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aNNUAL rEPORT2014-<strong>2015</strong>Dancing with the StarsDubuque StyleLeadership DubuqueYoung ProfessionalsYoung Entreprenuers AcademyBuilding a Better Dubuque... Is our Business!WWW.DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM | 563.557.9200

Vision Statement:The Dubuque Area Chamber of Commercewill be the premiere business organization inthe Midwest enhancing our business climateas the number one small city for business.Mission Statement:To serve, promote and protect our membersand the greater good of the businesscommunity making Dubuque the best place tolive, work, play and do business.Table of ContentsMessage From Byron Taylor................ 42014-<strong>2015</strong> chamber champions..........6chamber board & chamber team.......7Income Statement................................... 8Brand Promise1. We create opportunities for commerce.2. We provide opportunities for memberand community marketing, exposureand promotion.3. We advocate for a strong andprosperous business climate4. We focus on the professional development ofcurrent and future leaders.5. We build a better Dubuque through programs,events, and services that enhance ourcommunity.Balance Sheet...........................................9by the numbers......................................... 10Community Development...................... 14Government/advocacy...................... 19Membership and Business.................. 24Message From Joyce White................. 29<strong>2015</strong>-2016 chamber champions.......... 30<strong>2015</strong>-2016 Chamber Board.................... 31DUBUQUE AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE300 MAIN STREET, SUITE 200 | DUBUQUE, IAPHONE 563.557.9200 | FAX 563.557.1591OFFICE@DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM®WWW.DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Message from 2014-15 Chair, Byron TaylorIt is always difficult to capture the dynamics of an entire fiscalyear in a one page document. Most successful organizationsand individuals would reflect a critical element to remainrelevant is to reinvent and redefine. During the past fiscalyear, the Chamber has worked to capture those value basedservices important to membership and new initiatives toenhance the business and community environment.It has definitely been a year of change. The transition ofthe CVB to a separate organization has been completed.The restructuring of the Chamber financials are completed,as well. The restructuring process also included ongoingchanges in the physical accommodations of the Chamberoperations, as well as, operational related staff positions. Itis my pleasure to report the Chamber has a better financialperspective than has been experienced in several years.That said, not unlike any business entity, continued fiscaldiligence is important. As a member of the Dubuque AreaChamber of Commerce, you should expect continuedchanges in the processes and products of the organizationtargeted to better serve your needs. These are the prioritiesfor the Chamber staff with the support of a very engagedBoard of Directors.To say the Chamber is an active organization likelyunderstates the efforts to provide valued services to ourmembership and the community at large. Successfulprograms like Young Professionals (YP) continues toexpand beyond Dubuque, with a new chapter initiated inDyersville and inquiries from other communities in the tristatearea. The key to business and community prosperityis the development and retention of workforce andleadership. Programs like YP provide tangible mechanismsfor development and community integration.Another exciting innovation of the past year, building onthe legacy of Dubuque entrepreneurship, was a youthtargeted program Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA).YEA provided the financial resources and support for youngentrepreneurs to pursue their ideas, conceptualize, developand deliver a product in a competitive environment. Thesetalented students were able to gain experience and nationalexposure for their ideas and products with community,business and school system support.The Chamber is by definition an organization that servesthe needs and interests of a very diverse member group.The Chamber recognizes those issues often require betterdefinition by business sector. During the past fiscal year, theChamber has initiated a process called Leaders Over Lunch.These lunch hour based conversations with business sectorleadership are focused in affinity groups to capture themost significant opportunities and concerns. The issuesdiscussed range from business development, workforceavailability, workforce skills development, governmentaland regulatory changes and general economic factors.The depth of the conversations revealed opportunitiesfor further support for specific business entities from theChamber and an opportunity for business collaborationand cooperation in these sectors.There are many other efforts I haven’t provided adequateacknowledgement in the summary discussion. TheChamber continues to support the Inclusive Dubuqueinitiative, numerous networking opportunities, integrationand influence with governmental leaders and issues, and somany others.Personally, I have been the benefactor of a particularlystrong and engaged executive committee and a veryengaged board of directors. The Chamber staff, whilesmall in numbers is large in action. They are a groupthat works to find a way to serve. I cannot adequatelyexpress my appreciation for the long hours that have beencontributed by the various volunteers and by the staff ofa very committed service based organization. It has beenprofessionally rewarding to see a vibrant organizationcontinue its development.Sincerely,Byron K. Taylor, ChairDubuque Area Chamber ofCommerceANNUAL REPORT . 4

