Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL )

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Spanish (28) Practice TestANALYSIS FOR SECOND STRONG RESPONSE TO OPEN-RESPONSEITEM—WRITTEN EXPRESSIONThis is an example of a strong response because it is characterized by the following:Purpose: The candidate provides a thorough description of the area, using the seasons of the year, relatedweather expressions, and activities as a base to provide cultural information. A brief but relevant personalexperience is included. The response's form is completely appropriate and includes a proper salutation andclosing while maintaining correct and formal language.Coherence: The writing plan of the response is clearly expressed in the second paragraph: popular traditionalAmerican activities as a reflection of culture. The plan is thoroughly achieved in the next four paragraphs, usingthe seasons as a unifying canvas.Content: By enumerating the seasonal activities with rich detail and variety, the writer extensively develops themain idea. Examples include the light festival in Forest Park; the several museums of the area, each of a singularconcept; and the typical summer and autumnal activities.Grammar: The response exhibits mastery of grammatical forms and syntax. Adjectives and nouns showappropriate agreement and positioning: días de fiesta típicos, la gran migración estudiantil, la rutina diaria.Subjects and verbs agree: la gente prefiere, aquí viven personas. Complex structures include the use of thesubjunctive after para que (conozca) and ojalá que (encuentre) and the use of preterite-imperfect: mi papásiempre me ayudaba. Sentences are varied and subordinated.Vocabulary: The response demonstrates a broad command and appropriate use. Examples includehispanoparlantes, templados, obras artísticas infantiles, un sinnúmero, caracterizan, raíces campestres, granafición, and granja local.Mechanics: Spelling, punctuation, and diacritical marks are consistently accurate, contributing clarity to theresponse.72

Spanish (28) Practice TestDESCRIPTION OF A STRONG RESPONSE FOR OPEN-RESPONSEITEM—ORAL EXPRESSIONA strong response to this assignment would address the topic of hobbies or pastimes fully and offer advice to afriend within the provided context in coherent, appropriate Spanish. Ideas presented should be bolstered byelaboration (specifying details, extended exploration of topics/assertions, relevant reasoning) that deepens themand fleshes out the response. The sequencing of ideas should be logical and transitions between ideas smooth.The oral language should be fluid and clear, with accurate pronunciation and a consistent flow of speech thatdisplays facility with Spanish. Pauses in the response should be appropriate to the delivery of the content and notthe result of uncertainty about the language itself or the inability to pronounce words or construct sentences.Ideas should be expressed with phrases and grammatical constructions that are true to the Spanish language andnot imported from another language. A variety of relevant vocabulary words, expressions, verb tenses andmoods, and syntactical constructions should be employed in order to render the response clear and precise. Theresponse should be free from grammar and usage errors.73

Spanish (28) Practice TestDESCRIPTION OF A STRONG RESPONSE FOR OPEN-RESPONSEITEM—ORAL EXPRESSIONA strong response to this assignment would address the topic of hobbies or pastimes fully and offer advice to afriend within the provided context in coherent, appropriate Spanish. Ideas presented should be bolstered byelaboration (specifying details, extended exploration of topics/assertions, relevant reasoning) that deepens themand fleshes out the response. The sequencing of ideas should be logical and transitions between ideas smooth.The oral language should be fluid and clear, with accurate pronunciation and a consistent flow of speech thatdisplays facility with Spanish. Pauses in the response should be appropriate to the delivery of the content and notthe result of uncertainty about the language itself or the inability to pronounce words or construct sentences.Ideas should be expressed with phrases and grammatical constructions that are true to the Spanish language andnot imported from another language. A variety of relevant vocabulary words, expressions, verb tenses andmoods, and syntactical constructions should be employed in order to render the response clear and precise. Theresponse should be free from grammar and usage errors.73

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