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First published byCrown House Publishing LtdCrown Buildings, Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, Wales, SA33 5ND, UKwww.crownhouse.co.ukandCrown House Publishing Company LLC6 Trowbridge Drive, Suite 5, Bethel, CT 06801-2858, USAwww.crownhousepublishing.com© David Hodgson 2006Illlustrations © Les Evans 2006The right of David Hodgson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by himin accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.First published 2006. Reprinted 2007, 2009.All rights reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied,stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded orreproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Enquiriesshould be addressed to Crown House Publishing Limited.British Library of Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue entry for this book is availablefrom the British Library.10-digit ISBN 190442481-313-digit ISBN 978-190442481-9LCCN 2006929710Designed and typeset by Thomas FittonPrinted and bound in the UK byCromwell PressTrowbridge, Wiltshire

CONTENTSIntroduction ..................................................vKelly Holmes, Darth Vader and Shrek ........viGreat inventors and farts ........................... viiMind magic ................................................ viiBrain power ............................................... viiiStart now ......................................................ixSection One – Make Your Personality Buzz 1Be a superhero ...............................................3Personality direction .....................................4Personality buzzwords ..................................4Preferences ...................................................11E or I ............................................................12S or N ...........................................................15F or T ...........................................................19J or P ............................................................22Plus or Minus ..............................................26The fifth chunk of personality ....................27Putting your preferences together ..............29ISTJ Polar bear ............................................30ISFJ Koala bear ............................................32ISTP Tiger ....................................................34ISFP Cat .......................................................36INFJ Sea horse .............................................38INFP Seal .....................................................40INTP Tawny owl ..........................................42INTJ Barn owl .............................................44ESTJ Black bear ...........................................46ESFJ Teddy bear ..........................................48ESTP Panther ..............................................50ESFP Lion ....................................................52ENFJ Dolphin ..............................................54ENFP Clown fish .........................................56ENTP Falcon ...............................................58ENTJ Eagle ..................................................60Famous types ...............................................62Learning and thinking better ......................64How to get out of an argument ..................68Choosing a course or career .......................68Top ten employability skills ........................70Type: strengths and stress ...........................71Buying a present for someone ....................72How do you get on with your parents? ......74i

Section Two – Make Your Behaviour Buzz 75Milk rage ......................................................79MoodsAngry .....................................................80Relaxed ...................................................81Bored ......................................................82Go for it/Buzzing ...................................83Nervous ..................................................84Curious ..................................................85Sad ..........................................................86Happy ....................................................87Be a mind reader .........................................88Five steps to mood control .........................88Anchors .......................................................89Mood control ..............................................90A negative direction: mood hoovers! .........91A positive direction: mood movers andgroovers .................................................92Laughter: the shortest distance between twopeople ....................................................93Moving in a positive direction ...................93Sea squirts ....................................................94Do we wheelie do this? ................................94A stinky but .................................................95Darren’s story ..............................................95Try this out ..................................................9757 channels and there’s nothing on ............97The bottom line ..........................................98Finding our natural mood ..........................98Do you need to ask for directions? ...........100I can canoe, can you? ................................100In which direction do you face minus? ....101In which direction do you face plus? .......102Catchphrases as a way to influence ourmood ....................................................103Life is not a game of cards ........................104The best of E ..............................................105The best of I ...............................................106The best of S and N ...................................109The best of N .............................................110The best of S ..............................................114The best of F and T ...................................115The best of J and P ....................................117The best of - (negative) .............................122The best of + (positive) ............................123ii

Part Three – Go For It 123Potty advice ...............................................127Buzzing in action ......................................128I really fancy you .......................................129Be your best at sport .................................130Talking in front of groups .........................133Learning more ...........................................134AppendixThe theory behind The Buzz ....................147The big five factors ....................................148NLP in a nutshell ......................................149Bibliography ..............................................153Index ..........................................................155Relax and remove stress ............................135Self-esteem builder ....................................137Laughter versus stress ...............................139A visit to the cinema .................................140A whole world in your hands ...................142A change for the best ................................142Anchoring ..................................................150Comparison of type and NLPinterventions .......................................151Advice for teens and dedicated website ...160iii

