Community EduCation - Nicolet College

Community EduCation - Nicolet College

Community EduCation - Nicolet College


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PhotographyBeginning Digital Photography____________________________Wonder what all those dials and settings are on your digital camera? Learn thefundamentals of digital photography and understand how to get the most out of yourdigital camera. You will also learn to transfer photos to your computer, organize,manipulate, and print your pictures. Class will include a brief introduction to AdobePhotoshop. Prerequisite: A basic understanding of computers is required prior toenrolling in this course. 60-203-60106Eagle River 20574 9/10 - 9/17 TTh 6 PM - 9 PM $35.50 GaffneyNorthland Pines HS 1108 3x 62+ ($24.10)Beginning Photoshop___________________________________Want to make your digital photos look better? Try your hand at Adobe Photoshop,a photo editing software with an extensive array of creative options. Learn howto crop, adjust, retouch, resize, manipulate, and use other beginning techniques toenhance your photos. Prerequisite: A working knowledge of using computers in theWindows environment and basic keyboarding skills. 60-103-64001Eagle River 20573 10/1 - 10/8 TTh 6 PM - 9 PM $35.50 GaffneyNorthland Pines HS 1108 3x 62+ ($24.10)Digital SLR Cameras and Photo Basics____________________Have you been frustrated by the bewildering array of controls, buttons, and optionson your digital single lens reflex (d-SLR) camera? We will explore digital still cameras,learn the physical terrain of the controls, and practice shooting using a variety ofcamera functions. You’ll be equipped to create, compose better photos, and moreeffectively use and understand the controls of your d-SLR. Topics will include: whitebalance, ISO, auto-focus, shutter speeds, exposures, aperture, jpg vs. RAW, timeexposures, and composition. Workshop participants must provide their own d-SLRcamera. Note: a d-SLR uses interchangeable lenses; a point-and-shoot digital camerawill not be appropriate for this course due to its limited controls. 60-203-60107Rhinelander 20700 9/12 - 10/31 Th 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM $58.60 Mattison<strong>Nicolet</strong> - Art Tech 102 8x 62+ ($40.36)Shooting Home Videos__________________________________Discover some techniques used by professional videographers that anyone canmaster in a matter of minutes. You don’t have to own a camera, but if you do, bringit, as we’ll review the dos and don’ts that will ensure your audience doesn’t getmotion sickness watching your videos. 60-203-60110Rhinelander 20701 11/12 - 11/14 TTh 6 PM - 9 PM $24.10 Michalak<strong>Nicolet</strong> - Northwoods Center 110 2x 62+ ($17.26)| Computers & Technology21715.365.4493 or 715.356.6753 or 800.544.3039 ext. 4493

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