Thank You to to Our 2014-<strong>2015</strong> 2014-15 Board Board Chair ChairByron Taylor

Thank you to the 2014-15 Chamber ChampionsUltimate PartnersPlatinum PartnersEAGLE WINDOW & DOOR MANUFACTURING, INC.Gold PartnersSilver PartnersCorporate SponsorYEA! PartnersEAGLE WINDOW & DOOR MANUFACTURING, INC.QueenB Radio6 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

2014-15 Chamber Board2014-15 Board MembersByron TaylorChair of the Board,John Deere DubuqueWorksJoyce WhiteFirst Vice Chair,SMG/Five Flags CenterDick LaunspachSecond Vice Chair,Kennedy Mall MerchantsAssociationJesús AvilésImmediate Past Chair ofthe Board, Mystique CasinoTom WagnerTreasurer,Wagner Accounting &Tax Service Inc.Dean BeresfordMembership DivisionChair, US BankJason NortonMarketing Division Chair,DuTrac Community CreditUnionSara McDonald-HaskenCommunity DevelopmentDivisionTony ZelinskasGovernment DivisionWHKS & CompanyLea DroesslerL. May EateryKelley DeutmeyerEast CentralIntergovernmentalAssociationDr. Liang Chee WeeNortheast IowaCommunity CollegeDoug StillingsDubuque Bank & TrustBrian SchatzMedical Associates Clinic& Health PlansKim KunkelKunkel & Associates, Inc.Sande PetersAndersen Corp. / EagleWindow & DoorWendy RundeDiamond Jo CasinoPete SoraparuAmerican Trust &Savings BankMarilynn AltoffHills & DalesDarin HarmonKintzinger Law Firm PLCBill SnookEx-Officio, WestsideBusiness AssociationChelsea EllingsonEx-Officio,Young ProfessionalsMike DonohueEx-Officio, DubuqueCommunity School DistrictDoug HorstmannEx-Officio, GreaterDubuque DevelopmentMayor Roy D. BuolEx-Officio,City of DubuqueWayne DemmerEx-Officio, DubuqueCountyDubuque Area ChAMBER STAFFMolly GroverPresident & CEODubuque Area Chamberof CommerceBarry GentrySenior Vice PresidentMelissa PalfreyVice President ofMarketing &CommunicationsDamian WaidVice President ofMembershipRick LorenzenVice President of FinancePaige Murphy Ellen Sandberg-ShookMembership Development Director of FirstManagerImpressionsJason HenkelGraphic DesignerANNUAL REPORT . 7

Comparative Income StatementIncomeExpensesFiscal year$18,836$446,484$190,296$213,868$214,967$1,084,451$455,691$163,835$131,934$249,890$1,001,3502013-14Gain-Sale of Building SpaceDues and MembershipsSponsorshipsContracts and ServicesPrograms and EventsTotal IncomeSalaries and BenefitsAdministrative SupportProgram SupportProgram and Events ExpenseTotal ExpensesFiscal year17.5% 32.5%2014-15$15,015$446,598$356,898$30,824$248,874$1,098,209$488,749$150,773$111,760$341,977$1,093,259$83,101Net Income$4,950ANNUAL REPORT . 8

