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González T., Deny E. “System analysis of gas distribution for pressure balancemethods application”. (2007) Grade Works. University Zulia. Division of Studies forGraduated. Maracaibo, Tutor: Msc. Jorge Barrientos.ABSTRACTThis work consists of analyzing the applicability of the Method of Balance ofPressures to the gas distribution systems, by means of the development of aprogramming language of high level. The works made at post degree level on thematter, until the moment evaluates gas distribution system in a simple way in spite ofthe reach and technical character of the methods known in the evaluation of gasnetworks systems like Hardy Cross, dynamic Study by means of the implicit Method,Method of the Linear Theory, in addition to others. The preceding analysis of thementioned methods is based only on the study of the distribution systems but withoutincluding the habitual components of this, such as (valves, compressors, restrictions,wells, others). This investigation implements the study of these components in theform gas distribution systems to improve the reach and reality of analysis of the gasdistribution system. The method of balance of pressures makes the analysis of thesystem through nodal study, applying the basic laws of Kirchoff or continuity, doingthe respective equations. Later it uses the method of Newton Raphson n -dimensional to solve nonlinear the equations algebraic through an iteration processwhich is evaluated in function of the variables interest and solved a posteriori by themethod of solution of matrix. The preceding analysis was obtained through aprogramming language of high level objects. Unlike the languages used in theprevious works that are characterized for being sequential languages. Reason forwhich the developed interface to involved an inherent series of tools or complementsto the analysis of gas Distribution systems.Key Words: Balance of Pressures, Newton Raphson n - dimensional, Hardy Cross,valves, compressors, restrictions, wells and gas networks.E-mail: denygonzalez@hotmail.com

DEDICATORIAPrimero y más importante a Dios, por permitirme lograr cada una de mismetas, darme salud y la fe necesaria para seguir su camino y consejos. A ti que tedebo el bienestar y la paz en mi familia, esposa e hija, amigos, acepta las gracias ydisculpa mis pecados.A mi Familia, por haberme enseñado los valores necesarios para ser unhombre de bien, y poder contar con el apoyo necesario en los momentos difícilespara salir adelante. Especialmente y de forma individual:A mi Madre, Albis por su constancia y valores inculcadosA mi Padre, Numan por enseñarme que la humildad y ética no tiene precio.A mis Hermanos, Numan, Alexander y Carla. Los cuales nos hemos mantenidoscomo una gran familiaA mis Tíos, Anneris, Arelis por creer en mi como sobrino, persona y profesional.A mis Sobrinos, Carlos, Anabel, Miguel y NumitaA mis Primos, Jorge, Alexander, Carlos, Jesús, Lisseth.Los quiero y aprecio mucho y doy gracias por contar con una familia tanejemplar.A mí querida y amada esposa Edis Amanda por apoyarme y darme la felicidad demi hija Denisse Valezka la cual esta con nosotros en familia compartiendo estemomento tan especial.A mis Amigos, que a lo largo de mi vida me han enseñado muchas cosas y acompartir momentos agradables en el deporte, fiestas, dificultades; de forma sana ycorrecta.A todas aquellas personas que en este momento escapan a mi memoria peroque de alguna manera u otra ofrecieron su ayuda desinteresada, haciendo realidaduno de mis sueños.GRACIAS…

González T., Deny E. “System analysis of gas distribution for pressure balancemethods application”. (2007) Grade Works. University Zulia. Division of Studies forGraduated. Maracaibo, Tutor: Msc. Jorge Barrientos.ABSTRACTThis work consists of analyzing the applicability of the Method of Balance ofPressures to the gas distribution systems, by means of the development of aprogramming language of high level. The works made at post degree level on thematter, until the moment evaluates gas distribution system in a simple way in spite ofthe reach and technical character of the methods known in the evaluation of gasnetworks systems like Hardy Cross, dynamic Study by means of the implicit Method,Method of the Linear Theory, in addition to others. The preceding analysis of thementioned methods is based only on the study of the distribution systems but withoutincluding the habitual components of this, such as (valves, compressors, restrictions,wells, others). This investigation implements the study of these components in theform gas distribution systems to improve the reach and reality of analysis of the gasdistribution system. The method of balance of pressures makes the analysis of thesystem through nodal study, applying the basic laws of Kirchoff or continuity, doingthe respective equations. Later it uses the method of Newton Raphson n -dimensional to solve nonlinear the equations algebraic through an iteration processwhich is evaluated in function of the variables interest and solved a posteriori by themethod of solution of matrix. The preceding analysis was obtained through aprogramming language of high level objects. Unlike the languages used in theprevious works that are characterized for being sequential languages. Reason forwhich the developed interface to involved an inherent series of tools or complementsto the analysis of gas Distribution systems.Key Words: Balance of Pressures, Newton Raphson n - dimensional, Hardy Cross,valves, compressors, restrictions, wells and gas networks.E-mail: denygonzalez@hotmail.com

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