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35 Alumni News‘FOREVER ICHABOD’CAPTURES THEWASHBURN EXPERIENCEIn 1938, the Kaw yearbook unveiled the first artisticrepresentation of the Ichabod, designed by alumnusBradbury Thompson, ba ’34, who enjoyed a long,successful career in graphic design.The Kaw described Ichabod as follows: “He hascourage and enthusiasm, as shown by his brisk walk.He is democratic and courteous, for he tips his hat as hepasses. Sincere in his search for truth and knowledge,he studiously carries a book under his arm. His friendlysmile makes you like him. He is neatly dressed and fitsin well with his generation … but he adapts himselfwith equal ease to any change or any age.”More than 75 years later, as the Alumni Associationworked with MB Piland Advertising – owned byMartha Bartlett Piland, ba ’86 – on a new slogan, thatdescription struck a chord.Think of the word Ichabod as an adjective. It’s afitting modifier for all the things we love about theUniversity. Whether you’ve experienced Washburn as astudent, parent, friend, faculty or staff member, you’retruly Forever Ichabod.BEING SOCIALA quick look at Merriam-Webster’s dictionary revealsthat social media is defined as “websites and applicationsthat enable users to create and share content or toparticipate in social networking.”That doesn’t quite capture the excitement of socialmedia, especially considering how much of an impactsuch venues as Facebook and Twitter have had atWashburn.Take, for example, Founders Day. On the official150th birthday for the University, Facebook and Twitterserved as wonderful outlets for many alumni and friendsto interact, talk about and honor Washburn.Many departments on campus collaborated on socialmedia that day, allowing us to post photos and videosfrom venues such as the Statehouse, Memorial Unionand Cancun, where alumni and friends on the AlumniAssociation trip posted photos wishing the University“Happy Birthday.”Needless to say, we’ve come a long way since the daysof the Pony Express, telegraph and even connecting tothe Internet via dial-up modem.If you haven’t checked out our social media pages,please do so. You’ll find that the world literally is atyour fingertips.Visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/washburnalumniand our Twitter page at twitter.com/washburnalumni.ABOUT CLASS NOTESWe’ve received several inquiries about class notes,notably timing. There are occasions when a class note issubmitted in March and is published in the fall editionof The Ichabod.The alumni magazine goes to print three weeks to amonth before it hits your mailbox, and we submit it tothe designer six weeks to two months before you receiveit. As such, the deadline for submitting class notes isthree months before the publication date.ABOUT THE CALENDARYou may have noticed this edition of the magazinedoesn’t include a calendar of events. All of the eventsthat normally appear in The Ichabod are listed on theUniversity website at washburn.edu/events.In addition, the Alumni Association sends remindersin the mail and email for our events. Those mailings,as well as the website, contain the most up-to-dateinformation about Alumni Association events.Ernie W. Webb III is the media relations specialist for theWashburn University Alumni Association and the editor of TheIchabod. He received a bachelor of arts in mass media with anemphasis in writing from Washburn in 1998. Contact Webb at785.670.2303 or ernie.webb@washburn.edu.

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