2014-15 Balance Sheet55.8% $649,713BUILDING0.5% $5,769PREPAID EXPENSES 2.1% $23,917ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE4.9% $56,746FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT33.7% $392,897CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTSAssets19.8% $230,660UNEARNED DUES4.2% $48,888ACCRUED COMPENSATION & TAXES2.4% $28,264ACCRUED PROPERTY TAXES1.7% $19,748DEFERRED REVENUE1.2% $13,607ACCOUNTS PAYABLELiabilities0.4% $4,950NET INCOME3.1% $36,279REAL ESTATE CONTRACT70.3% $819,204UNRESTRICTED NETTotal AssetsTotal Liabilities1,165,321 1,165,3219 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Recruitment and Retention MetricsSponsor Support Retention Accounts Receivable Cash Position41%Increase$77,102Increase$29,000 of this total went to support YEA!Member Retention2014-1591.6%5.3%IncreaseMember Retention2013-1486.0%57%DecreaseCash on Handas of June 30, <strong>2015</strong>$388,686Cash on HandJune 30, 2014$307,850$80,836 Increase26%IncreaseYea!Budget ExpensesYear End Position2014-15Budget ExpensesFirst YEA! Program inthe State of IowaYea!Our YEA! Winner was 1stRunner-up in regionalcompetitionBudget$1,208,704.00Actual$1,093,259.00Reduced overall expenses by 12%Original BudgetedBottom Line$1,27210 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Dubuque Area Chamber By The NumbersMembership7.2%5001Members & Subscribers102New MembersbleReferrals119,530Web Visits435,127Website Views26,252Phone Inquiries472,526Online MemberReferralsPersonal and Professional Developmentes393Programs, Events,and Activities11,205 71Event Attendance Ribbon CuttingsANNUAL REPORT . 11

Since 2010, Dancing with the Stars - Dubuque Style hasraised over$990,000for our community.

“We searched for the best organization toprovide opportunities for our employeesin developing relationships and providingnetworking opportunities. The DubuqueChamber’s Young Professionals programwas the best choice.”www.dubuquechamber.com | 563.557.9200-Carole ShuttsDirector of SalesHoliday Inn Dubuque/Galena

Community DevelopmentWorkforce Retention Programs/EventsBusiness After SchoolToday’s Students, Tomorrow’s WorkforceOver 70 students participated - It is no secret that workforcedevelopment is a critical issue to our future economic success.Workforce development has become the number onefactor in business recruitment and retention in the Dubuquearea.Business After School consisted of industry open-houseshosted for 8th-12th grade students and their parents. Theseopen-houses provided real-life business/career experientiallearning opportunities. Partners on this project included theDubuque Community School District, East Central IntergovernmentalAssociation, Northeast Iowa Community College,and Dubuque Area Labor Management.Young Entrepreneurs AcademyA program of the U.S. ChamberThe Dubuque Area Chamber Young Entrepreneurs Academy(YEA!) is the first in Iowa. YEA! is a cutting-edge programthat takes students through the process of starting andlaunching a real business or social movement over thecourse of an academic year. By the end of the thirty weekprogram, students own and operate fully-formed and functioningbusinesses. YEA! teaches students at an early agehow to make a job, not just take a job.This year the program yielded 7 new businesses. TheDubuque winner, Bryan Keck, represented the DubuqueChamber YEA! chapter in Rochester, NY for the regionalcompetition. Bryan Keck of SoundShades received FirstRunner-Up.AFTERbus nessSchlConnecng Today’s Students to Tomorrow’s Workforce14 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Community DevelopmentYP Dubuque And YP DyersvilleTalent, Retention & RecruitmentAffiliated under the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce, YoungProfessionals Dubuque (YPD) exists to connect young professionalswith each other, the business community, and the city in which we live,work, play and do business. YP Dubuque is 1,400 members strong andgrowing.• YP Monthly LuncheonsWith a monthly participation of over 100 YP members, YPluncheons feature presentations on professional, personal orcommunity development.• 2014 YP SymposiumOver 115 Young Professionals attended this year’s Symposiumto learn from our esteemed presenters; Derek Dachelet, DavidBecker, Sally Shaver-Dubois and Rick Ellingson. Adding an exclamationpoint to the end of the event, Derek Olberding waspresented with this year’s Meghan Hackett Leadership award.YP SymposiumYoung Professionals• Dubuque Days Of CaringWith 1,300 volunteers and 50 nonprofits participating in thisyear’s event, Dubuque Days of Caring will continue to strengthenlocal nonprofit organizations by partnering in one time service projects.Dubuque Days of Caring will remain focused on making apositive impact on the quality of life in the Dubuque area. Daysof Caring Economic Impact to Nonprofits in <strong>2015</strong> is $241,328!Dyersville YP ChapterThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Young ProfessionalsDyersville is 60 members strong and growing.DubuqueInteract to Impact: Volunteers. Non Profits. Community.ANNUAL REPORT . 15

