to beopened in 75 years time!!!180 students spent a half-terminvestigating life in Wythenshaweand Manchester, looking atdifferent aspects of their owncurrent lifestyle in 2013, plusa variety of tasks relating toGeography, History and RE.They were given the opportunityto produce a piece of work in themost creative way possible andthey did not disappoint! ‘DeadlineDay’ brought a steady flow ofshoe-boxes, videos, presentationsand booklets, amongst otherimaginative items!A hard afternoon of judgingamongst the Humanities Facultyproduced 20 winners, each ofwhom received a prize, plus theopportunity for their work to beburied deep in the heart of NewallGreen High School!!!Who will be around to see itopened in 2088…THINK BIGGER!!!Year 9 students Katie Hill andBethany Rooney Stone fromNewall Green High School spenttwo days from 15 – 17 February inthe New Forrest. They were takingpart in the “Think Bigger” Projectfunded by ‘O2’.Their weekend was packed fullof learning how to successfullyrun your own business. The girlshad successfully won fundingto support their own businessof recycling chairs and makingthem into funky designer onesby painting and decoratingthem. The girls are donatingthe first three chairs to the localprimary schools as readingchairs. These chairs will not onlyencourage the pupils to readbut will also encourage themwith their speech, language andcommunication skills.Katie and Beth saw theirconfidences grow and grow as theweekend progressed. They werethe youngest young people therewith the other ages ranging from19 to 25. Everyone commentedon how mature and friendly theywere and how proud NewallGreen High School should be.Sharing our Lovewith ZambiaOn Friday 15 February, the ZambiaCouncil at Newall Green HighSchool organised a Valentine’sDay Disco to be held in the schoolhall for Years 7 and 8.This was an end of half term treatfor many whilst being a greatfundraising event for the ZambiaSchools Project, supportingschools in Zambia.The Zambia Council designed theposters to advertise the event aswell as decorating the school hallwith love hearts.Newall Green’s finest DJ’s (JoshuaGaunt, Joshua Ritchie andMathew Morton) provided themusic to get the party startedas the dance floor filled withYear 7 and 8s dancing along totry and win the ‘cutest couple’competition.The event raised £135 and theZambia Council would like tothank everyone involved for theircontribution.Contact: Karen LavinTel: 0161 234 6420Email: k.lavin@newallgreenhigh.manchester.sch.uk9

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsGiant Egg Discovery at St Barnabas, Openshaw!School NewsOn Monday 4 March the staff at StBarnabas C of E Primary Academyin Openshaw were forced to callan emergency assembly afterthe discovery of a giant egg inthe academy grounds. The staffand children were joined by DCIMarsden from Scotland Yard andProfessor Sheard from the NationalMuseum of Strange Objects(NMSO). The visitors outlined thediscovery to the children andtold them that it was of greatimportance that they investigatedthis strange happening andreported back to Dr Strangeways,head of the NMSO.Following the assembly thechildren were immediately set totask and had to go and investigatethe egg and see what they noticedand observed in the surroundingarea. The children turned into miniinvestigators and gave it 100% inresearching what they could see,hear, touch and smell. They thentook their findings and researchedfurther using the internet turningtheir research into detaileddiagrams and pictures, fact files,stories and newspaper articles.There were many suggestions forwhat the egg could be including afossilised elephant bird, a dinosauror even an alien from outer space.Throughout the week thesesuggestions circulated furtherthrough the local community andit wasn’t just the children talkingabout this discovery.The children had a fantasticweek and thoroughly enjoyedfinding out about this discoveryand it really brought out theirimaginations and creativity.Contact: Matt Carroll (Vice Principal)Tel: 0161 223 3593Email: m.carroll@stbarnabascofeacademy.org.ukWorld Book Day at Crowcroft ParkCrowcroft Park Primary celebrated World BookDay in style! The children and staff all dressedup as favourite book characters and we spentthe day taking part in lots of exciting activities.The children designed posters and bookmarks,made Wordles, shared stories, and took parkin a Drop Eveything And Read session whereeveryone in the school stopped what theywere doing and read.We love reading at Crowcroft Park and it was afantastic day.Contact: A MottramTel: 0161 224 5914Email: a.mottram@crowcroftpark.manchester.sch.uk10

