Issue 229 - One Education

Issue 229 - One Education

Issue 229 - One Education

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I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsHeadlineSchool Prom Celebrations…OnlineThis year the Manchester Evening News, SouthManchester Reporter and North and East ManchesterAdvertiser are hoping to cover as many prom nightsas possible at schools across the city.We realise what an important event this is in theschool calendar and would like to help pupils,teachers and parents to celebrate by featuring yourown pictures online and in large spreads in thepapers over the coming weeks.In order to do this we have set up a dedicated emailaddress to which pictures can be sent:proms@menmedia.co.ukContact: Catherine ShannonTel: 0161 211 2766 / 07822 832 449Email: catherine.shannon@men-news.co.ukWe feel this will be a great opportunity for schoolleavers, and those moving on to sixth form oruniversity, to share their celebrations with friends andfamily and also provide them with a valuable souvenirof the occasion. Any pictures - whether of largegroups, small clusters of friends, or individuals - arewelcome.Please send a caption with the photos and send toproms@menmedia.co.uk with the name and addressof the school, the date of the event and the venue. Ilook forward to hearing from you.2

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsCelebrating in Style CURTAIN CALL FOR YEAR 11As the curtain closes for Newall Green High School’s Class of2011, the Drama department organised an event to highlighttheir talents as performers.The successful evening was also the first ever mock exam thedepartment has held. Various performances highlighted someserious issues, as well as including a few hilarious momentsnever to be forgotten!Well done guys and the best of luck for the future.Students from Newall Green High Schoolcelebrated the end of five lively andsuccessful years during their Prom Evening,held at Lancashire Cricket Club.A range of luxurious limousines deliveredthe incredibly chic and stylish Year 11’s to theevent where students and staff celebrated ahighly successful year.Many are returning to Newall Green SixthForm in September eager to start the nextphase of their education.BOOKS FOR SMILEStudents from the SMILE Federation (consisting of BenchillPrimaries and Newall Green High School) meet regularly forthe joint School Council.They wish to say thank you to the Wythenshawe Rotary Clubwho have generously donated library books to our partnerprimary schools.Contact: Karen LavinTel: 0161 234 6420Email: k.lavin@newallgreenhigh.manchester.sch.uk4

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsSchool NewsHigh Expectations at Saint Paul’sA group of Year 10 pupils from Saint Paul’s CatholicHigh School in Wythenshawe took part in a SouthManchester Collegiate Aim Higher Conference at theAviation Viewing Centre at Manchester Airport.The day consisted of a number of workshopsincluding “Higher <strong>Education</strong>”, “The World of Work” and“Pathways and Personal Decisions” with some of thesessions being interactive in groups and others beingemployers speaking with one or two students at atime.The day covered subjects such as how to access adegree course, understanding work-based learning,developing team working and communication skillsand improving interview techniques.“The conference was focused on achieving asignificant improvement in the number of pupilsprogressing to university,” explained Ms Anita Keegan,the teacher with responsibility for the Aim Highergroup at Saint Paul’s. “It gave them future goals andideas to consider.”Ms Keegan continued “It is important to focus onraising the aspirations of our pupils and providing thehelp and support they might need to achieve theirdreams.”Saint Paul’s – Simply the Best!Year 8 Team County ChampionsPupils from Saint Paul’s Catholic High School inWythenshawe have enjoyed an amazing footballseason. The Year 8 school football team havetaken part in, and won, three regional finals: theGreater Manchester Schools County Cup, theGreater Manchester Catholic Schools Cup and theManchester Schools Cup.The team put the final feather in their cap when theysailed to victory in the Greater Manchester SchoolsCounty Cup Final beating Chorlton High School witha convincing 7 – 3 win.The boys rose to the occasion showing theiroutstanding ability and some amazing goals from -Luke Rudden, Elvis Olanipekun, Lewis Gilchrist, FilipLorkowski, Vashiko Dick and Ross Crowther.Having not lost a match all season, despite playingagainst some very strong teams, the Boys Year 8team finished the season with a resounding successbeing crowned the top team in the county.Speaking about their achievement Mr Dave Hewitt,Head of PE at Saint Paul’s, was quick to praise theboys “‘This is a fantastic squad of young players whohave worked hard all season to achieve their welldeserved treble, the school is very proud of them.”Mr Hewitt added “Football is extremely popularat Saint Paul’s, the pupils have a real passion forthe game. The boys showed incredible skill andoverwhelming energy throughout the season. Theyworked hard and got the result they deserved; theyproved that they are the best!”Contact: Jane McAuliffe-HallTel: 0161 437 5841Email: j.mcauliffe-hall@st-paulshigh.net5