Community DevelopmentFuture Young ProfessionalsFuture Young Professionals (FYP) is a college focused chapter ofYoung Professionals, a unique and locally led organization designedto bring together a diverse group of dedicated, talentedindividuals wanting to expand their personal and professionalnetworks.Career AcademyThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Career Academy isoffered as a tool for student leaders preparing for the workforce.We seek college students who have demonstrated leadershippotential on their campuses and in their communities to solveproblems and enhance the organizations with which they havebeen associated. A spirit of enthusiasm and responsibility, and adesire to make Dubuque a better place to live, work, play anddo business are expectations of program participants. The<strong>2015</strong> Career Academy had a little over 50 area college studentsparticipate. These college students worked on honing the skillsnecessary to succeed in today’s workforce. Each participantreceived a certificate of completion.Transforming Students intoProfessionalsCareerAcademyMade Possible byFly DBQ 1stThe Chamber continues to work with executives at AmericanAirlines to encourage expansion for our market. This ensures theability to import/export our biggest asset – workforce!The Chamber Board of Directors voted to extend their match-fundingportion of the federal Department of Transportation communityair service. This federal grant provides our community theopportunity to potentially add additional flights, recruitadditional carriers, or open new airport hubs. The Chamberwas the first organization to launch Fly DBQ 1 st and we continueto market it today.16 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Community DevelopmentCommunity ConnectionsCommunity Connections is a program that gives nonprofitorganizations a forum for communication, insight andsupport. The program is based on a series of events eachfeaturing a different speaker or panel on topics of interestto nonprofits. Events are interactive with time for socializingand Q&A with the speakers.communityDancing With The Stars - Dubuque StyleSince its inception in 2010, Dancing with the Stars - DubuqueStyle has raised more than $990,000 for more than 50 localnonprofits. Dancing with the Stars-Dubuque Style targets acommunity-wide audience to highlight, educate and createawareness of the role nonprofits play in our community.Open World DelegationThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce hosted a delegationfrom Ukraine through the U.S. Congressional sponsored,Open World Program. Delegates explored the globallyrecognized sustainable practices of the Dubuque area.Cost of Living IndexThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce collects andprepares a quarterly analysis of products and services.This is reported to the National Cost of Living Index forcity to city comparisons. COLI data is recognized by theU.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, CNNMoney, and the President’s Council of Economic Advisors.ANNUAL REPORT . 17

“The Chamber events create an atmosphere of building relationships withoutfeeling ‘salesy’. Young Professionals creates the perfect combination ofnetworking and learning, building leaders and connections.The Chamber staff is great at welcoming new members and making theintroduction to key players in the Dubuque business community to help yourbusiness thrive. If you fully embrace the programs and events offered by theChamber, I will guarantee you personal and professional success.”www.dubuquechamber.com | 563.557.9200-Tom RauenOwnerEnvision Sports Design

