A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ... A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...


Integration and update of cartographic information of Legal Amazon landcoverMarcelo Francisco Sestini 1Regina Celia dos Santos Alvala 2Eliana Maria Kalil Mello 3Dalton de Morisson Valeriano 4Erica da Silva Reimer 5Chou Sin Chan 6Carlos Afonso Nobre 71 INPE, CPTEC, Rodov Pres Dutra km 40 Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil, 12630 000,sestini@cptec.inpe.br2 INPE, regina@cptec.inpe.br3 INPE, eliana@dpi.inpe.br4 INPE, dalton@ltid.inpe.br5 INPE, erica@cptec.inpe.br6INPE chou@cptec.inpe.br7INPE nobre@cptec.inpe.brAbstractAccurate estimation of continental surface biophysical properties is fundamental forclimate studies and weather forecast through numerical models. An increasing effort is beingdedicated to the production of land cover maps to be applied to climate models in order toimprove the understanding of the complex interactions that occur between land surface and theatmosphere. The objective of this work is improve and update land cover cartography to beapplied to climate models. The study area is the Brazilian Legal Amazon, with approximately5,000,000 km². The first task was the improvement of the available 1:5,000,000 cartography ofthe vegetation cover for the area (IBGE, 1993). In this map ecotone areas are not resolved andare described as a combination of two or more vegetation classes. Georreferenced TM-Landsatdata of these ecotone areas for the year 2000 were stratified into spectrally homogeneous fieldsby image segmentation. The fields were then classified into spectral classes with an unsupervisedregion based image classifier. The spectral classes were mapped onto a land cover classificationsystem and the results were edited to correct minor misclassifications. Next it was added to thisproduct the deforested area in Legal Amazon which is being regularly surveyed by INPE since1978. The deforested area included in this map is the accumulated registered deforestation up tothe year 1997. Following tasks in this project will be the discrimination of secondary vegetationwithin the deforested areas and TM-Landsat derived map of Savanna areas that were convertedinto agricultural land use, which are not assessed in the mentioned deforestation survey.

Integr<strong>at</strong>ion and upd<strong>at</strong>e of cartographic inform<strong>at</strong>ion of Legal <strong>Amazon</strong> landcoverMarcelo Francisco Sestini 1Regina Celia dos Santos Alvala 2Eliana Maria Kalil Mello 3Dalton de Morisson Valeriano 4Erica da Silva Reimer 5Chou Sin Chan 6Carlos Afonso Nobre 71 INPE, CPTEC, Rodov Pres Dutra km 40 Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil, 12630 000,sestini@cptec.inpe.br2 INPE, regina@cptec.inpe.br3 INPE, eliana@dpi.inpe.br4 INPE, dalton@ltid.inpe.br5 INPE, erica@cptec.inpe.br6INPE chou@cptec.inpe.br7INPE nobre@cptec.inpe.brAbstractAccur<strong>at</strong>e estim<strong>at</strong>ion of continental surface biophysical properties is fundamental forclim<strong>at</strong>e studies and we<strong>at</strong>her forecast through numerical models. An increasing effort is beingdedic<strong>at</strong>ed to <strong>the</strong> production of land cover maps to be applied to clim<strong>at</strong>e models in order toimprove <strong>the</strong> understanding of <strong>the</strong> complex interactions th<strong>at</strong> occur between land surface and <strong>the</strong><strong>at</strong>mosphere. The objective of this work is improve and upd<strong>at</strong>e land cover cartography to beapplied to clim<strong>at</strong>e models. The study area is <strong>the</strong> Brazilian Legal <strong>Amazon</strong>, <strong>with</strong> approxim<strong>at</strong>ely5,000,000 km². The first task was <strong>the</strong> improvement of <strong>the</strong> available 1:5,000,000 cartography of<strong>the</strong> veget<strong>at</strong>ion cover for <strong>the</strong> area (IBGE, 1993). In this map ecotone areas are not resolved andare described as a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of two or more veget<strong>at</strong>ion classes. Georreferenced TM-Lands<strong>at</strong>d<strong>at</strong>a of <strong>the</strong>se ecotone areas for <strong>the</strong> year 2000 were str<strong>at</strong>ified into spectrally homogeneous fieldsby image segment<strong>at</strong>ion. The fields were <strong>the</strong>n classified into spectral classes <strong>with</strong> an unsupervisedregion based image classifier. The spectral classes were mapped onto a land cover classific<strong>at</strong>ionsystem and <strong>the</strong> results were edited to correct minor misclassific<strong>at</strong>ions. Next it was added to thisproduct <strong>the</strong> deforested area in Legal <strong>Amazon</strong> which is being regularly surveyed by INPE since1978. The deforested area included in this map is <strong>the</strong> accumul<strong>at</strong>ed registered deforest<strong>at</strong>ion up to<strong>the</strong> year 1997. Following tasks in this project will be <strong>the</strong> discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion of secondary veget<strong>at</strong>ion<strong>with</strong>in <strong>the</strong> deforested areas and TM-Lands<strong>at</strong> derived map of Savanna areas th<strong>at</strong> were convertedinto agricultural land use, which are not assessed in <strong>the</strong> mentioned deforest<strong>at</strong>ion survey.

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