Videha ‘िवदेह’

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Videha ‘िवदेह’ थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका १ नवम्बर अक्टूबर २००८ (वषर् १ मास ११ अंक२१) িরেদহ' পািkক পিtকা Videha Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine িরেদহ िवदेह Videha িবেদহ मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्cr acki ng. What shoul d she do? She shoul d not st ay her eany mor e. She r esol ved i nt er nal l y.But that resolve did not remai n as such f or l ong.Bef or eshe woul d t ake any deci si on,her eye l ooked t o herbr ot her who was si t t i ng on ver andah.She onl ooked hi mfrom there itself.She remember ed t he event s r i ght f r omhi s chi l dhood t o t i l l dat e.The si bl i ng bondage t r embl edher hear t . She t hought l i ke weepi ng i n t he l aps of herfather. The tears came out of her eyes.But how shoul d sheweep?How shoul d she weep on t he auspi ci ous day of hi sbr ot her ? She wi ped her eyes wi t h sar ee.She l ooked t owar ds her mot her . Mot her was per f or mi ng ther i t es of Si nur har . Mot her once t ur ned t owar ds one si def or put t i ng somet hi ng and t hen Kal yani saw t hat Mot her ’sf ace al so t her e was no peace.Kal yani saw t hat she moveddownwar ds and t ook t he ver mi llon. After put t i ng oi l i nhead of t he mar r i ed she woul d now put ver mi llon.Kalyanit ur ned and came i n f ront of mi r r or , saw t he ver mi llonl i ne at her head and t hi s ent hused ener gy i nt o her .She t hought - “She won’t go. She won’t go l eavi ng t hef unct i on of her br ot her ?” Looki ng t owar ds t he i nnocentface of her brother her heart got filled with affection.She t hought - her mot her t hi nks t hat she i s bad-omen.Buther f at her does not t hi nks so. And br ot her ? What woul dhe t hi nk at t hi s t ender age? He i s a boy.He i s hersi bl i ng. She won ’t go. But how she woul d r emai n as such?Thi nki ng of t hi s she onl ooked t he Si nur har f unct i on f orsome t i me.Her mot her was put t i ng ver mi llon on the headsof t he l ucky mar r i ed ones.She t hought t hat t he f unct i onof Si nur har woul d be per f or med by some mar r i ed whosehusband i s al i ve! She got st r engt hened at t hi s t hought .Fr om r oom she came t o cour t yar d and moved t owar dsSi nur har . She t ook i n hand t he pl at e cont ai ni ng r i cecooked i n mi l k and f r i ed chapat i . She moved f or war d and144

Videha ‘िवदेह’ थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका १ नवम्बर अक्टूबर २००८ (वषर् १ मास ११ अंक२१) িরেদহ' পািkক পিtকা Videha Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine িরেদহ िवदेह Videha িবেদহ मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्gave ri ce cooked i n mi l k and f r i ed chapat i i n t he handsof her si st er -in-l aw who was l i ned up i n f r ont . Thesi st er -i n-l aw accepted it joyfully. Then Kalyani’s cousi nsi st er Lal i t a t ook hol d of her and put her i n l i ne.Shet ook t he ver mi llon plate from Kalyani’s mot her and putver millon on Kalyani’s head. The mot her f el t awkwar d.Thepeopl e al so. But t he gl ar i ng f ace of Kal yani st andi ng i nthe row filled her with emot i on. See ever ybody l i ked i t .Kal yani ’s mot her sur pr i si ngl y l ooked backwar ds and sawher husband smi ling with cl osed l i p l ooki ng at hi sdaught er . Kal yani onl ooked and saw t hat her husband ‘sf ace i s f ul l wi t h af f ect i on.He was seei ng at herjoyfully.Jyot i Jha Chaudhar y, Dat e of Bi r t h: December 30 1978,Pl aceof Bi r t h- Bel hvar ( Madhubani Di st r i ct ), Educat i on: Swa mi Vi vekanandaMi ddl e School , Ti sco Sakchi Gi r l s Hi gh School , Mrs KMPM I nt er Col l ege,I GNOU , I CWAI ( COST ACCOUNTANCY ); Resi dence- LONDON , UK ; Fat her - Sh.Shubhankar Jha, Jamshedpur ; Mot her - Smt . Sudha Jha- Shivipatti.Jyotir ecei ved edi t or ' s choi ce awar d fromwwwpoet . r y. com and her poems weref eat ur ed i n f r ont page of wwwpoet . r ysoup. com for some per i od.Shel ear nt Mi t hi l a Pai nt i ng under Ms . Shvet a Jha, Baser a I nst i t ut e,Jamshedpur and Fi ne Ar t s f r om Tool i ka, Sakchi , Jamshedpur ( I ndi a).Shehad been honor ar y t eacher at Nat i onal Associ at i on For Bl i nd,Jamshedpur ( I ndi a). Her Mi t hi l a Pai nt i ngs have been di spl ayed byEal i ng Ar t Gr oup at Eal i ng Br oadway , London.Sahasr aBar hani : The Comet145

<strong>Videha</strong> <strong>‘िवदेह’</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका १ नवम्बर अक्टूबर २००८ (वषर् १ मास ११ अंक२१) িরেদহ' পািkক পিtকা <strong>Videha</strong> Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine িরেদহ िवदेह <strong>Videha</strong> িবেদহ मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्gave ri ce cooked i n mi l k and f r i ed chapat i i n t he handsof her si st er -in-l aw who was l i ned up i n f r ont . Thesi st er -i n-l aw accepted it joyfully. Then Kalyani’s cousi nsi st er Lal i t a t ook hol d of her and put her i n l i ne.Shet ook t he ver mi llon plate from Kalyani’s mot her and putver millon on Kalyani’s head. The mot her f el t awkwar d.Thepeopl e al so. But t he gl ar i ng f ace of Kal yani st andi ng i nthe row filled her with emot i on. See ever ybody l i ked i t .Kal yani ’s mot her sur pr i si ngl y l ooked backwar ds and sawher husband smi ling with cl osed l i p l ooki ng at hi sdaught er . Kal yani onl ooked and saw t hat her husband ‘sf ace i s f ul l wi t h af f ect i on.He was seei ng at herjoyfully.Jyot i Jha Chaudhar y, Dat e of Bi r t h: December 30 1978,Pl aceof Bi r t h- Bel hvar ( Madhubani Di st r i ct ), Educat i on: Swa mi Vi vekanandaMi ddl e School , Ti sco Sakchi Gi r l s Hi gh School , Mrs KMPM I nt er Col l ege,I GNOU , I CWAI ( COST ACCOUNTANCY ); Resi dence- LONDON , UK ; Fat her - Sh.Shubhankar Jha, Jamshedpur ; Mot her - Smt . Sudha Jha- Shivipatti.Jyotir ecei ved edi t or ' s choi ce awar d fromwwwpoet . r y. com and her poems weref eat ur ed i n f r ont page of wwwpoet . r ysoup. com for some per i od.Shel ear nt Mi t hi l a Pai nt i ng under Ms . Shvet a Jha, Baser a I nst i t ut e,Jamshedpur and Fi ne Ar t s f r om Tool i ka, Sakchi , Jamshedpur ( I ndi a).Shehad been honor ar y t eacher at Nat i onal Associ at i on For Bl i nd,Jamshedpur ( I ndi a). Her Mi t hi l a Pai nt i ngs have been di spl ayed byEal i ng Ar t Gr oup at Eal i ng Br oadway , London.Sahasr aBar hani : The Comet145

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