िव दे ह िवदेह Videha িবেদহ िवदेह

िव दे ह िवदेह Vi deha িবেদহ ht t p wwwvi deha co i n िव दे ह िवदेह Vi deha িবেদহ ht t p wwwvi deha co i n

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िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्Dr . Shef al i ka Ver ma i n 2004.Mai t hi l i novel wr i t t en byAditi Sanskriti Publication, Patna.Ar ushiTr ansl at ed by Dr .Rajiv Kumar Ver ma and Dr . Jaya Ver ma290

िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्Pr of essor s, Del hi Uni ver si t y, Del hi .Associ at eSt andi ng near t he t r anspar ent gl ass-wal l of her f l at , Dhar a wasl ooki ng at t he boys and gi r l s r et ur ni ng f r om t hei r school . Dr essed i nnavy bl ue uni f or m, some of t hem had al so put on sweat er s – t hey wer edi vi ded i nt o gr oups. Some gi r l s wer e goi ng al one – snow al so st ar t edfalling.The f r ozen i ce of l ast ni ght had cover ed t he bl ack r oad l i ke a whi t ecl ot h and t he gar l and of snow was spar kl i ng l i ke smal l i ce spar kl er s– cool but pl easant and f r esh ai r was r ef r eshi ng t he mi nd and body,t he sky was over cast wi t h bl ack cl oud as i f t he ent i r e uni ver sedar kened l i ke an unendi ng ni ght . Nat ur e wi t h al l i t s pr oud movement smade t he whol e envi r onmentenchant i ng.291

<strong>िव</strong> <strong>दे</strong> <strong>ह</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> <strong>Videha</strong> <strong>িবেদহ</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक '<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>''<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम<strong>ह</strong> संस्कृ ताम्Pr of essor s, Del hi Uni ver si t y, Del hi .Associ at eSt andi ng near t he t r anspar ent gl ass-wal l of her f l at , Dhar a wasl ooki ng at t he boys and gi r l s r et ur ni ng f r om t hei r school . Dr essed i nnavy bl ue uni f or m, some of t hem had al so put on sweat er s – t hey wer edi vi ded i nt o gr oups. Some gi r l s wer e goi ng al one – snow al so st ar t edfalling.The f r ozen i ce of l ast ni ght had cover ed t he bl ack r oad l i ke a whi t ecl ot h and t he gar l and of snow was spar kl i ng l i ke smal l i ce spar kl er s– cool but pl easant and f r esh ai r was r ef r eshi ng t he mi nd and body,t he sky was over cast wi t h bl ack cl oud as i f t he ent i r e uni ver sedar kened l i ke an unendi ng ni ght . Nat ur e wi t h al l i t s pr oud movement smade t he whol e envi r onmentenchant i ng.291

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