The Kings’ Messenger

May - Kings of Wessex Community School

May - Kings of Wessex Community School


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Across the pond to New York!Last term, 26 Sixth Form students and three teachers boarded a plane to fly out to New YorkCity. When we touched down in the JFK Airport, we learnt just how lucky we were, becausewe were the only flight to make it out of Heathrow airport; all the other flights had been cancelleddue to snow. When we got outside, we saw why. It was a beautifully sunny day, but itwas snowing heavily, and by the time we were through Immigration there was at least a footof the stuff. Anyway, we boarded a coach and set off to our hotel, spotting en route over 20American flags hoisted up in various places.Once we’d arrived at the hotel and unloaded our luggage, we all went out to explore themany streets of New York. We stopped off in Starbucks and the Apple store along the way,tasting real American coffee and playing around with the various Apple products that wereon display: iPads, iPods, Macs, you name it. If Apple had made something, you couldprobably find it here. After about half an hour we headed outside and split up into groupsto find a place to eat, the majority of us choosing McDonalds, for there were many to befound. After we had all assembled, we all took the long walk back to the hotel, where weslept like logs: although fun, it was a long day.Next morning, we were up at 7:00, which didn’tsit too well with most of us. However, we had along day ahead of us, so we needed the earlystart. We had our breakfast in a charminglittle cafe, only a two minute walk away fromour hotel, where they had probably the bestCinnamon Danish I’d had in my life. 40-minutes later, we left and made our way to ournext destination: the Empire State Building, theex-tallest building in the world.When we got there, we all split up into ourgroups, where we then took three lifts up, andup, and up, and up, and up (it was a long wayup). Along the way, I bought a map of the top ofthe building, which showed all of the sights youcould see around.

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