<strong>JOINT</strong> <strong>MEETING</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong><strong>INFANTILE</strong> <strong>SEIZURE</strong> <strong>SOCIETY</strong>(<strong>ISS</strong>)<strong>AND</strong> <strong>THE</strong> TURKISH CHILDNEUROLOGY ASSOCIATION<strong>THE</strong> 16TH ANNUAL <strong>MEETING</strong> <strong>OF</strong><strong>INFANTILE</strong> <strong>SEIZURE</strong> <strong>SOCIETY</strong>:INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ONEPILEPTIC SYNDROMES <strong>OF</strong> INFANCY<strong>AND</strong> EARLY CHILDHOOD (ISES)&<strong>THE</strong> 16TH ANNUAL CONGRESS <strong>OF</strong><strong>THE</strong> TURKISHCHILD NEUROLOGY ASSOCIATION23-27 JUNE 2014HILTON AVANOS HOTELCAPPADOCIA, TURKEY

Dear colleagues,Prof. Haluk Topalo¤luPresident of the SymposiumProf. Dilek Yaln›zo¤luSecretary o the SymposiumWe invite you to attend the 16 th Annual Meeting of the Infantile Seizure Society (<strong>ISS</strong>) inCappadocia, Turkey. <strong>ISS</strong> has been originated in Japan in 1998, rapidly escalated and within adecade has become an internationally renown group of enthusiasts. Annual meetings of the Societyhave been traditional. With the spirit we have received from the past congresses, it will be ouraim to bring researchers together with interest in basic and clinical sciences. The topic of ourcongress chosen as “Epileptic syndromes of infancy and early childhood”.This meeting will be followed by the yearly Turkish Child Neurology congress in a consecutivemanner.The dates have been set as: International Symposium on Epileptic Syndromes of Early Infancyand Childhood (ISES): 23-25 June, 2014The annual Turkish Child Neurology meeting: 26-27 June, 2014You can participate either or both of these meetings. There is going to be one single registration.We shall try our best to create an exciting programme. We shall do this with the help of a groupof international experts serving on our programme committee. Please follow the events from thesymposium’s website which was the population zone of the Assyrian civilization later has hosted the Hittite,Frig, Pers, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations. Cappadocia which is in our days one ofthe most important tourism centers of Turkey.We think that your visit to Cappadocia in the summer of 2014 will be rewarding academically andeducationally.Prof. Haluk Topalo¤lu, President of the SymposiumProf. Dilek Yaln›zo¤lu, Secretary o the Symposium

Dear Colleagues,Yukio Fukuyama, MDChairperson, Board of Councils, Infantile Seizure SocietyChild Neurology Institute, Tokyo, JapanEpilepsies in early life are a distinct clinical group which has different characteristic featurescontrasting to those in adult population. Their incidence is quite high; they give serious impacton sound development of the sufferers in future. Early diagnosis, proper treatment, and hopefullyprevention of these conditions are a pressing obligation of all professionals who engage in childhealth care.The Infantile Seizure Society (<strong>ISS</strong>) is an international academic organization which dedicates itsentire activity to meet with the demand abovementioned, by facilitating researches on seizureproblems in this particular age. With this specific aim dealing with the specific target, the <strong>ISS</strong> hasorganized International Symposia on various specific topics once a year, consecutively since 1998(except for 2011, when a devastating earthquake hit Japan). Each Symposium had been significantand gained a high international reputation.It is our uppermost honor and pleasure to announce here that International Symposium on EpilepticSyndromes of Infancy and Early Childhood (ISES) will be organized by Professor Haluk Topalo¤luand his knowledgeable colleagues in Cappadocia, in 2014. The main theme represents an imperativesubject for everybody who engages in child health care, pediatric epileptologists in particular.We sincerely wish to invite you to participate in the ISES, Cappadocia, 2014, coming from allcorners of the globe.Best wishes,Yukio Fukuyama, MDChairperson, Board of Councils, Infantile Seizure SocietyChild Neurology Institute, Tokyo, Japan

