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ANNEXURE II(A) - AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS OF <strong>INDIA</strong> <strong>SECURITIES</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong> FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS AS PERTHE FORMAT GIVEN IN CLAUSE 41 OF THE LISTING AGREEMENTAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THREE YEARS ENDED 31 ST MARCH 2010, 31 ST MARCH 2009 AND 31 ST MARCH 2008Rs. In LakhsYear endedYear EndedSr. No. Particulars 31-Mar-11 31-Mar-10 31-Mar-09 31-Mar-08UnauditedAudited1 a. Net Sales/Income from Operations 301.24 732.76 382.12 419.55b. Income from Investments - 6.25 36.62 172.75c. Other Operating Income - - - -Total Income (a+b+c) 301.24 739.01 418.74 592.302 Expenditurea. Increase / decrease in stock in trade and work in progress - - - -b. Consumption of raw materials - - - -c. Purchase of traded goods - - - -d. Staff Cost - 36.22 36.62 54.08e. Depreciation 7.81 93.92 102.69 87.42f. Professional Fees 53.09 29.92 17.05 34.99g. Other expenditure 57.62 81.21 80.41 70.99Total 71.51 241.27 236.77 247.483 Profit from operations before Other Income, Interest and Exceptional111.21 497.74 181.97 344.82Items(1-2)4 Other Income 463.00 305.92 5,060.17 98.115 Profit before Interest and Exceptional Items (3+4) 574.21 803.66 5,242.14 442.936 Interest 210.55 27.52 4,531.48 291.707 Profit after Interest but before Exceptional Items (5-6) 363.66 776.14 710.66 151.238 Non Performing Assets written back 10.44 47.47 58.12 299.389 Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7+8) 374.10 823.62 768.78 450.6110 Tax expense (including provision for Deferred tax/Fringe Benefit Tax) 112.40 140.77 370.34 2.7111 Net Profit (+)/ Loss(-) from Ordinary Activities after tax (9-10) 261.7 682.85 398.44 447.9012 Extra ordinary Item-(37,138.35) - - -Goodwill on amalgamation written off13 Net Profit (+)/ Loss(-) for the period (11-12) (36,876.65) 682.85 398.44 447.9014 Paid-up equity share capital 1,995.66 1,995.66 1,595.66 2,659.44Face Value of the Share 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.0015 Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of425.40 34,350.73 1,667.88 2,225.82previous accounting year16 Earnings per share (EPS) (not annualised)a) Basic EPS (18.48) 0.35 2.50 1.68b) Diluted EPS (10.04) 0.33 2.16 1.6817 Public Shareholding- No. of Shares 51,450,060 51,450,060 5,449,769 9,082,992- Percentage of shareholding 25.78% 25.78% 34.15% 34.15%18 Promoter and Promoter group Shareholdinga) Pledged/Encumbered - - - -- Number of shares - - - -- Percentage of shares (as a % of total shareholding of promoter- - - -and promoter group)- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the- - - -company)b) Non - encumbered- Number of shares 148,116,250 148,116,250 10,506,835 17,511,393- Percentage of shares (as a % of total shareholding of promoter 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%and promoter group)- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of thecompany)74.22% 74.22% 65.85% 65.85%21

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