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsCharity Fundraising: Harlem Shake, Head Shave and more...Staff and students at The CooperativeAcademy of Manchesterare working together to raise moneyfor three charities whilst gearingthemselves up for the Runway onthe Runway fashion extravaganza.As one of the ten schools takingpart in the event staged by youngpeople to raise money for youngpeople, a range of activitieshave been planned to help thecharities Medcare, Make-A-WishFoundation, and Teenage CancerTrust.Harlem ShakeStaff and students have workedhard to recreate the ‘HarlemShake’ video that has gone viralon social networking sites. As youmay have seen, the video startswith one person dancing alone tothe song Harlem Shake by Baauer,surrounded by others who arecompletely unaware of what isgoing on. When the bass drops,the video cuts to the entire crowddoing a crazy convulsive dance. Allwho took part donated to the threecharities.Baking CompetitionStaff competed in a ‘bake off’.We have done this previouslyfor Macmillan and it proved verysuccessful! Staff are invited to bakeany cake/biscuit of their choiceand bring it in. Staff will then makedonations in return for a piece ofcake and a cuppa. Our Sixth formstudents were there to help servehot drinks.Charity Head ShavePerhaps you have seen ourreceptionist Sian Welsh in theManchester Evening News lately.Sian has had her lovely long darkhair all shaved off for the threecharities in order to raise £3,000– and she’s well on her way tomeeting her target.As well as helping our threecharities, Sian will also besupporting the work of LittlePrincess Trust, a charity thatprovides real hair wigs for childrenacross the UK and Ireland whohave lost their hair as a result ofcancer treatment. You can donateto Sian’s charity head shave throughhttps://www.justgiving.com/teams/runwayheadshave.The Co-operative Academy Becomes RHS Partner SchoolWe are delighted to have beenchosen by the Royal HorticulturalSociety to be one of their PartnerSchools. This status means that wewill receive expert help in ensuringour school gardening is successfuland sustainable, and that ourteachers receive support in ‘GrowingTopics’ within their classes.This news will also benefit the widercommunity and our feeder primaryschools; part of being a PartnerSchool includes helping parents,community groups and otherschools learn practical gardeningskills including seed sowing andtaking cuttings and to grow theirown garden.Contact: Julie ConnorTel: 0161 795 3005Email: j.connor@cam.coopGardening at The Co-operativeAcademy of Manchester continuesto go from strength to strength,mostly thanks to the enthusiasmof Mrs Palkimas, one of our sciencetechnicians, who made surethat our new academy buildingcame equipped with fantasticgarden resources, includinga large greenhouse and nineraised beds. The Gardening Clubincludes students from a rangeof year groups and has grown anassortment of herbs and plants,including cabbages, cucumbers,tomatoes, peppers and chillies.Much of this produce has been usedby the academy’s own kitchens and11in Food Technology lessons.Being a Partner School will helpus work up the RHS Campaign forSchool Gardening’s benchmarkingscheme and help us continue oursuccess in the Britain in Bloom / It’sYour Neighbourhood award. Lastyear the installation of our bees andthe flowers and pond that formstheir habitat helped us receive aLevel 4: Thriving award.

