Galerie Enrico Navarra

Dwellings - Charles Simonds

Dwellings - Charles Simonds


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New York, USA, vol. 14, No. 3, November1975, pp. 57-65.- "Notes on Small Sculpture", Artforum,New York, USA, vol. 15, April 1976, pp. 35-42.Raynor, Vivien-"Art: 'Circles' and 'Age' From Charles Simonds",The New York Times, September 23, 1983.- "Art: Show in Jersey City Focuses on TerraCotta", The New York Times, New York, USA,August 27, 1984, p. C12.Restany, Pierre- "Little People: Omuncoli, les demeures deCharles Simonds pour un peuple imaginaire",Domus, Milan, Italy, No. 555, February 1976,pp. 52-53.- "l.Jmmagine del Nostro Destino", Domus,Milan, Italy, No. 610, October 1980, pp. 2-7.Richard, Paul-"Invasion of The 3rd Dimension",The Washington Post, Washington, USA,Panorama, publication of the Fundaci6n "IaCaixa", Barcelona, Spain, May 1994, p. 5.Shapiro, Babs- "Architectural References, The Consequencesof the Post-Modern in Contemporary Artand Architecture", Vanguard, Vancouver,Canada, vol. 9, No.4, May 1980, pp. 6-13.Sischy, Ingrid-"Review of Individuals", Print Collectors Newsletter,vol. 8, No.2, May-June 1977, p. 47.Smith, Roberta- "In Quiet Corners, a Rhapsody for Eyes andSoul", The New York Times, January 1st, 1999.Spies, Werner- "Geisterstadte des Unbewufsten", FrankfurterAllgemeine, February 4, 1995.Stevens, Mark-"The Dizzy Decade", Newsweek, New York,Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, 1982,pp. 92-93.Winter, Peter- "Charles Simonds in Bonn, Nisplatze fur diePhantasie der Stadtbewohner", FrankfurterAllgemeine Zeitung, Francfort, Germany,April 26, 1978.- "Erde ist Urbaustoff des Menschen, Du, Zurich,Germany, May 1978, p. 14.- "Schwebende Stadte und andere Architekturen:Stadtisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn;Ausstellung", Pantheon, No. 36, October 1978,pp. 357-358.Zevi, Elizabeth- "Micro-Paesaggi d'architecttura", Casa Vogue,No. 146, November 1983, p. 246.General (selection) I General(selection)Hans-Jurg Braun, Zurich, Germany, 1987,pp. 217-250.Montangero, Jacques- Genetic Epistemology: Yesterday and Today(Pro Helvetia Swiss Lectureship, 3},New York, USA, The Graduate School andUniversity Center, 1985, pp. 4-5.Ruhrberg, Karl- Kunst im 20. 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E/4.Ulmann, Jean-Michel-"La decouverte de Micropolis", Impact MedecinHebdo, January 20, 1995.Vedrenne, Elisabeth- "Charles Simonds. Memoire d'une architectureperdue", Decoration internationale, Paris,France, No. 93, September 1986, p. 132.Vian. (Vitalino Conti)-"Mini archeologie di Charles Simonds", CarriereMercantile, Genoa, Italy, December 5, 1975, p. 6.Vincent-Heugas, Gilles-"Charles Simonds: therapie de groupe",Panorama du Medecin, January 17, 1994.Volfin, Marie-Claude- "Une mystique sexuelle", lnfos Artitudes, No. 3,December 8-14, 1975, p. 4.Wallach, AmeiArnasson, Harvard H.- History of Modern Art. Pa1nting, Sculpture,Architecture, Photography, New York,USA: Harry N. Abrams, 3rd edition, 1986,pp. 580-581' 584, 651 ' 937-938.Beardsley, John- Art in Public Places: A Survey of CommunitySponsored Projects Supported by theN.E.A., Washington, USA, Partners for LivablePlaces, 1981.- Earthworks and Beyond. 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Dutton & Co., 1977,pp. 290-311.Zelanski, Paul and Fisher, Mary Pat- The Art of Seeing, Englewood Cliffs, PrenticeHall, USA, 1988, pp. 375-424.Films I Films- Birth, 1970Realized with Rudy Burkhardt16 mm, color, 3'- BodyEarth, 1971Realized with David Troy16 mm, black and white, 11'-Dwellings, 1972Realized with David Troy16 mm, black and white, 11'- LandscapesBodyDwelling, 1973Realized with Rudy Burkhardt16 mm, color, 7'- BodyEarth, 1974Realized with Rudy Burkhardt16 mm, color, 3'-Dwellings Winter, 1974Realized with Rudy Burkhardt16 mm, color, 13'No. 10, 1979, pp. 36-37.-"Once Again It's Potpourri Time at the Whitney",Semin, Didier- "Entretien avec Charles Simonds",Beaux Arts, Paris, France, No. 39,October 1986, pp. 26-31.Servia, JosepmiquelThe Arts, February 27, 1977, pp. 11-15.Weiss, Hedy-"Primal Architecture", Portfolio, vol. 4, No.6,November-December 1982, pp. 84-86.Wilson, WilliamMetken, Gunter- Spurensicherung, Cologne, DuMont Verlag,Germany, 1977, pp. 77-80.Meyer, Franz- "Utopie in der Kunst- Kunst als Utopie",in Utopien - Die Moglichkeit des Unmoglicher,-Niagara Gorge, 1974Realized with Emil Antonucci16 mm, color, 13'- "La retrasada infancia de un escultor" (interview),-"Simonds: Small, Small World in Regression",Zurcher Hochschulforum, vol. 9, ed. by124

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