T E N D E R N O T I C E (2 Call) 2013-14

TENDERNOTICE (2 Call) 2013-14 - Maharashtra Animal & Fishery ... TENDERNOTICE (2 Call) 2013-14 - Maharashtra Animal & Fishery ...


Terms and conditions for Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers/Laptop/ Printers etc. atMaharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur- 01I. HOW TO FILL THE TENDER FORM :-1. The Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- of any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour ofComptroller, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Science University, Nagpur”payable at Nagpur only should be submitted with tender form towards the feesfor processing the tender form.2. Tender shall be filled-in two parts under Three-Envelope System. Technical tendershall be enclosed and sealed in Envelope No.1. Schedule of Rates shall be filled inand enclosed in Envelope No.2 Both the sealed envelopes shall be kept in envelopeNo.3, which shall be big enough to contain two envelopes. On each envelope nameand address of tenderer shall be written in block letters. On the top of the envelope,number should be mentioned. The envelope should be addressed to the Registrar,Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur (MAFSU). Tendershould be submitted in the prescribed tender form provided by the University. Copyor Xerox will not be accepted.3. Tender shall be opened as far as possible in the presence of all tenderers andcommittee members of MAFSU, Nagpur. Sealed envelope No.3 shall be openedfirst. It must contain two envelopes – Envelope No. 1 & 2. Envelope No 1 istechnical tender which will be opened first and if it contains all the papers requiredthen envelope No. 2, containing the schedule of rates will be opened. If it is foundthat all the papers are kept together in a single envelope ignoring instructions givenabove, the tender shall be rejected forthwith.II .GENERAL CONDITIONS: -1. No residential facilities will be made available within the campus of University.2. The agency shall not transfer or assign or share benefit of this agreement withanyone else without the prior permission in writing of the University.3. No tender shall be considered if the contents are found erased, or overwritten. Anycorrections should be scored and rewritten under the initials of the tenderer. As faras possible tender should be without any corrections.4. Each tender should be accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit in the office ofMAFSU, Nagpur No tender will be accepted without earnest money deposit.Conditional tender will not be accepted. Every page of the tender and contractdocuments must be signed by the tenderer. Earnest Money Deposit must be in theform of Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour ofComptroller, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Science University, Nagpur”payable at Nagpur only.5. The Earnest Money deposited by the tenderer shall remain in the safe custody ofMAFSU, until the acceptance of the tender by University and in case, tender isaccepted till then the tenderer signs the contract and gives the necessary securitydeposit.6. Tenderer whose tender is accepted upon being intimated within the period of threeworking days from the receipt of the letter shall furnish security deposit as directed,in the form of ‘‘Demand Draft” paid in the office of the Registrar MAFSU, Nagpuralong with prescribed form of agreement bond, within 3 days from the receipt of theletter of acceptance of tender, failing which earnest money deposit shall be forfeitedand he shall cease to be a successful tenderer. Thereafter the MAFSU shall be freeto enter into contract with any other suitable tenderer.2