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsWorld Book Day & Opening ofThe New LibraryLevenshulme High School for Girls used World Book Dayon Thursday 7 March to celebrate the grand opening ofa redecorated and refurbished library. Our headteacherMrs Thain cut the ribbon, surrounded by our StudentLibrarians, all celebrating the fruit of their hard work inputting it together.With walls in bright, cheerful colours, displays showingpupils’ success in the Accelerated Reading scheme, andour bookmark competition, not to mention our eagerStudent Librarians who come to help at every availableopportunity, the library is the place to be.The school asked pupils to vote for the books theywanted to see on the shelves, and we have boughtenough new books by all the most popular young adultauthors to fill them.World Book Day itself was a triumph, with staff dressedas characters from favourite books manning the MadHatter’s Tea Party in the Errwood Hall and selling cakesand biscuits for charity. Every class that day beganwith a teacher reading from their favourite book and,at 10.15am, a bell rang, and every single person inthe school dropped what they were doing to read.Competitions included a Treasure Hunt using bookcovers, and a bookmark competition.In the library, we had a visiting writer/musician/artistwho led classes in making their own books. Books donot have to be made of paper and have covers; we hadbooks made of old video cases, and waste paper, beads,buttons and thread, cassette tape, and in all shapes andsizes.At Levenshulme High School, we know that reading isone of the most important ways we can open up ourlives to new experiences; not all readers can be leaders,but all leaders read. World Book Day was our celebrationof our reading, and our students’ potential to lead.Contact: Jayne Fleming / Sally WheatmanTel: 0161 224 4625 / 0161 973 9489Email: jfleming@levenshulmehigh.org / sally.wheatman@richmedialtd.co.uk12School NewsLevenshulme students bring theTudors back to lifeDrama and music students from Levenshulme HighSchool brought the trials and tribulations of the Tudorsto life when they performed a version of Henry Vlll atOrdsall Hall.The GCSE pupils performed an adaptation of theShakespearian play to an invited audience of parents,staff and friends of the school in the perfect setting of aformer Tudor manor house.Although Ordsall Hall dates back 820 years, the currentGreat Hall was built in 1512 – just three years after thestart of the reign of Henry Vlll. It’s even said that theking and his entourage once stayed there over-night.Head of drama at Levenshulme, Aisha Mian said: “Thishas been a marvellous experience for our students.They have been completely absorbed in the life of theTudors and the complex relationship between Henryand the Church.“Their involvement in the production has helped themreally understand the politics and the effect it had onEngland at the time,” she added.Music students performed live music contemporaneousto the Tudors using instrumental musical forms anddances such as Pavane & Gailliard as well as originalcompositions by King Henry VIII, and sang versions ofAve Maria and an Allelujah in the style of the time.The Manchester Arts <strong>Education</strong> Initiative is workingwith the school to stage the play. The organisationhelps schools take their productions to the professionaltheatre.

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsSaint Paul’s School ParliamentPupils at Saint Paul’s Catholic High School inWythenshawe have been voting for their own SchoolParliament as part of a new school initiative to involvemore of the pupils in the life and decision-makingprocesses of the school.All pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 were eligible to stand forelection to the School Parliament. Candidates ran theirown election campaign and their campaign pledges wereon a display board. The rest of the year group then votedfor their three favourite candidates who will duly sit onthe School Parliament for that year. The three pupils fromeach year who received the most votes on the day wereappointed MSPs, Member of School Parliament.All the representatives ran the Election Day with thehelp of Manchester City Council who provided somevery impressive official equipment such as booths, ballotboxes and ballot papers.The purpose of the School Parliament is to give pupils areal voice within a manageable system and encouragestudents to take ownership and responsibility for theirschool. It will also enable staff to gain student perspectivewhilst at the same time raising awareness aboutdemocratic systems and rights in line with Citizenshipeducation.Saint Paul’s Pupils VisitManchester UniversityA group of Year 8 pupils from Saint Paul’s CatholicHigh School in Wythenshawe are taking part in theManchester Gateway Programme which is targeted attalented learners from the local region who have theability to progress into Higher <strong>Education</strong> and are frombackgrounds that are currently under-represented.The University of Manchester Gateway Programmeprovides a fantastic opportunity for the pupilsto participate in a coherent series of academicenrichment and higher education awareness activities.As part of the programme, the pupils visitedManchester University to learn more about what lifeat university is really like and what it could offer them.The aim of the event was to raise the aspirations andmotivation of the pupils by showing them the benefitsof progressing to university whilst at the same timeenjoying themselves and having fun.They were able to tour the prestigious university,spend some time in the museum, take part in somegroup activities and talk to students who are currentlystudying at the university.Contact: Jane McAuliffe-HallTel: 0161 437 5841Email: j.mcauliffe-hall@st-paulshigh.net13