Government/Advocacy<strong>2015</strong> Legislative AgendaAs the voice of business in the Dubuque area, the DubuqueArea Chamber of Commerce is committed to keeping ourregion competitive, improving our business climate andadvancing policies that create a more prosperous Dubuque.We can achieve our goals through our legislatiure by developinga business driven public policy agenda. Our member’s inputis imperative in formulating that agenda.DEVELOPING THE AGENDAIdentifying key issues that are representative of the businesscommunity is a comprehensive process that includessmall group-member meetings, Business Advocacy Councilmeetings, and member-issue surveys. All data is collected,reviewed and vetted by the Business Advocacy Council andBoard of Directors. The final agenda is adopted by the Boardof Directors. Any member interested in public policy maybecome involved.Chamber Says No to Performance-Based FundingBased on the Business Advocacy Council and ExecutiveBoard recommendations, the Chamber Board officiallyopposed the Board of Regents funding model. The longtermworkforce implications and unintended consequencesresulting from this model are in stark contrast to our futureworkforce needs and priorities. As the 4th oldest state inthe country, our population is stagnant if not declining. Iowadoes not have the attractive luxuries of coastlines, eternalsummers or cosmopolitan cities. However, we are a highereducation destination providing an envied opportunity togrow our talent base. Iowa higher education is a talentimporter. It is simply the best tool we have to attract and retaintalent to our state. The Chamber encourages our membersto tell our legislators no to performance-based funding. TheDubuque Chamber has championed defeating this proposal.19 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Government/AdvocacyCity Budget ForumThe Dubuque Chamber hosted a forum for City Manager, Mike VanMilligen, to share his <strong>2015</strong>-16 city budget recommendations with thecommunity. The impact to city revenues result in increases in taxesand fees as well as spending cuts and hiring freezes. The business communitywill not be immune to the recommendations with impacts such asparking fees, franchising utility costs and program eliminations.State Of EducationWorkforce is our most critical economic priority. The retention andattraction of a qualified, trained, skilled and educated workforce will bethe definitive factor in our future economic success. Education is the keyto meeting our future workforce goals. The Chamber’s State of Educationevent hosted 50 members from the public and private sector to hear andlearn more about the status of Dubuque’s education systems.Iowa Legislative LuncheonWe listened to priorities presented by State Legislators on issues that willcontinue to sustain Iowa. Legislators: Senate President Pam Jochum,Rep. Nancy Dunkel, Rep. Abby Finkenauer and Rep. Charles (Chuck)Isenhart.Your Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce advocates for a prosperousbusiness climate and strong community. As a member of the DubuqueArea Chamber you have access to elected officials, issues and informationthat impacts your business and your success. The Chamber is the voiceof the business community. We work with all of our elected officials toadvance policies that create jobs, grow the economy, protect freeenterprise and increase our global competitiveness. A better Dubuque isour business!ANNUAL REPORT . 20

Government/AdvocacyState Of The CountyCounty Supervisors Daryl Klein, Wayne Demmer and Tom Hancockpresented on various topics effecting Dubuque County. Each Supervisortook to the podium and discussed what the year ahead looks likefor Dubuque County. After presentations, speakers fielded questionsfrom the audience.State Of The CityHeld in combination with a Young Professionals of Dubuqueluncheon, this event showcased our economic, educational andcultural development. Our featured keynote speaker was MayorRoy D. Buol. The Chamber, along with our Mayor, recognize that ourYoung Professionals are crucial in leading Dubuque’s successesin the future.Dubuque Night in Des MoinesThis annual, fun-filled evening provides members the opportunityto meet and have casual conversation with Iowa’s elected officials.This event is the oldest and most popular legislative event in Iowa.21 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Government/AdvocacyDC Fly-In30 Business and community leaders meet with elected officialsBuilding new relationships, fostering current and future partnerships andensuring top of mind awareness for the Chamber’s annual DC Fly-In was anopportunity to put the concerns and priorities of our business communityon the doorstep of our federally elected officials. We met with SenatorsGrassley and Ernst as well as Congressman Blum sharing specific requestsfor our continued economic prosperity. Our specific requests this yearincluded:• Talent. We urged Congress to address the growing nationalworkforce shortage crisis. Iowa is the 4 th oldest state in the nationand Dubuque is the oldest city in the state. Baby boomersare making a mass exodus from the market as they head intoretirement. We need Congress to work together towards innovativesolutions that ensure economic prosperity.• Transportation. Specifically, we requested a multi-year FederalAviation Administration reauthorization (FAA reauthorization).- This would fund the Airport Improvement Program at$3.6 billion for Fiscal Year 2016.- Raise the PFC cap from $4.50 to $8.50 and index the capfor increasing construction costs.- Fund the cost effective Contract Air Traffic control towers.- Fund the USDOT Small Community Air Service DevelopmentProgram.Improving service to small communities is of significant importanceto Dubuque. Our airport is crucial to the growth and developmentof our community.• Tax Credits. Economic Development incentives in the form oftax credits have been instrumental in the redevelopment ofdowntown Dubuque. We requested the protection and continuationof Federal Historic Tax Credits and New Market TaxCredits as a tool in economic growth and investment.• Grant Funding. We requested support for disaster grantfunding.ANNUAL REPORT . 22

