LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization

LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization LEGIONELLA - World Health Organization


Anon. (1992). The United Kingdom Management of Health and Safety at Work (MHSW) Regulations 1992. Anon. (1996a). Legionella and the European Council for Package Travel. Communicable Diseases Reports CDR, 6(25):213. Anon. (1996b). An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Spain. Communicable Diseases Report CDR Weekly, 6(45):391. Anon. (1998a). Legionnaires’ disease on board a cruise ship. CDR Weekly, 8(27):237 (http:// www.hpa.org.uk/cdr/archives/CDR98/cdr2798.pdf, accessed 18 July 2005). Anon. (1998b). Inventory of the means of controlling communicable diseases in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland. European Commission — Directorate General V, Luxembourg. Anon. (1999). A code of practice for prevention of Legionnaires’ disease in hotels and other establishments. Malta, Department of Health. Anon. (2001). Legionnaires’ Disease: managing the health risk associated with cooling tower and warm water systems. Regulatory Impact Statement Health (Legionella) Regulations 2001, Victoria, Australia, Department of Human Services. Anon. (2003). Legionnaires’ disease in Hereford. Communicable Diseases Report, 13(51):5. Arata S et al. (1992). Enhanced growth of Legionella pneumophila in tetrahydrocannabinol-treated macrophages. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 199:65–67. Arnow PM et al. (1982). Nosocomial Legionnaires’ disease caused by aerosolized tap water from respiratory devices. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 146(4):460–467. Arthur J (1998). EHOs Steer cruise ship from unsafe waters. Environmental Health, 106(10):285–288. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) (2000). Guideline 12–2000 — Minimizing the risk of legionellosis associated with building water systems. Atlanta, Georgia, ASHRAE Inc. Atlas RM (1999). Legionella: from environmental habitats to disease pathology, detection and control. Environmental Microbiology, 1(4):283–293. ATS (American Thoracic Society) (2001). Guidelines for the management of adults with communityacquired pneumonia. Diagnosis, assessment of severity, antimicrobial therapy, and prevention. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 163:1730–1754. Baker J, Farrell ID, Hutchinson JG (1981). Factors affecting growth of Legionella pneumophila in liquid media. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 44:1054–1056. Ballard AL et al. (2000). Detection of Legionella pneumophila using a real-time PCR hybridization assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 38:4215–4218. Barbaree JM et al. (1986). Isolation of protozoa from water associated with a legionellosis outbreak and demonstration of intracellular multiplication of Legionella pneumophila. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 51:422–424. LEGIONELLA AND THE PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLOSIS

Barbaree JM et al. (1987). Protocol for sampling environmental sites for legionellae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 53(7):1454–1458. Barker J, Farrell ID, Hutchison JG (1986). Factors affecting growth of Legionella pneumophila in liquid media. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 22:97–100. Barker J et al. (1992). Relationship between Legionella pneumophila and Acanthamoeba polyphaga: physiological status and susceptibility to chemical inactivation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 58:2420–2425. Bartlett CL et al. (1983). Legionella in hospital and hotel water supplies. Lancet, 2(8362):1315. Bartlett C et al. (1984). Recurrent Legionnaires’ disease from a hotel water system. In: Thornsberry C et al., eds. Legionella: proceedings of the 2nd international symposium, Washington DC, ASM Press. Bartlett C et al. (1985). Final Report on a Public Health Laboratory Service Collaborative Study of Legionella Species in Water Systems 1981–1985. Final report to the Department of Health, unpublished. Bartlett JG et al. (1998). Community-acquired pneumonia in adults: guidelines for management. The Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 26:811–838. Baskerville A et al. (1986). Pulmonary damage caused by a protease from Legionella pneumophila. British Journal of Experimental Pathology, 67(4):527–536. Bazovska S, Spalekova M (1994). Legionellosis [in Slovakian]. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy, 95(11):515–517. Bell JC et al. (1996). Legionellosis linked with a hotel car park — how many were infected? Epidemiology and Infection, 116(2):185–192. Benin AL et al. (2002). An outbreak of travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever: the need for enhanced surveillance of travel-associated legionellosis in the United States. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 185(2):237–243. Benson RF, Fields BS (1998). Classification of the genus Legionella. Seminars in Respiratory Infections, 13:90–99. Benson RF, Ward KW (1992). Direct immunofluorescent antibody examination for Legionella species. In: Isenberg HD, ed. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook,Vol. 2, Washington DC, American Society for Microbiology. Benson RF et al. (1989). Legionella quinlivanii sp. nov. isolated from water. Current Microbiology, 18:195–197. Benson RF et al. (1990). Legionella sainthelensi serogroup 2 isolated from patients with pneumonia. Respiratory Microbiology, 141(4):453–463. Benson RF et al. (1996a). Legionella adelaidensis, a new species isolated from cooling tower water. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 29:1004–1006. LEGIONELLA AND THE PREVENTION OF LEGIONELLOSIS