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsLondon Beckons for St Peter’sTechnology StudentsSchool NewsPupils Adventure into Books withBest-selling AuthorA group of 52 St Peter’s pupils have recently beenpart of the excellent Art & Design TechnologyFaculty Trip to London, experiencing many of theattractions our capital has to offer, and participatein a wealth of fun and educationally enriching visitsand activities.Pupils from Art, Textiles, Engineering and Hospitalityhad the opportunity to visit attractions appropriateto their subject, including The Tate Modern, TowerBridge, HMS Belfast, The Fashion and Textilemuseum and Planet Hollywood. Pupils havebeen truly inspired and will take all the learning,influences, ideas and resources back into theclassroom to enrich their coursework.All pupils took part in an extensive coach andwalking sightseeing tour of London throughout thetwo days, with many photo opportunities of famousLandmarks that the city has to offer. The pupilscertainly received a good flavour of London! Therewere lots of sore feet!We also had the opportunity for some alternativelearning in respect to the darker side of London’shistory, taking part in the scary London BridgeExperience. We learnt about the lifestyles in earlyLondon, The Fire of London and Jack the Ripper - allwhile being chased around in the dark by actors inhorrifying costumes! This really was a lot of fun andcertainly a highlight for the children.All pupils had a great time and we hope to makethis trip an annual opportunity for pupils opting totake these subjects at Key Stage 4.Contact: Mr J McNerneyTel: 0161 248 1550Email: office@st-petershigh.manchester.sch.ukBest-selling children’s author Philip Caveney took timeout from writing his next book to invite Year 7 pupilsat The Barlow RC High School into the lives of hischaracters. An established fantasy writer for childrenand winner of the Oldham Schools Book Prize, Philipgave an insight into the world of an author. His excitingand inspirational presentation to the young readersand would-be writers culminated in a lively questionand answer session.The Year 7 students questioned Philip about hisfavourite character from his books, how long it takeshim to write his novels and who gets to read thembefore they’re published.Best known for his Sebastian Darke books - a fantasyseries for children that recounts the adventures of afailed jester and his companions, Philip signed thebooks bought by the students who on hearing aboutSebastian’s adventures, were eager to be part of them.Based in Stockport, Philip’s work has been published allaround the world, with his Sebastian Darke adventurestranslated into many different languages.Year 7 student, Sarves Sanjeevan said, “I love readingand after meeting Philip, I want to use my imaginationto write my own stories. I liked hearing about his booksand am aiming to read them all! We have a readingprogramme at school where once we finish a book wetake an online quiz to make sure we’ve understood it;I can’t wait to read the Sebastian Darke series and betested on all his adventures!”The author visit was the first of many activities that theschool arranged in the lead up to World Book Day on 7March.Contact: Kathryn CarrTel: 0161 445 8053Email: k.carr@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk15

