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Spanish (28) Practice Test88. In which of the following everydaycultural practices in the United Statesis Hispanic influence most prevalent?A. popular musicB. detective novelsC. technologyD. television <strong>com</strong>mercials89. The epic poem El gaucho Martín Fierroby José Hernández portrays the Argentinegaucho as a character whose solitary lifein the open taught him self-reliance,courage, indifference to hardship, and loveof the land. The popularity of this poemduring Argentina's early national periodcan best be attributed to its:A. celebration of Argentina'sindigenous population in vividand sensitive descriptions.B. affirmation of the value of progressin Argentina's agriculturalproduction.C. embodiment of Argentine characterand the essence of the national soul.D. descriptions of political conflicts inthe Argentine wilderness.90. Which of the following best describes amajor aim of the novelists, essayists, andpoets of Spain's Generation of 1898?A. to expand the meaning of culturethrough a blending of myth, magic,and realismB. to establish a synthesis of religiousand secular elements in SpanishcultureC. to explore the artistic value oflanguage through experiments withsymbolic representationD. to promote public debate on thenature of Spain, its people, and itsgovernment91. Which of the following is a distinctivecharacteristic of twentieth-century LatinAmerican literature?A. the use of elaborate, sensory andrhythmic language as an expressionof artistic mediumB. themes that are focused on culturalrelativity and regional identityC. the use of narrative strategies that<strong>com</strong>bine elements of fantasy andmyth with authentic storylinesD. emphasis on historicalconsciousness and reflection44

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