T E N D E R N O T I C E (2 Call) 2013-14

TENDERNOTICE (2 Call) 2013-14 - Maharashtra Animal & Fishery ... TENDERNOTICE (2 Call) 2013-14 - Maharashtra Animal & Fishery ...


Tender Form No …..Price Rs. 200/-Receipt No.: ______________Date : ____________________TENDER FORMTo,The RegistrarMaharashtra Animal & FisherySciences University,Futala Lake Road, Nagpur-440001.Subject: Tender for providing A.M.C. at MAFSUCampus for one year .Sir,In pursuance with the advertisement appeared in Newspaper and as per terms andconditions of the tender, I am submitting herewith duly signed Original Tender withTerms & Conditions quoted therein rates for providing A.M.C. at Maharashtra Animal &Fishery Sciences University, Futala Lake Road, Nagpur. I understand that, the decisiontaken by the tender committee is binding on me & I am ready to pay 4% Security Depositof the accepted Tender Cost by Demand Draft to the University.Date : ______________Yours faithfully,Signature of the TendererNameSeal of the Firm10

MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL & FISHERY SCIENCES UNIVERSITY,FUTALA LAKE ROAD, NAGPUR-01_____________________________________________________________________TENDER NOTICE (2 nd Call)Sealed tenders are invited for annual maintenance contract of Computers, Laptop,Printers etc. The last date of submission of tender form is 20/08/2013 up to 15.00hours. Received tenders will be opened on 21/08/2013 at 11.30 A.M. The tender form,details of items, documents required, terms & condition of the tender is available onwebsite www.mafsu.in The authority reserves the right to accept / cancel / reject any orall the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.sd/-(Dr. Sampat Khilari)RegistrarMaharashtra Animal & Fishery SciencesUniversity, Nagpur11

Tender Form No …..Price Rs. 200/-Receipt No.: ______________Date : ____________________TENDER FORMTo,The RegistrarMaharashtra Animal & FisherySciences University,Futala Lake Road, Nagpur-440001.Subject: Tender for providing A.M.C. at MAFSUCampus for one year .Sir,In pursuance with the advertisement appeared in Newspaper and as per terms andconditions of the tender, I am submitting herewith duly signed Original Tender withTerms & Conditions quoted therein rates for providing A.M.C. at Maharashtra Animal &Fishery Sciences University, Futala Lake Road, Nagpur. I understand that, the decisiontaken by the tender committee is binding on me & I am ready to pay 4% Security Depositof the accepted Tender Cost by Demand Draft to the University.Date : ______________Yours faithfully,Signature of the TendererNameSeal of the Firm10

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