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsDragon’s Den Comes to theChorlton PartnershipFollowing on from the hugely successful Chorlton ClusterOlympics and torch relay held last summer; on 28 February2013 Chorlton Park Primary School hosted an ‘Inventors’Dragon’s Den competition. Compered by Sally Lamb,acting Headteacher from the Chorlton Park and Old MoatFederation, eight groups of Year 5 children from BarlowHall Primary School, Brookburn Primary School,Oswald Road Primary School, St John’s RC PrimarySchool, St Ambrose RC Primary School, Chorlton andOld Moat Primary School Federation and Manley ParkPrimary School took part.Each school led by their Science co-ordinator had inventeda product ranging from a potential moon buggy to ediblewallpaper and in true Dragon’s Den style presented thisto a panel of judges. The science behind their inventionwas of equal importance to the group’s presentation skills.After intense questioning by the judges the winner wasOld Moat School led by teacher Nuala Cook with theirinvention ‘Floating Friend’, a portable lifesaver for boatsand ships. They were closely followed by the Chorlton Parkteam led by Year 5 teacher Jenny Davies and ScienceCo-ordinator, Kate Prasad.We thank our judges Eric Lowndes from The ManchesterChamber of Commerce, Ben Holt a local entrepreneur- Holt Energy work with schools, businesses and localauthorities in providing fully funded, turnkey energyreduction services and Alexandria Rogerson a PhD studentin Physical Chemistry from Manchester University.We also thank our sponsors who provided prizes, SirRichard Branson, who gave free train travel for a day toLondon for our winners so that they may visit the ScienceMuseum’s ‘Inventors’ exhibition and Manchester Airport forthe limited edition gold Concorde badges and VIP trip tothe Concorde tour. It was a truly wonderful event for ourpupils across the cluster.School NewsManufacturing Success at FabLab ManchesterThere was no rest during the February half term breakfor three enterprising MCMA students, who tookadvantage of the facilities at Fab Lab Manchester.Along with pupils from other Manchester schools,Ryan Hilton, Donald Okoli-Chuks and Victor Oderindewere rewarded with a unique introduction toengineering, invention and manufacturing.The Fab Lab, short for Fabrication Laboratory, is afully equipped workshop which gives members ofthe community an opportunity to develop ideas intoproducts. Fab Lab Manchester is one of 35 Fab Labsaround the world, developed from a 2005 outreachproject of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.During the week, the pupils designed and built aremote controlled robot capable of playing football,made a Boom Box (docking station for a mobilephone), created a light activated music box anddeveloped their own 3D products.The week of technological empowerment allowedthe students to use:• 2D design software• Laser cutters• A milling machine• Electrical wiring• Circuit boards• Soldering irons• 3D printingThe final challenge was to create a robot capable ofnavigating the rocky surface of Mars, this brought theweek’s technical endeavours to an end.Contact: Joan M PenningtonTel: 07940 388397Email: Joan.mary.pennington@gmail.comContact: Siobhan GorylTel: 0161 681 1035Email: sgoryl@mcmacademy.com16

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsThe East Manchester AcademySchool NewsTEMA Rising Sporting StarsOur congratulations go to:• Jake who recently won a silvermedal in the under 14’s NationalKickboxing Championships. Hehas been selected to representEngland in the forthcoming WorldKickboxing Championships in Italy.• Chris who won the ManchesterSchools Key Stage 3 BadmintonChampionships.• The Year 8 boys who are top ofthe Manchester Schools PremiershipFootball League; in the Semi FinalsContact: Jill RichfordTel: 0161 230 8039Email: j.richford@temac.co.ukTo infinity and beyond ….of the Manchester Schools Cup; andin the Quarter Finals of the ESFANational cup having reached thelast 8 from 712 competing teams.Six Nations Rugby ChampionshipsTEMA Rugby Team had the privilegeof being on the pitch at Twickenhamas a guard of honour to the Englishand Italian Six Nations teams.Pupils played Touch Rugby inchesaway from Toby Flood and otherteam members. An amazingexperience for pupils and staff. Amemorable day.TEMA HairsprayOver 70 pupils entertained apacked theatre with their excellentperformance of the musical‘Hairspray.’ Pupils and staff havespent hours rehearsing scripts,songs and dance routines, as well asmaking costumes and sets. All thehard work came together with someoutstanding individual and groupperformances throughout the show.In May 2013, 20 Gifted and Talented Year 8 studentsfrom Manchester Communication Academy will makethe trip to the European Space Agencies, EuropeanSpace Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) inNoordwijk, The Netherlands.The students have been given the amazing opportunityto use ESA’s Micro Gravity Drop Tower for the day. Thisprofessional scientific piece of equipment, usually onlyever used by space agencies and private companies,provides an environment similar to space.The Micro Gravity Drop Tower works by dropping aweighted capsule from a height and at a high speed.The results of this are that the inside of the capsuleexperiences approximate 1.5 seconds of micro gravity.Although this sounds like a very short period of time,using a high speed camera you are able to carry out awide range of detailed scientific experiments.Our students are in the process of designing andContact: Rose HodsonTel: 0161 202 0161Email: r.hodson@mca.manchester.sch.ukbuilding the experiments that they can then carry out.Here are a few ideas that they have come up with so far:• Looking at how jelly acts in micro gravity• How does a candle burn in micro gravity• Does oil and water separate in micro gravity• What would happen to a broken Egg in micro gravityIn June 2011 Science Teacher Chris Beard attendedthe ESA Teacher Workshop where he learnt all aboutbringing space into the classroom. During his timethere he was shown the Micro Gravity Drop Tower andthrough discussions with <strong>Education</strong> Staff from ESAarrange for this visit to take place.Access to ESTEC is a very rare opportunity and we willbe the first school in the UK to be allowed to use thisamazing piece of equipment allowing the students towork with some of Europe’s leading Space Scientistsgetting a real taste of work for a Space Agency.17