Barbaree JM et al. (1987). Protocol for sampling environmental sites for legionellae. Applied and<br />

Environmental Microbiology, 53(7):1454–1458.<br />

Barker J, Farrell ID, Hutchison JG (1986). Factors affecting growth of Legionella pneumophila<br />

in liquid media. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 22:97–100.<br />

Barker J et al. (1992). Relationship between Legionella pneumophila and Acanthamoeba polyphaga:<br />

physiological status and susceptibility to chemical inactivation. Applied and Environmental<br />

Microbiology, 58:2420–2425.<br />

Bartlett CL et al. (1983). Legionella in hospital and hotel water supplies. Lancet, 2(8362):1315.<br />

Bartlett C et al. (1984). Recurrent Legionnaires’ disease from a hotel water system. In: Thornsberry<br />

C et al., eds. Legionella: proceedings of the 2nd international symposium, Washington DC,<br />

ASM Press.<br />

Bartlett C et al. (1985). Final Report on a Public <strong>Health</strong> Laboratory Service Collaborative Study of<br />

Legionella Species in Water Systems 1981–1985. Final report to the Department of <strong>Health</strong>,<br />

unpublished.<br />

Bartlett JG et al. (1998). Community-acquired pneumonia in adults: guidelines for management.<br />

The Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 26:811–838.<br />

Baskerville A et al. (1986). Pulmonary damage caused by a protease from Legionella pneumophila.<br />

British Journal of Experimental Pathology, 67(4):527–536.<br />

Bazovska S, Spalekova M (1994). Legionellosis [in Slovakian]. Bratislavske Lekarske Listy,<br />

95(11):515–517.<br />

Bell JC et al. (1996). Legionellosis linked with a hotel car park — how many were infected?<br />

Epidemiology and Infection, 116(2):185–192.<br />

Benin AL et al. (2002). An outbreak of travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever:<br />

the need for enhanced surveillance of travel-associated legionellosis in the United States.<br />

Journal of Infectious Diseases, 185(2):237–243.<br />

Benson RF, Fields BS (1998). Classification of the genus Legionella. Seminars in Respiratory<br />

Infections, 13:90–99.<br />

Benson RF, Ward KW (1992). Direct immunofluorescent antibody examination for Legionella<br />

species. In: Isenberg HD, ed. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook,Vol. 2, Washington<br />

DC, American Society for Microbiology.<br />

Benson RF et al. (1989). Legionella quinlivanii sp. nov. isolated from water. Current Microbiology,<br />

18:195–197.<br />

Benson RF et al. (1990). Legionella sainthelensi serogroup 2 isolated from patients with pneumonia.<br />

Respiratory Microbiology, 141(4):453–463.<br />

Benson RF et al. (1996a). Legionella adelaidensis, a new species isolated from cooling tower water.<br />

Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 29:1004–1006.<br />


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