THEBUZZPersonality directionWhich way are you facing?Many studies have revealed five big chunks of personality. For each of these, we can face oneway or the other. We can breathe in or breathe out. Both part of the same thing but oppositedirections. In personality, we can point each way: sometimes we’re quiet; at other times wemay be very chatty. But mostly we face one way – our preference. When we have a choice of doingsomething two ways, we always seem to pick one and stick with it. This is why, when we putour pants on in the morning, we always put the same leg in first! Adding up our preferencescan reveal a lot about our personality and behaviour. We can also explore ways to develop anduse the best of all ten. Most people use five out of the ten. With The Buzz, you can go for tenout of ten.Ask a friend if they agree. What will they like best about you?Next, look at the five chunks of personality from Pages 12 to 28.Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Just choose your preference.Personality buzzwordsTick the words that match your personality. Ask a friend if they agree. What will they like bestabout you?AchieverSomeone who gets things done even when things get tough.AnalyticalWorks things out carefully, paying attention to detail and facts.CaringWill look after other people or animals.4

Section One – Make Your Personality BuzzDeterminedStick up for themselves, their friends and their beliefs until things are sorted out.EnthusiasticGet excited about things and get other people excited too.FlexibleWilling to try new things and not scared to learn from experience.FriendlyMake other people feel good and relaxed.FunnyA good sense of humour, fun to be with.GenerousShare their time, money and thoughts without expecting something in return.ImaginativeCome up with good ideas and new ways to do things.IndependentMake decisions on their own, don’t just follow the crowd.OrganisedPlan their time carefully so they can get more done and worry less.LoyalStay friends through good times and bad.5

THEBUZZModestDoesn’t show off or brag about their successes.PracticalGet things done, don’t just talk about it.ReliableDo what they say they will; someone you can trust.Tip:These can be great words to use in your CV.Can you guess which one of these famous people has the same personality as you?Victoria BeckhamWhen she was younger, she is said to have stated thather ambition was to become a brand as famousas Nike or Daz. She has certainly achievedthis goal by using her knowledge of how themedia and business work to full effect. Sheis determined, confident and hardworking tomake the most of her talents. An achiever whogets things done. Do you share these qualities?David BeckhamFamous footballer and former England captainwho is naturally talented but is also prepared topractise long hours to be the best footballer hecan be. Quiet, friendly, down-to-earth, organised,determined, reliable, caring and hardworking.Do you share these qualities?6

Section One – Make Your Personality BuzzBridget JonesFamous from the film/novel Bridget Jones’s Diary. Usually says what she’s thinking; resultingin embarrassment. She gets away with it because she is fun-loving, enthusiastic, generous andcaring. A bit disorganised, but her heart is in the right place. Do you share these qualities?Michael PalinFamous comedy writer, performer and traveller. Says he likes listening to people in pubs andcafés to find out what makes them tick. He often uses his vivid imagination to create humour.Idealistic, quiet, flexible and friendly. Do you share these qualities?7

BUZZis an exciting collection of interactive techniquesblending the richness and energy of NLP andpersonality type theory to inform and motivateyoung people to make positive life choices.… a dedicated website www.thebuzzbook.co.uk features:THen free MP3 downloads as well as …n ‘Ask the Buzz’ – an online advice service for teens“Thisisbyfar,thebestmotivationalresourceIhavecomeacrossforyoungpeopleandforthepractitionerswhoworkwithyoungpeople.“Itputsyoungpeopleincontroloftheirownbehaviour,relationshipsandemotionsandisatrulyexcellentaidtodecisionmakingandselfdevelopment.”Michaela Gill, Training Officer, Trafford Connexions and Youth Service“Excellent.…arelentlesslypositivemessagebutneverpatronisingthatshoulddomuchtohelpraiseselfesteemandconfidenceinthereader.…helpfultechniques,tipsandtricksforall.”Matt Deakin, Careers Advisory Service, Durham University“Aparticularlyusefultoolinhelpingyoungpeopletounderstandthemselvesandtheirworldandinhelpingyoungpeoplewhoareexperiencingdifficultiestothinkthey can do somethingpositivetochangetheirlives.…agreatresource.”Mike Soanes, Barnardo’s“ … accessible,engagingandentertaining.”Stewart Farrar, Assistant Regional Manager, VT Careers Management, West SussexAlso availableThe Buzz – AudiobookA practical confidence builder forteenagersiSBN 978-184590043-4The Little Book of InspirationalTeaching ActivitiesBringing NLP into the ClassroomiSBN 978-184590136-3David Hodgson is a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, has the British PsychologicalSociety Level A&B, a Diploma in Careers Guidance and a Diploma in Management. He is aTraining Consultant in the North East working with young people and those who work withthem on motivation, goal setting, life skills and employability.Careers/Personal DevelopmentCrown House Publishing Limitedwww.crownhouse.co.ukwww.crownhousepublishing.comIllustration Les Evans Edited by Bill LucasISBN 978-190442481-99 781 904 42481 99 0 0 0 0

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