The ISES program committee• Kai-Ping Chang, Taiwan• Heung Dong Kim, Korea• Hirokazu Oguni, Japan• Perrine Plouin, France• Ingrid Scheffer, Australia• Shlomo Shinnar, USA• Hasan Tekgül, Turkey• Haluk Topalo¤lu, Turkey• Dilek Yaln›zo¤lu, TurkeyThe local organizing committee for both meetings will be the Turkish Child NeurologyAssociation Executive BoardThe chosen topics for the ISES meeting are:Day 1: EthiopathogenesisDay 2: Epileptic syndromes and encephalopathiesDay 3: TreatmentABSTRACTAbstract submission begins on 01 November 2013.Dear Colleagues,This year abstracts will be accepted for presentation in the following categories:- Ethiopathogenesis- Epileptic syndromes and encephalopathies- TreatmentIn order for your abstract to be published and to be presented at ISES , the main author musthave registered for the meeting .Abstract Submission Policies• Abstracts may be submitted via internet only via online submission module.• Authors should indicate their presentation preference as poster or oral presentation.• Abstracts should be prepared in English.• Title should be short, explanatory and not more than 10 words• Authors' names, surnames, institutes, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addressesshould be mentioned on the “Authors' Part”• Abstract text may not be longer than 300 words.• Time and length of the oral presentations will be announced after acceptance of the abstracts.Presenters should hand their abstracts over to Speakers’ Ready Room at least 4 hours priorto presentation or the day before, for early morning sessions.• Oral abstracts should be presented by using audiovisual aids, computers or video players.• Posters should be in 70 cm width and 90 cm height. The abstracts should be prepared in sizethat should be read from one meter distance.• Registration is required for publication of the abstracts in the abstract book / CD.

Invited Speakers of the 16th <strong>ISS</strong> Symposium, 23-25 June 2014,Cappadocia, TurkeyEPILEPTIC SYNDROMES <strong>OF</strong> INFANCY <strong>AND</strong> EARLY CHILDHOOD23rd June Monday, Day 1: EthiopathogenesisDeveloping Brain and Epilepsy2nd Speaker and TopicSeizure SemiologyElectrophysiologic aspects of seizures in infancy(New technologies for neonatal and infantile seizure detection)Cortical Malformations (The expanding spectrum of geneticmalformations of cortical development)Neurocutaneous Syndromes-TS complexGenetics updateMetabolic disordersAutoimmune update: SL Moché,USA: TBA: E Mizrahi, USA: H Tekgül, Turkey: R Guerrini, Italy: M Sahin, USA: I Scheffer, Australia: P Pearl, USA: B Anlar, Turkey24th June Tuesday, Day 2:Epileptic Syndromes and EncephalopathiesEarly infancyOhtahara Syndrome: K Kobayashi, JapanEarly myoclonic epilepsy (The pathomechanisms of Dravet syndromebased upon neurons derived from iPS cells): S Hirose, JapanMigrating partial epilepsy of infancy: R Nabbout, FranceLate infancyWest Syndrome: A Lux, UKDravet Syndrome(How to diagnose and manage patients with Dravet syndrome?) : C Dravet, FranceBenign epilepsies (Benign myoclonic syndromes in infancy andearly childhood): A Covanis, GreeceGEFS+ (The phenotypic spectrum of GEFS+): YH Zhang, ChinaEarly childhoodDoose Syndrome: H Oguni, JapanRasmussen Syndrome: T Granata, ItalyLKS-ESES spectrum (Epileptic encephalopathy with frequent sleeppotentiated spikes: Landau-Kleffner syndrome and continuousspike wave of sleep): M Takekoka, USA25th June Wednesday, Day 3: TreatmentNeuroimaging in Epilepsy during infancy and early childhoodNew antiseizure medicationsKetogenic dietPresurgical evaluationNeurosurgical treatmentFuture- Implantable devices-chips (How to validate your futuretreatment in epilepsy): K Karli O¤uz, Turkey: R Sankar, USA: HC Kang, Korea: H Cross, UK: O Delalande, France: E Asano, USA

