Videha ‘िवदेह’




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<strong>Videha</strong> <strong>‘िवदेह’</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका १ नवम्बर अक्टूबर २००८ (वषर् १ मास ११ अंक२१) িরেদহ' পািkক পিtকা <strong>Videha</strong> Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine িরেদহ िवदेह <strong>Videha</strong> িবেদহhttp://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिमह संस्कृ ताम्daught er s, t hi s cont i nued haunt i ng her . Not onl y haunt edbut now she f el t awkwar d.Then her eyes moved t owar ds herhusband. He t oo was seei ng t he Si nur har epi sode.She f el twhat her husband had been f eel i ng!At t hen she saw hermot her was comi ng t owar ds her . Her hear t st ar t ed beat ingf ast . The whol e body became l i ght er . She f el t suddenl yt hat she had t r ansf or med i nt o a chi l d.But mot her di dnot come t o her . She st opped at aeves, Kal yani st ood andcame near door , saw t hat her f at her was st andi ng t her e.Kal yani st ood behi nd an obst ruction.“What ar e you aski ng” ? She hear d her mot her aski ng.Hi s f at her sai d- “I am not seei ng Kal yani i n t he Si nur harf unct i on.”“Oh God , You wi l l not get i nt el l i gence ever .” The wi f etold in high-pi t ch and angr i l y.“That ’s how?” The husband al so asked i n hi gh-pi t chedvoi ce.“She i s my daught er . Her f at e was bad t hat we r epai r ed.Wedi d not t hi nk over t he Dhar ma and Adhar ma.” She t ol dangr i l y t o her husband- “Thi s i s a pooj a of home-Goddessfor those mar r i ed whose husband has not di ed.”“But Kal yani is not i n t hat cat egor y.”The Wi fe’s voi ce became harsh- “Not ask any f al se quer i es.Because of her I wi l l not al l ow any wr ong t o happen t omy son.” The wi f e l ef t whi l e r epl yi ng. Rambhadr a Jha’ssenses came t o a hal t .The whol e cour t yar d came t o st andst i l l . Many did not likeKal yani ’s mot her ’s attitude but mer e whi sper i ng and nopr ot est came f or war d. But Kal yani became r est l ess.Hermot her t hi nks of her as bad-omen. Her head f el t l i ke143

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