“Our Chamber of Commerce Platinum sponsorship has helped AmericanTrust gain exposure and build lasting relationships with key business leadersthroughout the Tri-State Area. The variety of opportunities availablethrough our sponsorship include industry-specific programs,development seminars, focused forums, awards dinners, annual events,community involvement initiatives, and more. Our Chamber sponsorship isan important component of our B2B marketing strategy.”www.dubuquechamber.com | 563.557.9200- Peg HudsonAmerican Trust & Savings Bank

Membership and Business DevelopmentLeadership DubuqueEvery year, the Chamber of Commerce engages our new and existing areaprofessionals in an in-depth leadership development program. The ninemonth program covers the priorities and challenges of the Dubuque areaby providing hands on learning experience. Upon completion, thisprogram yields a new group of informed leaders with a renewed commitmentto their local communities, and the skills, contacts and information to turncommitment into action.Leadership Dubuque AlumniMany of the graduates from Leadership Dubuque become nostalgic as newclasses begin. Some are sad their year has ended. Well, we aim to please, weare reconnecting graduates with their class as well as other participants fromprevious years with a series of quarterly personal and professional developmentsessions which make up Leadership Alumni!Diversity SummitCourageous conversations to feed our fundamental need to belong; fromour place of business to our place of residence. The Chamber goal is to fostermeaningful discussions on diversity and inclusivity, as a priority in business andcommunity.DiversitySummit24 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Membership and Business DevelopmentBusiness Summit <strong>2015</strong>Whether you are an entrepreneur pursuing your dream of starting yourown business, an existing business or brushing up on best practices, therewas something at the Summit for you.Programs included strategic planning, marketing, and challenges and successesof area businesses.The Dubuque Area Chamber of CommerceBUSINESS SUMMITJULIENINNBusiness After HoursThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a Business After Hours the 3rdTuesday of each month from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at a different host location. Thenumber of potential contacts that a professional can make at these social functionsrange between 60 -100.BusinessANNUAL REPORT . 25

