
Videha_01_01_2009_Tirhuta Videha_01_01_2009_Tirhuta
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िव दे ह िवदेह Videha িবেদহ िवदेह थम मैिथली ािक्षक ई िका Videha Ist MaithiliFortnightly e Magazine िवदेह थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका ०१ जनवरी २००९ (वषर् २मास १३ अंक २५) मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्more advant age i n Gover nment ’s steamers over private steamer was that inthe Government’s stearmers life of each passenger was to be insured by a Bimacompany.Hi s wi f e and chi l dr en r eached wi t h hi s nephew.Nandwas l i vi ng i sol at ed l i f e i n t he Ganga Br i dge Col ony. Hehad al so pr event ed hi s f ami ly to associate withnei ghbour s. But ever y t hi ng was r ever sed i n Pat na.Ther ewer e t hr ee nei ghbour s - one r et i r ed sol di er , onepol i ceman of Bi har Gover nment and one wor ker of Bi harLegi sl at i ve Counci l . Nand had vi si t ed t hr ee of t hem wi t hhi s bot h sons and i nt r oduced hi msel f and hi s sons. Nand’schildren had started going to school. Nand was travelling 5 kilometres on his feetto go to the office and while returning to home he used to do domestic workstoo like buying green veget abl es and ot her gr ocer i es i t ems f romt he weekl y f ai r on each Thur sdays.The f ai r was hel d onSundays t oo and he used t o buy al l househol d t hi ngs byhi msel f . The onl y j ob chi l dr en had t o do was t o st udy.Mi lkman used t o dr op packed mi l k at door . Get t i ng f reshmi lk was disturbing children’s study as they were supposed to bringit from the house of the milkman. His elder son, who used to destroy neighbours’garden by snipping flowers or throwing grabbles to other’s windows in the GangaBridge colony, was turned much disciplined after staying in thevillage for 18 mont hs.Nand r emember ed t hat he had t o got o a nei ghbour ’s house with his elder son and his elder son asked for hisapologise to the lady at whom he had thrown grabbles when she was looking outthrough her wi ndow.When Nand r et ur ned f r om of f i ce t hen hecame t o know about t hat i nci dent and he i mmedi at el y madehi s el der son t o say sor r y.The younger son had hi t ast one t o an el der boy whi l e he was r i di ng t he bi ke.Act ual l y t hat boy had pr omi sed t o st op after compl et i ngone ci r cl e but he di dn’t stop and continued by saying that he wasstopping after completing. He couldn’t convince the younger one to say sorry as in220

िव दे ह िवदेह Videha িবেদহ िवदेह थम मैिथली ािक्षक ई िका Videha Ist MaithiliFortnightly e Magazine िवदेह थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका ०१ जनवरी २००९ (वषर् २मास १३ अंक २५) मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्his opinion he had not done anything wrong. Well those incidents happened in theGanga Bri dge Col ony.When Nand vi si t ed t o hi s nei ghbour sthis time hi s el der son was t ot al l y changed but hi syounger son was l i ke st ubbor n.Bot h sons of Nand wer e secur i ng f i r st posi t i ons i nt hei r cl asses. Li f e was goi ng qui t e smoot hl y at t hat t i me .Al l wor r i es of past days wer e seemed t o be gone.A coupl eof people from the village were also living in Patna.They used t o go f or out i ng on one Sunday each mont h -ei t her t o t hei r vi l l ager s or t o a zoo.Once t hey wer evi si t i ng zoo t hen Aar uni asked Nand “We have come to thezoo, it is written ‘Botanical Garden’ on the board outside and at the gateit is printed as ‘Biological Garden’.“In early days, immigrated birds were exhibited in the Sonepur Mela sopeople starting calling it as a Zoo. The acres of this land have t r easur edmany t r ees and each t r ee has i t s name and bot ani caldescr i pt i on wr i t t en on i t so t hi s gar den i s al so abot ani cal gar den. Lat er on,i t was r eal i sed t hat t her e ar emai nl y t wo par t s of bi ol ogy – one is botany and other is zoology.And in this garden apar t f r om t r ees,bi r ds and ani mals likel i ons, t i ger s et c. ar e al so kept . So peopl e f ound ‘BiologicalGarden’ as the most suited name for this place. Old name boards were notremoved”, Nand replied.Once they were in villagers’ house then the topic ofdiscussi on was i naugur at i on of t he new Br i dge on t heGanges.The i naugur at i on had been post poned f or l ast t wot hr ee year s. They asked Nand, “In your opinion when will this beinaugurated? The Chief Minister had said that the bridge would be inauguratedthis year onl y”.221

िव दे ह िवदेह <strong>Videha</strong> িবেদহ िवदेह थम मैिथली ािक्षक ई िका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist MaithiliFortnightly e Magazine िवदेह थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका ०१ जनवरी २००९ (वषर् २मास १३ अंक २५) मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्more advant age i n Gover nment ’s steamers over private steamer was that inthe Government’s stearmers life of each passenger was to be insured by a Bimacompany.Hi s wi f e and chi l dr en r eached wi t h hi s nephew.Nandwas l i vi ng i sol at ed l i f e i n t he Ganga Br i dge Col ony. Hehad al so pr event ed hi s f ami ly to associate withnei ghbour s. But ever y t hi ng was r ever sed i n Pat na.Ther ewer e t hr ee nei ghbour s - one r et i r ed sol di er , onepol i ceman of Bi har Gover nment and one wor ker of Bi harLegi sl at i ve Counci l . Nand had vi si t ed t hr ee of t hem wi t hhi s bot h sons and i nt r oduced hi msel f and hi s sons. Nand’schildren had started going to school. Nand was travelling 5 kilometres on his feetto go to the office and while returning to home he used to do domestic workstoo like buying green veget abl es and ot her gr ocer i es i t ems f romt he weekl y f ai r on each Thur sdays.The f ai r was hel d onSundays t oo and he used t o buy al l househol d t hi ngs byhi msel f . The onl y j ob chi l dr en had t o do was t o st udy.Mi lkman used t o dr op packed mi l k at door . Get t i ng f reshmi lk was disturbing children’s study as they were supposed to bringit from the house of the milkman. His elder son, who used to destroy neighbours’garden by snipping flowers or throwing grabbles to other’s windows in the GangaBridge colony, was turned much disciplined after staying in thevillage for 18 mont hs.Nand r emember ed t hat he had t o got o a nei ghbour ’s house with his elder son and his elder son asked for hisapologise to the lady at whom he had thrown grabbles when she was looking outthrough her wi ndow.When Nand r et ur ned f r om of f i ce t hen hecame t o know about t hat i nci dent and he i mmedi at el y madehi s el der son t o say sor r y.The younger son had hi t ast one t o an el der boy whi l e he was r i di ng t he bi ke.Act ual l y t hat boy had pr omi sed t o st op after compl et i ngone ci r cl e but he di dn’t stop and continued by saying that he wasstopping after completing. He couldn’t convince the younger one to say sorry as in220

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