A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...

A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ... A Look at Amazon Basin Seasonal Dynamics with the Biophysical ...


INFLUENCE OF SEASONALITY AND LAND USE ON GROSS PRIMARYPHOTOSYNTHESIS DYNAMIC AT TAPAJÓS REGIONLuiz Eduardo Aragão 1 ; Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro 1 & Mathew Williams 21 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-DSR), Av. dos Astronautas, 1758-12227-010; São José dos Campos-SP-Brazil2 University of Edinburgh (IERM), Scotlandaragao@ltid.inpe.brAmazon region is the focus of the research works related with the global changes. In Brazil,the great contribution for the increase of atmospheric CO 2 is the land use changes (70% oftotal emission). Due to the uncertainties about the productivity of Amazon biome and theconsequences of climatic changes and of land use changes in the Amazon forestproductivity, this work propose to supply the lack of detail regional analyses for Amazonregion. Present abstract is an overview of our project that will explain the way that we willcarry the study about primary productivity at Tapajós. We pretend to emphasizemethodological aspects to access gross primary photosynthesis (GPP). The general aim ofthis research is to model the GPP process in a forest ecosystem in Alto Tapajós-PA, toevaluate the effects of the land use changes and of the atmospheric CO 2 increase. Thisapproach will consider the spatial and temporal variability of the environmental variables(soils, vegetation, temperature, precipitation, irradiance, etc). A multi-scale methodologyusing field, meteorological and remote sensing data will be apply to scaling up local toregional GPP at 1km grid with the Aggregate Canopy Model from Williams et al. (1997).We will use a map integration routine to define land units according land use, vegetation,soils and relief patterns to collect field data about leaf area index (LAI) and leaf nitrogenconcentration in the dry and wet season. To access land use we will carry an analysis ofMODIS image. With field and microclimate data, and remote sensing estimations of landuse and irradiance it will be possible to set the parameters for Tapajós environmentalconditions. To validate model results we will carry a comparison with eddy flux data and anerror analysis. So, we intend to generate results that make possible the quantitative analysisof GPP in the regional scale. We began project activities on May. At the moment, we aredigitalizing thematic maps (soil and vegetation) from the region and working to acquiredata and build a database about vegetation information. Fieldwork will be carried inAugust. Previous field data collect at Tapajós showed differences in forest structurebetween sites in primary forest. Mainly associate with species composition, so characterizealso LAI and N pattern from these vegetation type, will be helpful for GPP spatial analysisin that ecosystem. The present studied will contribute to the knowledge of biologicalprocesses in the Amazon, and the effects of climate and land use changes. This informationwill clearly help the elaboration of management plans resulting in the conservation ofAmazon forest through sustainable development of North region of Brazil.

INFLUENCE OF SEASONALITY AND LAND USE ON GROSS PRIMARYPHOTOSYNTHESIS DYNAMIC AT TAPAJÓS REGIONLuiz Eduardo Aragão 1 ; Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro 1 & M<strong>at</strong>hew Williams 21 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-DSR), Av. dos Astronautas, 1758-12227-010; São José dos Campos-SP-Brazil2 University of Edinburgh (IERM), Scotlandaragao@ltid.inpe.br<strong>Amazon</strong> region is <strong>the</strong> focus of <strong>the</strong> research works rel<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> global changes. In Brazil,<strong>the</strong> gre<strong>at</strong> contribution for <strong>the</strong> increase of <strong>at</strong>mospheric CO 2 is <strong>the</strong> land use changes (70% oftotal emission). Due to <strong>the</strong> uncertainties about <strong>the</strong> productivity of <strong>Amazon</strong> biome and <strong>the</strong>consequences of clim<strong>at</strong>ic changes and of land use changes in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Amazon</strong> forestproductivity, this work propose to supply <strong>the</strong> lack of detail regional analyses for <strong>Amazon</strong>region. Present abstract is an overview of our project th<strong>at</strong> will explain <strong>the</strong> way th<strong>at</strong> we willcarry <strong>the</strong> study about primary productivity <strong>at</strong> Tapajós. We pretend to emphasizemethodological aspects to access gross primary photosyn<strong>the</strong>sis (GPP). The general aim ofthis research is to model <strong>the</strong> GPP process in a forest ecosystem in Alto Tapajós-PA, toevalu<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> effects of <strong>the</strong> land use changes and of <strong>the</strong> <strong>at</strong>mospheric CO 2 increase. Thisapproach will consider <strong>the</strong> sp<strong>at</strong>ial and temporal variability of <strong>the</strong> environmental variables(soils, veget<strong>at</strong>ion, temper<strong>at</strong>ure, precipit<strong>at</strong>ion, irradiance, etc). A multi-scale methodologyusing field, meteorological and remote sensing d<strong>at</strong>a will be apply to scaling up local toregional GPP <strong>at</strong> 1km grid <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> Aggreg<strong>at</strong>e Canopy Model from Williams et al. (1997).We will use a map integr<strong>at</strong>ion routine to define land units according land use, veget<strong>at</strong>ion,soils and relief p<strong>at</strong>terns to collect field d<strong>at</strong>a about leaf area index (LAI) and leaf nitrogenconcentr<strong>at</strong>ion in <strong>the</strong> dry and wet season. To access land use we will carry an analysis ofMODIS image. With field and microclim<strong>at</strong>e d<strong>at</strong>a, and remote sensing estim<strong>at</strong>ions of landuse and irradiance it will be possible to set <strong>the</strong> parameters for Tapajós environmentalconditions. To valid<strong>at</strong>e model results we will carry a comparison <strong>with</strong> eddy flux d<strong>at</strong>a and anerror analysis. So, we intend to gener<strong>at</strong>e results th<strong>at</strong> make possible <strong>the</strong> quantit<strong>at</strong>ive analysisof GPP in <strong>the</strong> regional scale. We began project activities on May. At <strong>the</strong> moment, we aredigitalizing <strong>the</strong>m<strong>at</strong>ic maps (soil and veget<strong>at</strong>ion) from <strong>the</strong> region and working to acquired<strong>at</strong>a and build a d<strong>at</strong>abase about veget<strong>at</strong>ion inform<strong>at</strong>ion. Fieldwork will be carried inAugust. Previous field d<strong>at</strong>a collect <strong>at</strong> Tapajós showed differences in forest structurebetween sites in primary forest. Mainly associ<strong>at</strong>e <strong>with</strong> species composition, so characterizealso LAI and N p<strong>at</strong>tern from <strong>the</strong>se veget<strong>at</strong>ion type, will be helpful for GPP sp<strong>at</strong>ial analysisin th<strong>at</strong> ecosystem. The present studied will contribute to <strong>the</strong> knowledge of biologicalprocesses in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Amazon</strong>, and <strong>the</strong> effects of clim<strong>at</strong>e and land use changes. This inform<strong>at</strong>ionwill clearly help <strong>the</strong> elabor<strong>at</strong>ion of management plans resulting in <strong>the</strong> conserv<strong>at</strong>ion of<strong>Amazon</strong> forest through sustainable development of North region of Brazil.

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