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िव दे ह िवदेह <strong>Videha</strong> িবেদহ िवदेह थम मैिथली ािक्षक ई िका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist MaithiliFortnightly e Magazine िवदेह थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका ०१ जनवरी २००९ (वषर् २मास १३ अंक २५) http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्“It will never be inaugurated. I have been hearing this for two three years.When one pillar is completed, because of excess of sand, it stars cracking aftersome period. Again the pillar is broken and new construction begins”When t hat di scussi on st ar t ed Nand st ar t ed t hi nki ngof t hose l abour er s who f el l down f r om t he br eaki ngpillar.Nand was crossed with his colleagues and thecont r act or of t he pr oj ect . Nand had expr essed hi sdi sagr eement during constructing one pillar and aftersome t i me t hat pillar was cracked.The pillar was triedt o be br oken dur i ng ni ght t i me and when i t was not donet hen a bi g t ent was hung t o cover t he cr ack mar k so t hatno one coul d see t hat . That i nci dent was r emai ned as abi g i ssue f or a l ong t i me . The wor ker s wor ki ng i n t hatpr oj ect st ar t ed r espect i ng Nand a l ot af t er t hat i nci dentbut at t he same t i me Nand had become a vi l l ai n f orcont r act or s and hi s col l eague engi neer s.Ever yt hi ng was good i n t hose days. Nand’s sons used tofinish learning all maths and science of t he new cl ass f r om Januar yto Mar ch.But si nce Nand was doi ng al l wor ks by hi msel fhi s chi l dr en wer e t ot al l y unawar e of t he wor l d out si de.They onl y knew t he pat h bet ween home and t he school .Wher e ever t hey wer e goi ng out t hey wer e goi ng wi t h t hei rf at her so t hei r per sonal i t i es wer e devel oped i n di f f er entway . Nand was l eadi ng a nor mal l i f e but any di scussi onabout t he Ganges Br i dge pr oj ect was enough r eason t odi st ur b hi m.Ther ef or e he st ar t ed avoi di ng hi s f r i ends byand by and at l ast he nei t her was vi si t i ng any one’s housenor does he has any friend. There was a Japan made transistor of medium waveavailable in the market in those days. That was the only source of entertainmentin Nand’s house. His children used to call it radio then Nand used to clari fyt hat r adi o was ver y bi gger machi ne i n r espect of222

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