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsEventsCalling all professionals working with children and young people: Low-cost seminarSupporting suddenlybereaved childrenand young peopleDates:Tuesday 5 July, LondonTuesday 12 July, WakefieldDelegate feefrom only£61+VATThis not-for-profit seminar is an essential event for anyone caringfor children and young people who have been suddenly bereaved,including teachers, health professionals, police, chaplains, earlyyears educators, child carers and bereavement and familyworkers. It provides a common-sense approach to helpingchildren, young people and families deal with the horrendousshock of the sudden death of someone close to them such as aparent or sibling. It also helps practitioners provide long-termempathetic support to children, young people and families to aidtheir recovery.In line with the Every Child Matters agenda, this seminar helpsyou support exceptionally vulnerable children, young people andfamilies whose lives have been shattered, helping them to goforward and lead full and happy lives. The seminar is led bypractitioners and academics specialising in sudden bereavement.To book your place at one of these eventscall 01484 559909or email admin@brake.org.ukDelegate fee:£61 for subscribers of the+VAT Sudden Death Forum£81for non-subscribers*+VAT* Join the Sudden Death Forum for just£20 (+VAT) a year and attend the seminarfor the lower delegate fee. Membershipprovides you with regular e-bulletins onrelevant sudden death research andinitiatives, as well as discounts at futureSudden Death Forum events.Kindly supported byThe organisersThe seminar is coordinated by the Sudden Death Forum.The forum is run by Sudden, supporting people after suddendeath, which also provides support services and training tohelp families affected by any kind of sudden death. Suddenis an initiative by Brake, the road safety charity.SuddenDeathForumBrakestopping the carnagesupporting the victimswww.brake.org.ukCharity registration no. 1093244Contact: Kudzi ChiotoTel: 01484 559909Email: kchioto@brake.org.uk8

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsEventsSAVE THE DATE!Friday 1 July 2011. Reserve Your Place Today.The Centre for Urban <strong>Education</strong> ConferenceCREATIVITY AT THE COREat Manchester Communication Academy9.00am - 4.15pmThe Centre for Urban <strong>Education</strong> within the Institute of <strong>Education</strong> atManchester Metropolitan University presents:A one - day conference for all schools that aim to keepcreativity at the core of teaching and learning.RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW AND BOOK ONLINE AT:http://creativityatthecore.eventbrite.comSpeakers:Professor John Brooks, Vice-Chancellor, Manchester MetropolitanUniversity.Andy Jones, Dean of the Institute of <strong>Education</strong> (IoE) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for learning innovations, Manchester MetropolitanUniversityDr Jonathan Savage, Reader in <strong>Education</strong> at the Institute of<strong>Education</strong>, Manchester Metropolitan UniversityAsima Qureshi, Deputy Head Teacher, Dunkirk Primary School,Nottingham.Professor Mick Waters, President, The Curriculum Foundation.Contact: Claire O’brienEmail: C.Obrien@mmu.ac.uk9

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsTraining<strong>Education</strong> Services Training Courses June/July 2011Inclusive Practice in Schools and theEquality ActGain:• An improved working knowledge of the DDA• A better understanding of how to achieve ‘good’ orbetter OfSTED judgements• Positive and measurable outcomes for SEN anddisabled children• Better parent relationships• Successful inclusive practice• Improved pupil outcomes for all children• Fewer tribunalsWho is it for?Appropriate for all school staff, including teachingassistantsDetails:<strong>One</strong> day course, 09.00 to 16.00, on 20 June 2011. £120per person, includes lunchCourse Ref:TC507Ethnic Minority Achievement ConferenceThis is the Annual EMA ConferenceThrough attending workshops, hearing keynotespeeches, and networking with other practitionersthis conference will provide a platform for sharingand developing best practice within the EMA sector.Who is it for?All teaching professionals who work with EMADetails:Full day conference, 09.00 to 16.00, on 7 July 2011.The fee includes lunch and all refreshments. Pricesare:• <strong>One</strong> place £140• Two places £250• Three places £345• Four places £400Larger groups: prices on applicationFREE place for EMA Partnership schoolsLeading on AttendanceThis course concentrates on a schools legalresponsibilities, providing an overview of nationalguidance, introduces the Manchester attendanceimprovement model and a self evaluation frameworkBe OfSTED ready, with a clear evidence based strategyto reduce persistent absenceWho is it for?Headteachers, senior leaders, attendance leaders andgovernors with responsibility for attendanceDetails:<strong>One</strong> day course, 09.00 to 16.00, on 30 June 2011.£120 per personCourse Ref:TC517Contact: Gary DeakinTel: 0161 219 6712Email: g.deakin@manchester.gov.uk10

I n t o u c h w i t h y o u 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1Headline School Service Events Training General CircularsGeneralThe Views and Experiences of SENCOs and LSAsThe University of Central Lancashire is surveyingspecial educational needs coordinators (SENCOs)and learning support assistants (LSAs) to gathertheir views and experiences of including pupilswith special educational needs (SEN) in mainstreamsecondary schools.Specifically, the research analyses the extent to whichthe relational network of which SENCOs and LSAs area part, constrains and enables their ability to do theirjob effectively.The findings of the project will inform wider researchand have the potential to inform future SEN policy.If you want to be involved in this very importantproject, please follow one of the links and completethe online questionnaire.SENCOs http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NQX9STWLSAs http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NWCZ6DRI would like to assure you that all questionnaires willbe treated as confidential and anonymous. Thank youfor supporting this very important project. Please donot hesitate to contact me if you have any questionsabout the research, please contact me using thecontact details below or at:Anthony John Maher, University of Central Lancashire,Preston, PR1 2HE.Contact: Anthony John MaherTel: 01772 201 201Email: amaher@uclan.ac.ukNHS Care Consultation…have your say!Local GPs and NHS Manchester have developed plansto transform arrangements for urgent medical care inManchester:http://www.manchester.nhs.uk/talkinghealth/Please follow the link to find a document to readabout the current arrangements and our plansto improve them to better meet the needs ofManchester patients. We want your thoughts andopinions - good and bad - about this because thesechanges are important and could affect you.We would be grateful if you could promote this toyour friends, neighbours, service users, members ofstaff or stakeholders.You can let us know what you think by filling in oursurvey here:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/UrgentCareMCR.Contact: Gary DeakinTel: 0161 219 6712Email: g.deakin@manchester.gov.uk11

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