Galerie Enrico Navarra

Dwellings - Charles Simonds Dwellings - Charles Simonds
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Labyrinth, 1972Argile et bois30x63x63cmCollection particuliere, New YorkLabyrinth, 1972Clay and wood11 4/s x 24 4/s x 24 4/s inchesPrivate collection, New York29

Three People. Charles SimondsExtraits I Extracts. Samanedizioni , Genoa, 1975[ ... ]La vie 0 comportait deuxet de croissance en un seul rituel autemporelle rejouait Ia creation originelleQuelques objets retrouves etaientaspects : le premier etait de determinersolstice d'hiver. Le premier aspectdans une celebration etourdissantegardes et reutilises. D'autres, evoquantet marquer le temps, ce qui playait leshistoriographique dominait Ia tachedes possibilites sexuelles. [ ... ]des souvenirs, etaient conservesevenements dans l'espace et l'histoirequotidienne de reconstructionLa construction de Ia nouvelle demeurecomme des objets de collection ouet fondait le passe et le presentdes nouvelles demeures a partir desprenait un an et suivait un calendrierfetiches. On tissait des histoirespour permettre a Ia fois Ia creation desanciennes. Cet effort consistait enprecis, de telle sorte qu'elle progressaitet des souvenirs autour de ce mementohistoires et des sagas et celle desdemeures qui changeaient suivant lesune recapitulation et une refonte dessouvenirs personnels en mytheavec les saisons. Le criblageet le tri perpetuel des debris formaientet le passe etait reconstitue dans0 esprit tout com me lessaisons. Le second etait Ia concentrationet histoire. Le deuxieme aspect rituelune sorte d'ouroboros dansvieilles briques reconstituaient Iaannuelle des forces de naissancequi mettait de cote toute activitelequel le present devorait le passe.nouvelle habitation.[ ... ] C. S.[...] 0 lives had two aspects:ritual at the winter solstice. The firstcreation in a dizzying celebration ofwere collected and reused; some werethe first was the daily sorting outhistorographical aspect governed thesexual possibility. [. .. ]reminisced over and became artifactsand keeping of time that placed eventsdaily task of reconstructing theThe construction of the new dwellingor keepsakes. Stories and memoriesin space and history, merging pastnew dwelling from the remains of thetook a year and followed a precisewere woven around these mementosand present to make both histories andongoing sagas as well as dwellingsold. This effort was a recapitulationand re-working of personal memoriesschedule so that the building progressedwith the seasons. The continual siftingand the past was reconstituted in0 minds just as the old bricks werethat changed according to the seasons;into myth and history. The secondand sorting of the rubble formed a sortfitted into the new dwelling.[ .. . ] C. S.the second was the yearly concentrationritual aspect, eschewing all temporalof uroborus in which the present devouredof birth and growth energy into oneactivity, re-enacted originalthe past. Some things recoveredPyramid, 1972 Pyramid, 19 72Argile et bois40 x 51 x 63 emCollection particuliere, New YorkClay and wood15 3/4 x 20 x 24 4fs inchesPrivate collection, New York30

Three People. Charles SimondsExtraits I Extracts. Samanedizioni , Genoa, 1975[ ... ]La vie 0 comportait deuxet de croissance en un seul rituel autemporelle rejouait Ia creation originelleQuelques objets retrouves etaientaspects : le premier etait de determinersolstice d'hiver. Le premier aspectdans une celebration etourdissantegardes et reutilises. D'autres, evoquantet marquer le temps, ce qui playait leshistoriographique dominait Ia tachedes possibilites sexuelles. [ ... ]des souvenirs, etaient conservesevenements dans l'espace et l'histoirequotidienne de reconstructionLa construction de Ia nouvelle demeurecomme des objets de collection ouet fondait le passe et le presentdes nouvelles demeures a partir desprenait un an et suivait un calendrierfetiches. On tissait des histoirespour permettre a Ia fois Ia creation desanciennes. Cet effort consistait enprecis, de telle sorte qu'elle progressaitet des souvenirs autour de ce mementohistoires et des sagas et celle desdemeures qui changeaient suivant lesune recapitulation et une refonte dessouvenirs personnels en mytheavec les saisons. Le criblageet le tri perpetuel des debris formaientet le passe etait reconstitue dans0 esprit tout com me lessaisons. Le second etait Ia concentrationet histoire. Le deuxieme aspect rituelune sorte d'ouroboros dansvieilles briques reconstituaient Iaannuelle des forces de naissancequi mettait de cote toute activitelequel le present devorait le passe.nouvelle habitation.[ ... ] C. S.[...] 0 lives had two aspects:ritual at the winter solstice. The firstcreation in a dizzying celebration ofwere collected and reused; some werethe first was the daily sorting outhistorographical aspect governed thesexual possibility. [. .. ]reminisced over and became artifactsand keeping of time that placed eventsdaily task of reconstructing theThe construction of the new dwellingor keepsakes. Stories and memoriesin space and history, merging pastnew dwelling from the remains of thetook a year and followed a precisewere woven around these mementosand present to make both histories andongoing sagas as well as dwellingsold. This effort was a recapitulationand re-working of personal memoriesschedule so that the building progressedwith the seasons. The continual siftingand the past was reconstituted in0 minds just as the old bricks werethat changed according to the seasons;into myth and history. The secondand sorting of the rubble formed a sortfitted into the new dwelling.[ .. . ] C. S.the second was the yearly concentrationritual aspect, eschewing all temporalof uroborus in which the present devouredof birth and growth energy into oneactivity, re-enacted originalthe past. Some things recoveredPyramid, 1972 Pyramid, 19 72Argile et bois40 x 51 x 63 emCollection particuliere, New YorkClay and wood15 3/4 x 20 x 24 4fs inchesPrivate collection, New York30

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