Arquivo do trabalho - IAG - USP

Arquivo do trabalho - IAG - USP Arquivo do trabalho - IAG - USP


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REFERÊNCIASOliveira Filho, K. S. & Oliveira Saraiva, M. F., Astronomia & Astrofísica, 2. ed., SãoPaulo, Editora Livraria da Física.Ortega, V. G., de la Reza, R., Jilinski, E. & Bazzanella, B. 2004, ApJ, 576, 832Parker, E. N. 1958, ApJ, 128, 664Particle Physics Booklet, resumo <strong>do</strong> Review of Particle Physics, S. Eidelman et al. 2004,Phy.L, B 592, 1Petschek, H. E. 1964, NASA Special Publication, 50, 425Polifke, W., & Shtilman, L. 1989, Physics of Fluids, 1, 2025Pols, O. & Nomoto, K. 1995, Proceedings of the The Third Pacific Rim Conference onRecent Development on Binary Star Research, 153Poludnenko, A. Y., Frank, A. & Blackman, E. G. 2002, ApJ, 576, 832Press, W. H, Teukolsky, S. A., & Flannery, B. P. 1992, Numerical Recipies in Fortran77: The Art of Scientific Computing., Vol.1, by William H. Press - 2nd. ed., Publishedby Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-43064-X.Raffelt, G. G. 1996, Star as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics: the astrophysics ofneutrinos, axions, and other weakly particles, Univ. of Chicago PressRaga, A. C., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., & Villagran-Muniz, M. 2000, RMxAA., 36, 67Raga, A. C., de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M., Noriega-Crespo, A. & Velazquez, P. F. 2002,A&A, 392, 267Rand, R. J. , 1997, in The Interstellar Medium in Galaxies, ed. Van der Hulst, J. M.,Kluwer Academic Publishers, p105Reynolds, R. J., Haffner, L. M. & Tufte, S. L. 2000., Revista Mexicana de Astronomia yAstrofisica Conference Series, ed. Arthur, S. J., Brickhouse, N. S. & Franco, J., 9, 249Reynoso, E. M. & Mangum, J. G. 2001, ApJ, 121, 347154

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