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsCouncil NewsManchester Libraries, the World Book Day Challenge and4,286 ChildrenTo start the countdown to thereopening of Central Library in2014, Manchester Libraries setthemselves the challenge to readto 2,014 children during the weekof World Book Day. With your help,we exceeded the target and readto 4,286 children!The challenge was kicked off ata World Book Day party at CityLibrary, which was attended bychildren from St Richard’s RCPrimary and the school councilfrom Abbott Primary school. Thechildren (and staff) dressed up asbook characters and were treatedto a day of book-related activitiesby library staff. A lucky few gota sneak preview of the ReadingRoom in Central Library, which isundergoing extensive work beforereopening to the public next year.Mathew Sullivan, the teacher fromSt Richard’s commented that ‘tripslike these increase engagementand enjoyment for children…returning to school hungry formore’.Library staff across the city visitedschool assemblies and invitedclass groups in to their locallibrary.If you would like to link up withyour local library and find outhow we can support your school,please contact Cheryl Pridgeon/Margaret Clarkson for moreinformation.Contact: Cheryl Pridgeon / Margaret ClarksonTel: 0161 234 1926Email: c.pridgeon@manchester.gov.uk / m.clarkson@manchester.gov.ukChristmas Lunch – a very popular choiceManchester Fayre has just had its best ever Christmas Lunch, with over50% more lunches being served compared to normal.Last term, many schools enjoyed a Christmas themed lunch with roastturkey and all the trimmings served to over 50% more pupils andteachers than usual – which is a great result.The children really enjoyed colouring in the placemats and many tookthem home too. Pupils really benefited from linking up what they weredoing in the classroom with what they ate in the dining room and - forsome - it was a chance to experience another culture’s festivities.Contact: Kate Evans / Allan ActonTel: 0161 234 5725 / 0161 234 5724Email: k.evans@manchester.gov.uk / a.acton1@manchester.gov.uk18

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsCouncil NewsOur Golden Rules of the Dining Room competition was won by…A budding artist’s guide to good table manners haswon her tickets to one of the city’s top shows.Rebecca Haughton, aged 10, from St Edmund’s RCPrimary School in Miles Platting, won four ticketsto Peter Pan starring David Hasselhoff at the OperaHouse after entering a Manchester City Councilorganised competition to design a poster about theGolden Rules of the Dining Room.Rebecca’s poster, reminding fellow pupils about howto behave, was chosen out of more than 700 entriesand will now be given pride of place on the school’sdining room wall.Her school also won a celebration top table withbenches, on which children who are rewarded forgood behaviour will be able to sit.Cllr Jeff Smith, executive member for finance, said:“It’s great to see the enthusiasm which Manchesteryoungsters had for taking up this competition. I’d liketo congratulate Rebecca for her efforts and I hope sheenjoys her prize.“We pride ourselves on the quality, taste andnutritional value of our school meals and this is thethird year in a row when our caters, ManchesterFayre, saw an increase in the uptake of school meals,which shows that healthy, nutritious food can also bepopular and tasty.“Not only do our caterers provide hot, nutritiousschool dinners, but they really get involved with life attheir school and engage with the children.”For more information about Manchester school mealsand a sample copy of the school menu, visitwww.myschoollunch.co.uk/manchester.Themed School lunchesLook out for the latest competition where pupils are invited tocreate a soup using their favourite vegetables for the chance to wina £50 voucher to eat at Nando’s Restaurant, and to have their soupcooked for the whole school.For a chance to win the £50 voucher to eat at Nando’s Restaurantand to have your soup cooked for your whole school, simplycomplete the Super Soups Activity Sheet by finding all thevegetables hidden in the word search, design a soup using yourfour favourite vegetables and design your own label for your tin ofsoup.Contact: Kate Evans / Allan ActonTel: 0161 234 5725 / 0161 234 5724Email: k.evans@manchester.gov.uk / a.acton1@manchester.gov.uk19