7. The Tenders as furnished shall remain open and valid for 120 days.8. Tenderer will not be allowed to withdraw his tender after opening the same withoutforfeiting his deposited earnest money.9. The rates quoted for A.M.C. should be inclusive of all statutory liabilities and thisshould be clearly mentioned in the tender.10. The terms and conditions herein contained shall be part of and shall take effect as ifthey were included in the contract agreement to be entered into by a successfultenderer.11. If any tenderer is a firm, each partner must sign the tender, the schedule and thespecifications, terms and conditions, etc. If any partner is absent, the tender andother documents should be signed by his duly constituted attorney. This power ofattorney must be submitted for inspection at the time of tendering. If any partner isunable to write, must affix his left hand thumb impression instead and the samemust be attested by gazetted authorities. Seals will not be accepted as signature.12. The agency shall at all times indemnify the MAFSU against all claimscompensation under the provisions of any law for the time being in force/broughtinto force, by or in respect of any workmen employed by the agency in carrying outthe contract and against all costs and expenditure incurred by the MAFSU inconnection therewith. The MAFSU shall be entitled to recover any amount due,from all the money paid or payable by way of compensation as aforesaid and costsor expenses in connection with any claim thereto.13. The agency will co-operate with other agencies on the campus while performingtheir duties.14. The agency will have to follow the norms/guidelines of the discipline as directed bythe MAFSU.15. Any dispute arising out of the terms of this contract or interpretations of aclause herein shall be settled by mutual discussion between Registrar, MAFSU andthe agency or its authorized representative. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MaharashtraAnimal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur will be the final authority inresolving such disputes.16. If in the course of execution of this contract by the agency, any minor or majordamage is caused by the agency or his workmen to the persons or property of theMAFSU, after investigation by the “MAFSU” any claims arising therefore shall berecovered, and dealt with directly by the agency and the agency shall have to renderall assistance and co-operation to the MAFSU if any enquiry is held thereon.17. The quality of work at all stages should be as per standards laid down and explainthe agency.18. The services should be available on all working days and including governmentholidays, if called.19. If the tender is accepted on call basis, the firm shall have to make available theservices within four hours after giving the call otherwise Rs. 500/- per day fine willbe charged and the said amount will deducted from the payment. The acceptabledown period for computers and peripherals would be 24 hours whereas for serverwould be 12 hours. Any delay, except owing to situations beyond control of thecompany, will invite fine of Rs. 500 per day.3

Terms and conditions for Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers/Laptop/ Printers etc. atMaharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur- 01I. HOW TO FILL THE TENDER FORM :-1. The Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- of any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour ofComptroller, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Science University, Nagpur”payable at Nagpur only should be submitted with tender form towards the feesfor processing the tender form.2. Tender shall be filled-in two parts under Three-Envelope System. Technical tendershall be enclosed and sealed in Envelope No.1. Schedule of Rates shall be filled inand enclosed in Envelope No.2 Both the sealed envelopes shall be kept in envelopeNo.3, which shall be big enough to contain two envelopes. On each envelope nameand address of tenderer shall be written in block letters. On the top of the envelope,number should be mentioned. The envelope should be addressed to the Registrar,Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur (MAFSU). Tendershould be submitted in the prescribed tender form provided by the University. Copyor Xerox will not be accepted.3. Tender shall be opened as far as possible in the presence of all tenderers andcommittee members of MAFSU, Nagpur. Sealed envelope No.3 shall be openedfirst. It must contain two envelopes – Envelope No. 1 & 2. Envelope No 1 istechnical tender which will be opened first and if it contains all the papers requiredthen envelope No. 2, containing the schedule of rates will be opened. If it is foundthat all the papers are kept together in a single envelope ignoring instructions givenabove, the tender shall be rejected forthwith.II .GENERAL CONDITIONS: -1. No residential facilities will be made available within the campus of University.2. The agency shall not transfer or assign or share benefit of this agreement withanyone else without the prior permission in writing of the University.3. No tender shall be considered if the contents are found erased, or overwritten. Anycorrections should be scored and rewritten under the initials of the tenderer. As faras possible tender should be without any corrections.4. Each tender should be accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit in the office ofMAFSU, Nagpur No tender will be accepted without earnest money deposit.Conditional tender will not be accepted. Every page of the tender and contractdocuments must be signed by the tenderer. Earnest Money Deposit must be in theform of Demand Draft of any Nationalised Bank drawn in favour ofComptroller, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Science University, Nagpur”payable at Nagpur only.5. The Earnest Money deposited by the tenderer shall remain in the safe custody ofMAFSU, until the acceptance of the tender by University and in case, tender isaccepted till then the tenderer signs the contract and gives the necessary securitydeposit.6. Tenderer whose tender is accepted upon being intimated within the period of threeworking days from the receipt of the letter shall furnish security deposit as directed,in the form of ‘‘Demand Draft” paid in the office of the Registrar MAFSU, Nagpuralong with prescribed form of agreement bond, within 3 days from the receipt of theletter of acceptance of tender, failing which earnest money deposit shall be forfeitedand he shall cease to be a successful tenderer. Thereafter the MAFSU shall be freeto enter into contract with any other suitable tenderer.2

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