LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization

LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization


Box . An outbreak of leg onellos s at the Melbourne Aquar um, Apr l 000 Between 11 and 27 April 2000, the Melbourne Aquarium, Australia, was linked to 125 confirmed cases of legionellosis. The cases were caused by Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Two case–control studies confirmed the source of the outbreak and investigated risk factors for infection. The aquarium cooling towers were found to be poorly disinfected and contaminated with L. pneumophila, and visiting the aquarium was significantly associated with disease. The case–control studies indicated that current smoking was a dose-dependent risk; in contrast, chronic illness and duration of exposure at the site were not significant risks (Greig et al., 2004). The number of cooling towers in existence globally is not known, but about 30 000 are registered in the United Kingdom alone. To date, large-scale natural updraft towers, such as those commonly associated with electricity generation, have not been implicated in outbreaks of legionellosis, although the potential for their involvement cannot be dismissed. The air exhausting from cooling towers and evaporative condensers carries two types of water: • water vapour that has evaporated within the device, which may recondense and appear as steam • water droplets that have been generated within the device and carried in the airflow; if carried over without initial evaporation, these droplets are termed “drift”. The water droplets in drift will contain any dissolved salts or suspended particles, including organisms that were in the original water. It is these droplets that can create an infectious aerosol when the water evaporates in the open air outside the tower, unless appropriate controls are in place. 5.2 Water safety plan overview A WSP needs to be comprehensive; however, an overview of such a plan is shown in Table 5.1, as an example of the type of information a plan might contain. As explained in Chapter 3, a WSP is part of a framework for safe water quality that also includes health-based targets and surveillance. Most cooling towers and evaporative condensers are likely to become contaminated with Legionella at some point in their serviceable life (Koide et al., 1993; Bentham, 2000). It is unrealistic to try to prevent entry of the organism into the cooling tower or to create an environment that entirely precludes its growth and multiplication, although this is desirable. In the case of the sample WSP shown in Table 5.1, a health-based operational target might be to control microbial growth through modification of the environment and the use of LEGIONELLA AND THE PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLOSIS

water treatments (including chemicals and antimicrobials). The water quality in health-care facilities needs special attention, determined by the susceptibility of the patients; patients undergoing a severe immunosuppressive therapy (e.g. organ transplant or cancer therapy) are particularly at risk of infection. Further information on health-based targets and information on surveillance for Legionella can be found in Sections 3.2 and 3.4 of Chapter 3, respectively. The remainder of this chapter provides information relevant to a WSP specific for cooling towers and evaporative condensers, for each of the three main areas of a WSP: • system assessment (Section 5.3) • monitoring (Section 5.4) • communication and management (Section 5.5). Sections 5.3–5.5 should be read in conjunction with Section 3.3 from Chapter 3. Cooling towers and evaporative condensers are often designed simply to optimize heat transfer and thermal efficiency, and the practices described here might not be included in typical water treatment programmes for such devices. However, an effective water treatment programme that reduces the risk of legionellosis and thus ensures safer operation of the system also leads to more efficient operation (because there is less fouling) and longer system life (because there is less corrosion) (Broadbent, 1996). Fundamentally, the responsibility for managing the risk of legionellosis belongs to the facility owner or manager. To ensure that the risk management plan is properly implemented, the owner or manager should assign tasks, ensure that documentation is complete and current, and hold people accountable. LEGIONELLA AND THE PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLOSIS

Box . An outbreak of leg onellos s at the Melbourne Aquar um, Apr l 000<br />

Between 11 and 27 April 2000, the Melbourne Aquarium, Australia, was linked to 125<br />

confirmed cases of legionellosis. The cases were caused by Legionella pneumophila<br />

serogroup 1. Two case–control studies confirmed the source of the outbreak and investigated<br />

risk factors for infection. The aquarium cooling towers were found to be poorly disinfected<br />

and contaminated with L. pneumophila, and visiting the aquarium was significantly associated<br />

with disease. The case–control studies indicated that current smoking was a dose-dependent<br />

risk; in contrast, chronic illness and duration of exposure at the site were not significant<br />

risks (Greig et al., 2004).<br />

The number of cooling towers in existence globally is not known, but about 30 000 are registered<br />

in the United Kingdom alone. To date, large-scale natural updraft towers, such as those commonly<br />

associated with electricity generation, have not been implicated in outbreaks of legionellosis,<br />

although the potential for their involvement cannot be dismissed.<br />

The air exhausting from cooling towers and evaporative condensers carries two types of water:<br />

• water vapour that has evaporated within the device, which may recondense and appear as<br />

steam<br />

• water droplets that have been generated within the device and carried in the airflow; if<br />

carried over without initial evaporation, these droplets are termed “drift”.<br />

The water droplets in drift will contain any dissolved salts or suspended particles, including<br />

organisms that were in the original water. It is these droplets that can create an infectious aerosol<br />

when the water evaporates in the open air outside the tower, unless appropriate controls are<br />

in place.<br />

5.2 Water safety plan overview<br />

A WSP needs to be comprehensive; however, an overview of such a plan is shown in Table 5.1,<br />

as an example of the type of information a plan might contain. As explained in Chapter 3, a<br />

WSP is part of a framework for safe water quality that also includes health-based targets and<br />

surveillance.<br />

Most cooling towers and evaporative condensers are likely to become contaminated with<br />

Legionella at some point in their serviceable life (Koide et al., 1993; Bentham, 2000). It is<br />

unrealistic to try to prevent entry of the organism into the cooling tower or to create an<br />

environment that entirely precludes its growth and multiplication, although this is desirable.<br />

In the case of the sample WSP shown in Table 5.1, a health-based operational target might<br />

be to control microbial growth through modification of the environment and the use of<br />


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