Congress VenueThe congress venue is Hilton Avanos Hotel ,Cappadocia / Nevsehir, TURKEY.GENERAL INFORMATIONLanguageThe official language of the congress is English.Invitation LetterIndividuals requiring an official letter of invitationin order to attend the congresses can write to theOrganizing Secretariat. Registration is required. Thisprocedure is designated to assist participants to obtain a visa or permission to attend the meetingand does not apply to registration fees or other expenses.ExhibitionCongress participants are invited to visit the exhibition in Hilton Avanos Hotel, Cappadocia. Theexhibition will be open during the entire congress period.Speaker CentreInvited speakers, chairmen and oral abstract presenters must report to the Speaker Centre at leastfour hours prior to their presentation in order to check and deposit their presentation.CurrencyThe Turkish currency is Turkish Lira. The exchange rate for Turkish Lira as of June 2014 is;EUR 1 = TRY 2,56USD 1 = TRY 1,92ClimateAt the June daytime temperatures are in the range of 18-19 Celsius.Travel InformationThe fastest and consequently the least tiring way to get to Turkey is by plane. All major airlineshave direct flights to Istanbul.By busMost of the bus companieshave bus services toNevsehir and Göreme. Bybus:Istanbul - 12 hoursAnkara - 5 hoursBursa - 11 hoursIzmir - 12 hoursKonya - 4 hoursAntalya - 9 hoursÇanakkale - 17 hours

GENERAL INFORMATIONBy PlaneThe fastest and most comfortable way of reaching Cappadocia is using the airway. There are twomain airports that you can use to reach Cappadocia. One of them is Kayseri Erkilet Airport (ASR)located in Kayseri and nearly one hour driving to the center of Cappadocia region. Turkish Airlinesoperates several direct (nonstop) flights from Istanbul Atatürk Airport (IST) to Kayseri ErkiletAirport. There are also daily flights from Izmir into Kayseri via Istanbul. It's easy to arrange atransfer or shuttle bus from Kayseri Airport to Cappadocia.The second one is Nevflehir Kapadokya Airport (NAV), which is located in Gülflehir town of NevflehirProvince. Turkish Airlines operates direct (nonstop) flight from Istanbul Ataturk to NevsehirKapadokya twice a day.By trainKayseri is on a busy railway route. Itis possible to find suitable trains toKayseri from almost all the trainstations of Turkey. From Kayseri, youcan take bus to go to Göreme.Get aroundDue to the very low population densitywhich leads to limited publictransportation, and spread out natureof the sites (Cappadocia is a region,not an area), one may want toconsider either renting a car or hiring a tour package. You can also have a look to Mappadocia -The Map of Cappadocia, which informs about main attractions and hiking paths.TimeTurkey is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).Banking and Exchange FacilitiesCurrency is the Turkish Lira. Foreign money can be changed by banks during working days (09.00-17.00 Monday - Friday) as well as hotels, exchange offices. Exchange rates are set daily by theCentral Bank. All major credit cards are accepted in most of the hotels, restaurants and shops.Automated bank machines are available at many points throughout the city and the airport.Visa RequirementsParticipants are requested to check with the Turkish Consulate in their home country or with theirtravel agency or at for visa requirements. Entry visa to Turkey can also be obtainedat Istanbul Atatürk Airport for a number of countries.Restaurants and Turkish CuisineThere is a wide choice of restaurants in Istanbul offering a broad spectrum ranging from excellentnational cuisine to first class international dishes. Traditional Turkish cuisine is famous for itsmany specialties prepared with fresh vegetables. There are lots of quality restaurants as well asfast-food shops in the vicinity of the hotels reserved for this meeting.

GENERAL INFORMATIONShoppingOne of the most enjoyable parts of a trip to Turkey is shopping for the rich variety of Turkishcrafts.TelephonesPay phones and credit card phones are available at the meeting venue as well as in the city.ElectricityThe electrical power supply in Turkey is 220 volts.TippingAlthough service charge is included in most restaurants, leaving a tip at one's own discretion isappreciated.

ORGANIZING SECRETARIATTOPKON CONGRESS SERVICESZühtüpafla Mah. Rifatbey Sok. No: 24Kalam›fl - Istanbul, TURKIYEPhone : +90 0216 330 90 20Fax: +90 0216 330 90 05/06/07/08E-mail: jointmeeting2014@topkon.com

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