LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization

LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization


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Olaechea PM et al. (1996). A predictive model for the treatment approach to community-acquired pneumonia in patients needing ICU admission. Intensive Care Medicine, 22:1294–1300. Oleinick NL (1977). Initiation and elongation of protein synthesis in growing cells: differential inhibition by cycloheximide and emetine. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 182:171–180. O’Mahony MC et al. (1990). The Stafford outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease. Epidemiology and Infection, 104(3):361–380. Oren I et al. (2002). Nosocomial outbreak of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 3 pneumonia in a new bone marrow transplant unit: evaluation, treatment and control. Bone Marrow Transplant, 30(3):175–179. Orrison LH et al. (1983). Legionella oakridgensis: unusual new species isolated from cooling tower water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 45:536–545. Ortiz-Roque CM, Hazen TC (1987). Abundance and distribution of Legionellaceae in Puerto Rican waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 53:2231–2236. Ortqvist A et al. (1990). Aetiology, outcome and prognostic factors in community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization. European Respiratory Journal, 3(10):1105–1113. OSAHD (Occupational Safety and Health Division) (2005). North Carolina Department of Labor (http://www.dol.state.nc.us/osha/osh.htm (accessed 8 April 2006). OSHA Technical Manual, Section III: Chapter 7, Legionnaires’ disease, Appendix III:7–13. Water Sampling Guidelines. United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (http://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_toc.html, accessed 28 June 2005).Ott M et al. (1991). Temperature-dependent expression of flagella in Legionella. Journal of General Microbiology, 137(8):1955–1961. Pankhurst CL et al. (1990). The efficacy of chlorination and filtration in the control and eradication of Legionella from dental chair water systems. Journal of Hospital Infections, 16(1):9–18. Pankhurst CL et al. (2003). Prevalence of legionella waterline contamination and Legionella pneumophila antibodies in general dental practitioners in London and rural Northern Ireland. British Dental Journal, 195(10):591–594. Park D, Pugliese A, Cunha BA (1994). Legionella micdadei prosthetic valve endocarditis. Infection, 22:213–215. Park DR et al. (2001). The etiology of community-acquired pneumonia at an urban public hospital: influence of human immunodeficiency virus infection and initial severity of illness. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 184(3):268–277. Park MY et al. (2003). Legionella busanensis sp. nov., isolated from cooling tower water in Korea. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 53:77–80. Pastoris MC et al. (1999). Legionnaire’s disease on a cruise ship linked to the water supply system: clinical and public health implications. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 28(1):33–38. LEGIONELLA AND THE PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLOSIS

Olaechea PM et al. (1996). A predictive model for the treatment approach to community-acquired<br />

pneumonia in patients needing ICU admission. Intensive Care Medicine, 22:1294–1300.<br />

Oleinick NL (1977). Initiation and elongation of protein synthesis in growing cells: differential<br />

inhibition by cycloheximide and emetine. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 182:171–180.<br />

O’Mahony MC et al. (1990). The Stafford outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease. Epidemiology and<br />

Infection, 104(3):361–380.<br />

Oren I et al. (2002). Nosocomial outbreak of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 3 pneumonia<br />

in a new bone marrow transplant unit: evaluation, treatment and control. Bone Marrow<br />

Transplant, 30(3):175–179.<br />

Orrison LH et al. (1983). Legionella oakridgensis: unusual new species isolated from cooling<br />

tower water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 45:536–545.<br />

Ortiz-Roque CM, Hazen TC (1987). Abundance and distribution of Legionellaceae in<br />

Puerto Rican waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 53:2231–2236.<br />

Ortqvist A et al. (1990). Aetiology, outcome and prognostic factors in community-acquired<br />

pneumonia requiring hospitalization. European Respiratory Journal, 3(10):1105–1113.<br />

OSAHD (Occupational Safety and <strong>Health</strong> Division) (2005). North Carolina Department of<br />

Labor (http://www.dol.state.nc.us/osha/osh.htm (accessed 8 April 2006).<br />

OSHA Technical Manual, Section III: Chapter 7, Legionnaires’ disease, Appendix III:7–13.<br />

Water Sampling Guidelines. United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety<br />

and <strong>Health</strong> Administration (http://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_toc.html, accessed<br />

28 June 2005).Ott M et al. (1991). Temperature-dependent expression of flagella in<br />

Legionella. Journal of General Microbiology, 137(8):1955–1961.<br />

Pankhurst CL et al. (1990). The efficacy of chlorination and filtration in the control and<br />

eradication of Legionella from dental chair water systems. Journal of Hospital Infections,<br />

16(1):9–18.<br />

Pankhurst CL et al. (2003). Prevalence of legionella waterline contamination and Legionella<br />

pneumophila antibodies in general dental practitioners in London and rural Northern<br />

Ireland. British Dental Journal, 195(10):591–594.<br />

Park D, Pugliese A, Cunha BA (1994). Legionella micdadei prosthetic valve endocarditis. Infection,<br />

22:213–215.<br />

Park DR et al. (2001). The etiology of community-acquired pneumonia at an urban public<br />

hospital: influence of human immunodeficiency virus infection and initial severity of<br />

illness. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 184(3):268–277.<br />

Park MY et al. (2003). Legionella busanensis sp. nov., isolated from cooling tower water in<br />

Korea. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 53:77–80.<br />

Pastoris MC et al. (1999). Legionnaire’s disease on a cruise ship linked to the water supply<br />

system: clinical and public health implications. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 28(1):33–38.<br />


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