Membership and Business DevelopmentBusiness AMThe Chamber Business AM’s take place the 2nd Wednesday of each monthfrom 8:00am – 9:00am and are a great way to meet other Dubuque AreaProfessionals, first thing in the morning. For a host business, this is a greatopportunity to feature your location and get 30 – 40 people to enter yourdoors.Dubuque Area ChamberRibbon CuttingsThe Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to highlight its membersthat are new, expanding or moving to a new location by providing acomplimentary ribbon cutting package. The Chamber has hosted over 70ribbon cuttings in the last year, with an economic impact of over $630,000promoting our members and business community. Media Partners include:• Townsquare Media• TH Media• The Julien’s Journal• Creative Touch Gallery• Lamar Digital Advertising• Radio DubuqueThank you to all of our ribbon cutting partners and, of course, the ChamberAmbassadors for all your help in making each of the Chamber ribboncuttings a success.B2BChamber members in this industry exclusive program delivered solidleads for its referral group. Since May of 2014, the statistics for this B2BGroup are:• 20 Members• 396 Referrals• 100 Visitors• $1,081,210.85 Total Closed BusinessChamber Referral Group26 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Membership and Business DevelopmentShop Small CampaignSmall Business can lead to big things! When you support small businessin our community you help create jobs, enhance and support public servicesand amenities, enhance the offerings of goods and services in ourcommunity, protect the environment, save money, save time and makeDubuque a better place to live, work, play and do business.Chamber BlendcardBlendCard allows cardholders access to coupons, loyalty and gift cardsto a number of local businesses. Customers manage their rewards fromone simple dashboard that can be viewed easily from any computer,tablet, or phone.ToastmastersToastmasters is an international program that provides a supportive andpositive environment where members have the opportunity to developtheir communication and leadership skills. The Dubuque Area Chamberof Commerce hosts the Talk of the Town Toastmasters Chapter everyFriday at noon in the Chamber Boardroom.Leaders Over LunchLeaders Over Lunch events are invite-only, confidential member meetingswith each of our investor-schedule categories. On a monthly basis,a dozen colleagues within an industry sector are invited. We receivedinput and feedback on the Chamber as well as community and businesspriorities.Your Special V.I.P. InvitationTom WagnerWagner Accounting & Tax ServiceAccountingthursday, June 18th | 11:30-1pm | Dubuque golf & country clubANNUAL REPORT . 27

Membership and Business DevelopmentForecast LuncheonOne of our most popular events that forecasts what the new year willbring for Dubuque area industry. Prominent business leaders from avariety of industries gave their forecast on what to expect for Dubuquebusinesses in the upcoming year.Manufacturer’s Appreciation WeekOver 60 members participated in the week long celebration of localmanufacturers. Tours of selected facilities made this week a verypopular one with our members. You may have seen their products, butour members got a behind the scenes tour of how it all comes together.manufacturerApril7th & 9thMind Your Own BusinessA monthly series provided by the Dubuque Area Chamber and theDubuque Area SCORE chapter held at the Schmid Innovation Center.Dubuque area entrepreneurs brush up on those skills needed for businesssuccess.Professional Development SeriesThese sessions were comprised of several topics including leadership,the languages of the workplace, personality color in business, effectiveboard members, marketing, sales, etc.Manufacturer Appreciation Week is a week set aside nationally to celebrate andappreciate local manufacturers. Tours are taking place on Tuesday, April 8th &Thursday, April 10th. Participants of Manufacturer Appreciation Week will have theopportunity to tour our area manufacturers, get the inside scoop on manufacturing in theDubuque area and much more! The Cost to participate is $40 for Members and$50 for Guests.Tuesday, april 7tours8 AM DEPART CHAMBER8:30 - 9:30 AM DIGGA NORTH AMERICA, LLC.9:45 - 10:45 AM FARMTEK11 AM - 12 PM NORTHEAST IOWACOMMUNITY COLLEGE12:15 - 1:15 PM LUNCH AT NORTHEAST IOWACOMMUNITY COLLEGE1:30 - 2:30 PM BODINE ELECTRIC2:45 - 3:45 PM UNISON SOLUTIONS4:00 - 5:00 PM ENVISION SPORTS DESIGNDubuque Register Chamber for tuesday’s presents tours theThursday, april 9toursMind Your Own Business WorkshopJoin your Dubuque Area where SCORE Chapter and TAG business Communications on Thursday, belongsAugust20, 5:30pm - 7:00pm at the Schmid Innovation Center as we delve into the media planning& buying process. TAG will share with you insights to help you maximize your advertisingdollar and generate results for your dubuquechamber.combusiness. Tips, tricks, and hints they havelearned through their many years as media professionals will be shared to assist you indetermining how to best allocate your available budget.The following questions will be answered in this presentation:Ultimate PARTNERSIntroduction - Why should I plan my advertising/media spend?Pros & Cons of Media Options - How to choose what media to use.Added Value - What to ask for and how to approach the topic?gold PARTNERS Promotions - Extending your advertising message.Goals - Setting, evaluating, and reaching your goals.In the SCORE Competitive workshops volunteers, stakeholders and sponsors, provide Edgethe tools forDubuque area entrepreneurs to succeed by providing complimentary workshops and one onone mentoring.WORKSHOP SERIESPlease Contact Damiandwaid@dubuquechamber.comforregistration.8 AM DEPART CHAMBER8:15 - 9:15 AM ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE9:30 - 10:30 AM RITE-HITE CORPORATION10:45 - 11:45 AM PRAIRIE FARMS12 - 1 PM LUNCH SPONSORED BYCRAWFORD COMPANY1:15 - 2:15 PM JOHN DEERE DUBUQUE WORKS2:30 - 3:30 PM THE TELEGRAPH HERALD3:45 - 4:45 PM TBDRegister for thursday’s toursWWW.DUBUQUEchamber .COMUltimate Partners28 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COMPlatinum Partners

