GCSE PE Training Programme Template for Coursework 2007.pdf

GCSE PE Training Programme Template for Coursework 2007.pdf


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1<strong>GCSE</strong> <strong>PE</strong>/<strong>Games</strong>Health-related Exercise/Training ProgrammeCoursework 2007Candidate name:Candidate no:Centre number: 63409Sport/Activity:(<strong>Games</strong> candidates must do a game activity).Training method:Circuit Training_________________________________________For Teacher use onlyTeacher:Planning (Max 20)Warm Up (Max 10)Performing (Max 20)Monitoring (Max 10)Evaluating (Max 20)Total

Planning21. Purpose/aim of the programme. (5 marks)Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have anyinjuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typicalweek. State what targets you expect to achieve by the end of the5 sessions in terms of aspects of fitness you want to improve.

Planning32. Awareness of safety Aspects. (5 marks)Outline any potential risks with any apparatus/equipment. What factors willyou need to consider when planning the order/types of exercises? Explain howand why you will prepare your body for exercise/and help it to recover afterwards.

Planning43. Diagram of the Circuit

Planning54. Appropriateness of my chosen exercises. (5 marks)Describe at least two of your exercises/activities, explain why you have chosenthem and how they will help you achieve your targets.

Planning65. Appropriate application. (5 marks)Explain how your training will progress each time and how you will beworking harder.

Monitoring71. Record your results after each exercise. (2 marks)Exercise Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

Monitoring82. Make brief comments after each session. (2 marks)SessionComment12345

Monitoring93. Record your heart rate at the start and your recoveryrate at the end.Session Heart Rate (2 marks) Recovery Rate (2 marks)123454. Make a concluding statement/summary of yourresults.(2 marks)

Evaluation of Planning101. Make brief comments to explain thestatements/questions in the first column. (max of 6 marks)Refer to your preprogramme fitnessand any fitness testscores.Was theprogramme at theright level for you?/2Were the exercisesin the correct order?Explain why/whynot./2Explain how youapplied theprinciples ofprogression andoverload./2Were theexercises/activitiesthe correct ones tochoose? Explainwhy/why not./2/2

Evaluation of Performing112. Make brief comments to explain thestatements/questions in the first column. (max of 6 marks)Explain how youapplied theprinciples ofprogression/overload.Were theexercises/activitiesthe correct ones tochoose? Explainwhy/why not./2Was theprogramme easy tomanage (set up, do,record progressetc)?/2Were the exercisesin the correct order?Explain why/whynot./2Did you enjoy it andwork to your limit?How do you know?/2/2

Evaluation of Monitoring123. Make brief comments to explain thestatements/questions in the first column. (max of 6 marks)Were theexercises/activitiesthe correct ones tochoose? Explainwhy/why not.Were the exercisesin the correct order?Explain why/whynot./2Did you make anychanges to yourprogramme?Explain why youdid/did not do so./2Explain the effectsperforming had onyou in any of the 5sessions./2Were the results youachieved what youexpected? Explainwhy this was/wasnot the case./2/2

Final Evaluation134. Make brief comments to explain thestatements/questions in the first column. (max of 6 marks)Refer to you finalfitness levels.Was theprogramme easy tomanage (set up, do,record progressetc)?/2Explain whatprogress orimprovements youhave made as aresult of completingthe programme./2Did you enjoy it andwork to your limit?How do you know?/2If you were going todo the programmeagain what changeswould you make?/2/2

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