1st YEAR: 1st SEMESTER (JULY-DEC) - CIT, Kokrajhar...

1st YEAR: 1st SEMESTER (JULY-DEC) - CIT, Kokrajhar... 1st YEAR: 1st SEMESTER (JULY-DEC) - CIT, Kokrajhar...


CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(Centrally Funded Institute Under the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar, Assam-783370(B.Tech Syllabus in Instrumentation Engineering)PROGRAM CORE COURSESPage 38 of 75

CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(Centrally Funded Institute Under the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)Bodoland Territorial Council, Kokrajhar, Assam-783370(B.Tech Syllabus in Instrumentation Engineering)IE201: MECHANICS OF FLUIDSCode: IE201Credit: 04L-T-P: 3-1-0Fluid Properties and Flow CharacteristicsSurface tension – Capillarity – Viscosity – Newton’s law – Fluid pressure and pressure head -Fluid velocity and acceleration – Uniform and steady flow – Stream lines and path lines –Reynold’s number – Classification as laminar and turbulent flow – Continuity equation –Potential and stream functions.Flow DynamicsEuler’s and Bernoulli’s equations – Pressure losses along the flow – Categorisation into majorand minor losses - Flow through circular pipes – Poisseule’s equation – Statement of Darcy –Weisbach equation – Friction factor – Hydraulic grade line.Flow Measurement and Pipe NetworksManometer - Venturi and orifice meters – Flow through weirs - Principles of open channel flow– Pipes in series and parallel – Kirchoff’s Laws.TurbinesFluid machines: definition and classification - exchange of energy - Euler's equation for turbomachines - Construction of velocity vector diagrams - head and specific work - components ofenergy transfer - degree of reaction.Hydro turbines: definition and classifications - Pelton turbine - Francis turbine - propellerturbine - Kaplan turbine - working principles - velocity triangles - work done - specific speed -efficiencies -performance curve for turbines.PumpsDefinition and classifications - Centrifugal pump: classifications, working principle, velocitytriangles, specific speed, efficiency and performance curves - Reciprocating pump:classification, working principle, indicator diagram, work saved by air vessels and performancecurves - cavitations in pumps - rotary pumps: working principles of gear and vane pumps.Page 39 of 75

CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(Centrally Funded Institute Under the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India)Bodoland Territorial Council, <strong>Kokrajhar</strong>, Assam-783370(B.Tech Syllabus in Instrumentation Engineering)IE201: MECHANICS OF FLUIDSCode: IE201Credit: 04L-T-P: 3-1-0Fluid Properties and Flow CharacteristicsSurface tension – Capillarity – Viscosity – Newton’s law – Fluid pressure and pressure head -Fluid velocity and acceleration – Uniform and steady flow – Stream lines and path lines –Reynold’s number – Classification as laminar and turbulent flow – Continuity equation –Potential and stream functions.Flow DynamicsEuler’s and Bernoulli’s equations – Pressure losses along the flow – Categorisation into majorand minor losses - Flow through circular pipes – Poisseule’s equation – Statement of Darcy –Weisbach equation – Friction factor – Hydraulic grade line.Flow Measurement and Pipe NetworksManometer - Venturi and orifice meters – Flow through weirs - Principles of open channel flow– Pipes in series and parallel – Kirchoff’s Laws.TurbinesFluid machines: definition and classification - exchange of energy - Euler's equation for turbomachines - Construction of velocity vector diagrams - head and specific work - components ofenergy transfer - degree of reaction.Hydro turbines: definition and classifications - Pelton turbine - Francis turbine - propellerturbine - Kaplan turbine - working principles - velocity triangles - work done - specific speed -efficiencies -performance curve for turbines.PumpsDefinition and classifications - Centrifugal pump: classifications, working principle, velocitytriangles, specific speed, efficiency and performance curves - Reciprocating pump:classification, working principle, indicator diagram, work saved by air vessels and performancecurves - cavitations in pumps - rotary pumps: working principles of gear and vane pumps.Page 39 of 75

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