A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

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SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TEMPORAL EVOLUTION OF THEATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER ABOVE PANTANAL WETLANDEliana Soares de Andrade 1 , Leonardo D. A. Sá 1 , Maria Paulete P.M. Jorge 1 , Amaury deSouza 2(1) Labor<strong>at</strong>ório Associado de Meteorologia e Oceanografia, Centro de Previsão de Tempo eEstudos Climáticos, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Avenida dos Astronautas1758, 12227-010, São José dos Campos, Brazil; (2) Departamento de Física, UniversidadeFederal do M<strong>at</strong>o Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, Brazileliana@cptec.inpe.brAbstract: Pantanal is one of <strong>the</strong> biggest wetland regions of <strong>the</strong> world, <strong>with</strong> an area ofapproxim<strong>at</strong>ely 150,000 km 2 . It is loc<strong>at</strong>ed in central part of <strong>the</strong> South America (19 o S, 57 oW) and presents a clim<strong>at</strong>ology which is characterized by a very dry season and a wet periodin which strong floods are often observed. The Interdisciplinary Pantanal Experiment (IPE)aims to investig<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> micrometeorological aspects and <strong>the</strong> differences between <strong>the</strong>se twoseasons. An important goal of IPE researches is to characterize <strong>the</strong> <strong>at</strong>mospheric boundarylayer (ABL) structure above Pantanal wetland, particularly <strong>the</strong> nocturnal boundary layer(NBL). For this purpose, it is important to take into account <strong>the</strong> meteorological processeswhich drive <strong>the</strong> early evening transition (EET) and define classes of <strong>the</strong> NBL. In Pantanalsome cases studies have shown two distinct classes of EET: a) one <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> gener<strong>at</strong>ion of astrong low level jet (LLJ), below 600 m height; b) one <strong>with</strong>out a well defined LLJ. LLJ ismore frequent during <strong>the</strong> dry season and seems to be gener<strong>at</strong>ed as a response to <strong>the</strong> strongstability cre<strong>at</strong>ed by next surface intense radi<strong>at</strong>ive cooling process after <strong>the</strong> sunset. Besides<strong>the</strong> LLJ, o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of <strong>the</strong> dry and wet CLA structure are presented and some possiblephysical explan<strong>at</strong>ions of <strong>the</strong> results are discussed.

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