िव दे ह िवदेह Videha িবেদহ िवदेह

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िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्made ser i ous at t empt s t o wi pe outt he l anguage and ver ypl ace of or i gi n, Goa f r om t he pol i t i cal map of I ndi a,t henwet ur ned t o be pol i t i ci ans. -Pl anni ng f or t he Sur vi val ofKonkani . - Dr R Kel kar. . ,Goal s and St r at egi es ofDev el opmentofI ndi an Languages, 1998, CI I L Mysor e. / 2.............................४.सोमदेव- तनाथ झा अिभनन , प.सं.१४५ृ5. िचालेखा देवी, अवोधनाथ, 2008 प. ृ सं. 56. कीचक बध, चािरम स, तानाथ झा अपम कृित, प.सं. ृ 68,7. तानाथ झा अपम कृित, 2004, झा, प.सं. ृ 525, 8. िमिथला िमिर, 06 नवर,19369. भारती,अैल, 1937.10. The For mat i on of The Mai t hi l i Language, Pr ef ace,Luzac& Company , Lt d, London,1958120

िव दे िवदे Videha িবেদহ िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका Videha Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine िवदे थम मैिथली पािक्षक 'िवदे''िवदे' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम संस्कृ ताम्11.The For mat i on of t he Mai t hi l i l anguage i s a br illiantcont r i but i on t o sci ent i f i c anal ysi s oft he Mai t hi l il anguage,whi chi s spoken by about 2 cr or es peopl e of Nepal and I ndi a.Thi s Mai t hi l il anguage has been t he l i t er ar y vehi cl e oftheVai snava poet s of Bengal , Assam and Or i ssa and hasi nspi r ed t he poet s of Bengal f r om Chandi dasa upt oRabi ndr anat hTagor e.Maithili is frompolitical point of viewto bei ncl uded i n t he di al ect s of Hi ndi , whi l e l i ngui st i cal l yi tst ands i nbet ween Bengal i and Hi ndi and i s di f f er ent f r om bot hespeci al l y on account of each ver b f or ms . I t has i t s ownst r uct ur al121

<strong>िव</strong> <strong>दे</strong> <strong>ह</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> <strong>Videha</strong> <strong>িবেদহ</strong> <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक ई पिका <strong>Videha</strong> Ist Maithili Fortnightly e Magazine <strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong> थम मैिथली पािक्षक '<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>''<strong>िव</strong><strong>दे</strong><strong>ह</strong>' ५१ म अंक ०१ फरबरी २०१० (वषर् ३ मास २६ अंक ५१)http://www.videha.co.in/ मानुषीिम<strong>ह</strong> संस्कृ ताम्11.The For mat i on of t he Mai t hi l i l anguage i s a br illiantcont r i but i on t o sci ent i f i c anal ysi s oft he Mai t hi l il anguage,whi chi s spoken by about 2 cr or es peopl e of Nepal and I ndi a.Thi s Mai t hi l il anguage has been t he l i t er ar y vehi cl e oftheVai snava poet s of Bengal , Assam and Or i ssa and hasi nspi r ed t he poet s of Bengal f r om Chandi dasa upt oRabi ndr anat hTagor e.Maithili is frompolitical point of viewto bei ncl uded i n t he di al ect s of Hi ndi , whi l e l i ngui st i cal l yi tst ands i nbet ween Bengal i and Hi ndi and i s di f f er ent f r om bot hespeci al l y on account of each ver b f or ms . I t has i t s ownst r uct ur al121

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