िव दे ह िवदेह Videha িবেদহ िवदेह

िव दे ह िवदेह Vi deha িবেদহ ht t p wwwvi deha co i n िव दे ह िवदेह Vi deha িবেদহ ht t p wwwvi deha co i n

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िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्t r i ed t o i ncul cat e al l good val ues i n her husband and son.She t r i edt o upgr ade t hei r exi st i ng good qual i t y,she consi der ed i t as di vi necr eat i ve wor k and her pr eci ous gi f t t o manki nd and soci et y.I f shesaw anybody wi t h shal l ow hear t and baser qual i t i es,she was not abl et o t ol er at e t hatper son and hi s ver y pr esence r esul t ed i nt o ment alagony – t his was the compl ex ment al at t i t ude of Dhar a whi ch was bot heasy and di f f i cul tt o compr ehend.Ul t i mat el y what happened t o Dhar a? Faces of Akash, Tar ang, Si mant ,Vanya and Jal ad al l danced bef or e her eyes. She consi der ed Akash ast he i deal per son. I became over j oyed t o see you l aughi ng,Akash hadonce ut t er ed. Laught er ! Laught er has got so much of i mpor t ance?Ever ybody hear d t he l aught er but why onl y Akash was af f ect ed?Ma , t hi s i s Bl ackpool – t he l i ght s t her e appear ed as count l ess st ar sdanci ng on ear t h- t hey wer e vi si bl e f r om a gr eat di st ance.I n t hedar kness of ni ght , t he l i ght s pr esent ed a beaut i f ul pi ct ur e as i f al lpl anet s, st ar s, sun and moon have descended t her e.The vast sea4298

िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्appear ed l i mi tless and unendi ng,coupl es i n t wo pi ece cl ot hes wer emovi ng, engr ossed wi t h t hemsel ves, unawar e of t he sur r oundi ngs.Nobody bot her ed f or ot her s. Mal e- Femal e bot h l i ber at ed,enj oyi ngci gar et t es, sat i at i ng each ot her s desi r es – r eal l y i t was al t oget hera differ ent wor l d on t hi s ear t h.Ma , t hi s i s Lancast er , t he r oad was up and down and zi g-zag.I t was ahilly area.Kadamba t ol d Dhar a t hat car was now cr ossi ng t hr ough t heLancast er canal – bot h si des of canal wer e f l anked by gr een f i el dson whi ch t he sheep wer e gr azi ng. Under t he canal br i dge,r ows ofhouses of uni f or m hei ght and desi gn l ooked di st i nct . They never gofor white-washi ng , Dhar a asked. Yes, t hey can,but wi l l have t o seekgover nment per mi ssi on, but nobody has a spar e t i me f or t hese t hi ngs.When t hey r eached Bl ackpool , Kadamba t ol d Dhar a, Ma, t hi s i s rol l er -coast er , i t i s t he l ar gest and t he f ast est t r ai n of t he wor l d.Per haps danger ous al so, Dhar a asked. Kadamba l aughi ngl y r epl i ed, Ma ,you have al ways sai d t hat l i f e i s a chal l enge, accept i t .299

<strong>िव</strong> <strong>दे</strong> <strong>ह</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> <strong>Videha</strong> <strong>িবেদহ</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक '<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>''<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम<strong>ह</strong> संस्कृ ताम्appear ed l i mi tless and unendi ng,coupl es i n t wo pi ece cl ot hes wer emovi ng, engr ossed wi t h t hemsel ves, unawar e of t he sur r oundi ngs.Nobody bot her ed f or ot her s. Mal e- Femal e bot h l i ber at ed,enj oyi ngci gar et t es, sat i at i ng each ot her s desi r es – r eal l y i t was al t oget hera differ ent wor l d on t hi s ear t h.Ma , t hi s i s Lancast er , t he r oad was up and down and zi g-zag.I t was ahilly area.Kadamba t ol d Dhar a t hat car was now cr ossi ng t hr ough t heLancast er canal – bot h si des of canal wer e f l anked by gr een f i el dson whi ch t he sheep wer e gr azi ng. Under t he canal br i dge,r ows ofhouses of uni f or m hei ght and desi gn l ooked di st i nct . They never gofor white-washi ng , Dhar a asked. Yes, t hey can,but wi l l have t o seekgover nment per mi ssi on, but nobody has a spar e t i me f or t hese t hi ngs.When t hey r eached Bl ackpool , Kadamba t ol d Dhar a, Ma, t hi s i s rol l er -coast er , i t i s t he l ar gest and t he f ast est t r ai n of t he wor l d.Per haps danger ous al so, Dhar a asked. Kadamba l aughi ngl y r epl i ed, Ma ,you have al ways sai d t hat l i f e i s a chal l enge, accept i t .299

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