Message from <strong>2015</strong>-16 Chair, Joyce WhiteDear Chamber Members,I am honored to serve as your Chair for the <strong>2015</strong>-16Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and am humbled tofollow in the footsteps of the esteemed leadership legacyof past Chamber Chairs. In my time on the board, I havedeveloped a keen understanding for the value of chambermembership and an appreciation for the important rolethis organization plays in the success of our community.As your Chamber Chair, it is my goal to continue to moveour organization forward - strengthening our businessenvironment and economic prosperity, enhancing ourquality of life, and growing our community.In the past century, the Dubuque Area Chamber ofCommerce has created an environment that enhancesthe economic vitality of our membership and the businesscommunity as a whole. I am so proud to representthis great organization, Iowa’s only five-star Chamber!I encourage you to get informed, get engaged, getconnected to your Chamber and you will get so muchmore in return because your success…..is our business!Joyce White, Board Chair<strong>2015</strong>-16 Dubuque Area Chamber of CommerceBoard of DirectorsANNUAL REPORT . 29

Welcome to the <strong>2015</strong>-16 Chamber ChampionsUltimate PartnersUltimate PartnersPlatinum PartnersPlatinum PartnersEAGLE WINDOW & DOOR MANUF ACTURING, INC .Gold PartnersSilver Silver PartnersCorporate SponsorYEA! Yea! Partners30 . DUBUQUECHAMBER.COM

Welcome to the <strong>2015</strong>-16 Chamber Board<strong>2015</strong>-16 Board MembersJoyce WhiteChair of the Board,SMG/Five Flags CenterDick LaunspachFirst Vice Chair,Kennedy Mall MerchantsAssociationDean BeresfordSecond Vice Chair, US BankByron TaylorImmediate Past Chair ofthe Board, John DeereDubuque WorksTom WagnerTreasurer,Wagner Accounting &Tax Service Inc.Brian SchatzCommunity DevelopmentChair, Medical AssociatesClinic & Health PlansJason NortonDiversity and InclusionChair, DuTrac CommunityCredit UnionPete SoraparuMembership Chair,American Trust &Savings BankTom RauenMarketing ChairEnvision Sports DesignTony ZelinskasGovernment ChairWHKS & CompanyLea DroesslerL. May EateryMarilynn AltoffHills & DalesDarin HarmonKintzinger Law Firm PLCBill SnookEx-Officio, WestsideBusiness AssociationKim KunkelKunkel & Associates, Inc.Sande PetersAndersen Corp. / EagleWindow & DoorWendy RundeDiamond Jo CasinoMichael DolandDoland JewelersMayor Roy D. BuolEx-Officio,City of DubuqueWayne DemmerEx-Officio, DubuqueCountyMike DonohueEx-Officio, DubuqueCommunity School DistrictJeff BodineBodine ElectricTim ConlonEx-Officio GDDCConlon ConstructionKyle KumpfEx-Officio YoungProfessionalsKhi ShiremanZazou’s Bridal BoutiqueANNUAL REPORT . 31

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