A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ... A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...


Explicitly Modeling the Vertical Transport of BiomassBurning Emissions by a Mesoscale Convective System on Amazon BasinS. R. Freitas 1 , R. Chatfield 2 , M. A. Silva Dias 3 and P. L. Silva Dias 41 Rua do Matão, 1226, Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilE-mail: sfreitas@model.iag.usp.br; 2 NASA Ames Research Center, E-mail: chatfield@clio.arc.nasa.gov,3USP, E-mail: mafdsdia@model.iag.usp.br; 4 USP, E-mail: pldsdias@model.iag.usp.br;The convective transport of trace gases by a mesoscale convective system (MCS) in the Amazonbasin is explicitly modeled through a numerical simulation with high spatial resolution. The study iscarried out using the atmospheric model RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System). Themodel configuration was set up with 3 grids with horizontal resolution of 50, 10 and 2.5 km. Theresolution of the finer grid should permit the model to resolve the main eddies associated with deepconvective activity, simulating the transport of pollutants from the planetary boundary layer (PBL) tothe high troposphere. The case study is related to a MCS that was observed on September 26, 1992 inAmazon basin. The PBL was polluted by biomass burning emissions on the previous days. Theatmospheric simulations were carried out using ECMWF reanalysis for initial and boundaryconditions. The initial condition for carbon monoxide (CO) in the PBL was defined using profilesobtained by an instrumented aircraft of the TRACE-A experiment and the remote-sensing product'aerosol index' of TOMS. The simulated thermodynamic and CO vertical profiles inside the MCS andin the environment are presented, as well the role of updrafts and downdrafts in the vertical transportof pollutants. Comparison between the CO measured by aircraft at the MCS anvil and modeled isshown. The main information resulting from high resolution experiments are discussed in the contextof convective transport parameterization for low spatial resolution models.

Explicitly Modeling <strong>the</strong> Vertical Transport of BiomassBurning Emissions by a Mesoscale Convective System on <strong>Amazon</strong> <strong>Basin</strong>S. R. Freitas 1 , R. Ch<strong>at</strong>field 2 , M. A. Silva Dias 3 and P. L. Silva Dias 41 Rua do M<strong>at</strong>ão, 1226, Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilE-mail: sfreitas@model.iag.usp.br; 2 NASA Ames Research Center, E-mail: ch<strong>at</strong>field@clio.arc.nasa.gov,3USP, E-mail: mafdsdia@model.iag.usp.br; 4 USP, E-mail: pldsdias@model.iag.usp.br;The convective transport of trace gases by a mesoscale convective system (MCS) in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Amazon</strong>basin is explicitly modeled through a numerical simul<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>with</strong> high sp<strong>at</strong>ial resolution. The study iscarried out using <strong>the</strong> <strong>at</strong>mospheric model RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System). Themodel configur<strong>at</strong>ion was set up <strong>with</strong> 3 grids <strong>with</strong> horizontal resolution of 50, 10 and 2.5 km. Theresolution of <strong>the</strong> finer grid should permit <strong>the</strong> model to resolve <strong>the</strong> main eddies associ<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>with</strong> deepconvective activity, simul<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> transport of pollutants from <strong>the</strong> planetary boundary layer (PBL) to<strong>the</strong> high troposphere. The case study is rel<strong>at</strong>ed to a MCS th<strong>at</strong> was observed on September 26, 1992 in<strong>Amazon</strong> basin. The PBL was polluted by biomass burning emissions on <strong>the</strong> previous days. The<strong>at</strong>mospheric simul<strong>at</strong>ions were carried out using ECMWF reanalysis for initial and boundaryconditions. The initial condition for carbon monoxide (CO) in <strong>the</strong> PBL was defined using profilesobtained by an instrumented aircraft of <strong>the</strong> TRACE-A experiment and <strong>the</strong> remote-sensing product'aerosol index' of TOMS. The simul<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong>rmodynamic and CO vertical profiles inside <strong>the</strong> MCS andin <strong>the</strong> environment are presented, as well <strong>the</strong> role of updrafts and downdrafts in <strong>the</strong> vertical transportof pollutants. Comparison between <strong>the</strong> CO measured by aircraft <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> MCS anvil and modeled isshown. The main inform<strong>at</strong>ion resulting from high resolution experiments are discussed in <strong>the</strong> contextof convective transport parameteriz<strong>at</strong>ion for low sp<strong>at</strong>ial resolution models.

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