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<strong>िव</strong> <strong>दे</strong> <strong>ह</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> <strong>Videha</strong> <strong>িবেদহ</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक '<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>''<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>' ५० म अंक १५ जनबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २५ अंक ५०)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम<strong>ह</strong> संस्कृ ताम्VIDEHA GAJENDRA THAKUR said...the htpps host matches reliance communications and the corresponding email gamghar at gmaildot com and maithilaurmithila at gmail dot com is fake ids related with the actual spammers idi.e.pkjpp@yahoo.co.in, pparasharjnu@gmail.com and pkjppster@gmail.comReply 01/21/2010 at 08:50 PM13VIDEHA GAJENDRA THAKUR said...The office premise has been located, the blackmailer works in Dainik Jagran, Process to filecomplaint against Cyber Crime Act is being initiated and the organisation being taken intoconfidence.Reply 01/21/2010 at 06:13 PM14VIDEHA GAJENDRA THAKUR said...maithil, mithila aa subodhkant nam se abhadra aa blackmail karay bala blackmailer ke cheenhilel gel achhi,ISP address , aa aa ban kayal jarahal achhi, agan ohi organisation se seho sampark kayal jaayat jatay se ee email aayal achhi.Reply 01/18/2010 at 11:19 PM15VIDEHA GAJENDRA THAKUR said...comment moderation lagoo kayal ja rahal achhiReply 01/18/2010 at 09:27 PM16सुबोधकांत said...ist Pankaj Parashar told Pranav (Son of Maithili Story writer Sh. Pradip Bihari) to translate that article (and also one byNoam Chomsky) and he promised him to publish that hindi article as translation.The young boy translated it and handedover to him but after six months Pankaj Parashar told Pranav that the translation was not upto mark and was rejectedand the translation of Noam Chomsky was misplaced. Then Pranav by chance saw that article in Hindi magazinePAHAL (86th issue) and started weeping, then when everybody saw it it was detected that Pankaj Parashar was shownas author of that article, the editor of Pahal banned him and said that a pirated article of Noam Chomsky that was sentto him by Pankaj Parashar will not be published.Arun Kamal's Poem and its blatant translation in Maithili and a series of these act by Pankaj Parashar led me to banhim the he started abusing me through false ids like gamghar@gmail.com, and maithilaurmithila@gmail.com and ISPs220.227.163.105 , aa ISP of Dainik Jagran he abused many times earlier too to others.doc is attached.22

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