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsEventsfree pta workshopFundraising and goodpracticeThe event will cover working with local businesses, promotingyour PTA, maximising tried and tested events and much more!time and placeMonday 22nd April 2013, 6.45pm-9.00pmLinden Road Primary School, Denton, M34 6EFfor more information and toreserve your free places contactKaren Wood 01942 679535/ karen.wood@pta.org.ukwww.pta.org.ukContact: Karen WoodTel: 01942 679535Email: karen.wood@pta.org.uk20

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsTrainingManchester Travel Training Partnership MTTPHow to get help with Travel Training?If you have a pupil with special needs, who usesManchester Schools transport to get to school orcollege, who you think would benefit from traveltraining, you could phone us direct on 0161 445 0123or email us at mttp@lancasterian.manchester.sch.ukfor a referral form to be sent.What we then would do is come and see you andtalk about what travel training is and how we couldhelp you. If everybody agrees that’s a good idea thenyou would be given your own travel trainer and theadventure begins.Benefits and Outcomes• Promotes independenceThe young people learn to travel on their own• Develops confidence and self esteemFears are conquered and the young people feelgood about themselves.• Promotes positive road safety skillsThe young people become more aware of thedangers of crossing the road and are given theskills to do so safely.• Widening social circles (after school activities,clubs & cinema)Once trained, the young person can then usethose skills to get around more using publictransport and enjoy a more active social life• Promotes positive interaction with friends andfamilyFamily and friends can become involved in thetraining and benefit from the young person’sachievements.• Greater awareness of surroundingenvironmentPart of the training encourages the young peopleto be more alert to what is going on around themand how to keep themselves safe.• Builds upon their practical and social skillsTravel Training provides a great place to learnskills such as finding their way around andspeaking up for themselves.• Develops communication skillsWho to ask, how to ask and even why it’s good toask for what you need.• Develops responsibility for themselvesTimekeeping and responsibility are importantparts of the training.Contact: Ms Julie HumphreysTel: 0161 445 0123 Ext:269 / 07542405795Email: j.humphreys@lancasterian.manchester.sch.uk21

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsGeneralTraining Carousel 2012At the end of the summer term last year,your Catering Manager took part in ourannual Manchester Fayre Training CarouselThe ‘Training Carousel’ is a training initiative thatwas developed in 2007 by the Catering Servicesdepartment of Manchester City Council to identify‘gaps’ in training, knowledge and skills that existacross Catering Managers at a unit level. The aim is tofill these gaps and ensure that an excellent standardof service is maintained, and to provide our staff withthe relevant skills and knowledge that will empowerthem to progress in their careers.Gathering all the Unit Catering Managers (UCMs) inone place, annually, provides a unique opportunity:not only to update their training, but also to networkwith each other and with their Area Managers outsideof the kitchen.This is a key event in Manchester Fayre’s training anddevelopment schedule, and is delivered over threeconsecutive days.Last year’s training carousel delivered sevencourses:1)Nutrition2) Health and Safety3) Food Hygiene, and Health & Safety4) Skills Sessions5) Brand Image6) Staff Engagement Event7) Theme DaysThe overall standard of service being providedin our units has increased due to staff havingsuccessfully completed the training scheme:• Food costs are being managed correctly to ensurea greater return• Staffing rotas are well-planned, reducingoverstaffing and associated costs• Partnership working with Head Teachers andschool staff ensures that a good workingContact: Kate Evans / Allan ActonTel: 0161 234 5725 / 0161 234 5724Email: k.evans@manchester.gov.uk / a.acton1@manchester.gov.uk22relationship is maintained.We also invited the delegates to suggest ways ofimproving the training course. Ideas included skillssessions to cover new menu recipes, involving thewider kitchen team in some of the training, groupingdelegates into smaller, area-based groups, havingmore practical sessions and – most importantly –arranging the Pest Control session to take placeAFTER lunch!Contact us:If you’d like to speak to us about your schoolmeal service please contact the Manchester FayreManagement Team:Kate EvansTel: 0161 234 5725Mobile: 07786 708593Email: k.evans@manchester.gov.ukAllan ActonTel: 0161 234 5724Mob: 07768 983713Email: a.acton1@manchester.gov.uk

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsGeneralCalling budding young writers! Enter our young poet competitionfor the chance to win a first prize of £1,000.The John Betjeman Poetry Competition for Young People 2013is open to 10-13 year olds.Each child is invited to send in (by post or online) one poem on thetheme of ‘place’. You can choose anywhere that is important to you– from your bedroom to somewhere you visited on holiday, fromyour favourite park to your favourite building. The subject of yourpoem could be a city or a garden or a beach or a street. We are asking you to capture in words what that placemeans to you.an Poetry Competition for Young People 2013The first prize of £1,000 is shared between the winning entrant and his or her school. The winner,runner-up, and second runner-up will each win four standard class tickets from St Pancras Internationalto Paris, Brussels or Lille donated by Eurostar. Five finalists will receive £50 of book tokens. Entries will bes! judged Enter by Susan our Hill young CBE. poet competition for the chance to winFull details and online entry form http://www.betjemanpoetrycompetition.com/submit-your-entry/.Poems and completed entry forms can also be sent via post and should be addressed to:The John Betjeman Poetry Competition for Young People, PO BOX 3850 , Royal Mail, Swan Lane,Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7JB.Six one-day poetry workshops will be awarded to state schools enteringpetition for Young People is open to 10-13 year-olds.(by the post competition. or online) All schools one wishing poem to receive on the a poet theme visit should of apply ‘place’. in You canwriting via the websiteant to you – from your bedroom to somewhere you visited onwww.betjemanpoetrycompetition.com stating their reasons for therk application. to your The favourite trustees will building. consider all applications The subject that fit the of criteria your poem couldand the schools selected to receive workshops will be notified inor a street. We are asking you to capture words what thatSeptember.The competition is FREE to enter and closes at midnight on 31 July.For enquiries, please contact Justin Gowers on 07805 489054 or email atared info@betjemanpoetrycompetition@gmail.com.between the winning entrant and his or her school. Therunner-up Contact: Justin Gowers will each win four standard class tickets from StTel: 07805 489054, Brussels or Lille donated by Eurostar. Five finalists willEmail: betjemanpoetrycompetition@gmail.comtries will be judged by Susan Hill CBE. Full details and onlinepoetrycompetition.com/submit-your-entry/.23

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3<strong>Headline</strong> School Council Events Training General CircularsGeneralSUNDAY 2nd JUNE 2013Under 9’s Under 10’s9.30am to 1pm1.45pm to 5.15pmMinimum of 4 x 10 minute games6-a-side, squads of 10 players permittedGroup and knockout stagesPrestige Cup & Subsidiary Cup16 teams ONLY per age groupRefreshments and activities available all day:MU Foundation penalty shoot outBouncy castleFace paintingFree car parkingMedals and trophies will be presented for theWinners and Runners-up of both competitionsYOUR LOCAL COMPETITIONFOR LOCAL PLAYERSEntry cost per team: £45.00To enter, simply email community@manchesterhealthacademy.org.uk0161 998 3992Max of 16 teams per age groupThe Manchester Health Academy, Moor Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9BPContact: Paul BarrettTel: 0161-998-3992Email: P.Barrett@manchesterhealthacademy.org.uk25

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