Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL )

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Spanish (28) Practice Test80. The presidency of Augusto Pinochetin Chile (1973–1988) is most closelyassociated with which of the followingdevelopments?A. the creation of a regional tradenetworkB. the rise of ethnic and religiousconflictC. the globalization of the regionaleconomyD. the suppression of democraticliberties81. After gaining independence, SouthAmerican nations experienced sloweconomic development for half a centuryprimarily because of:A. climatic variations due to naturaldisasters.B. poor trade connections withcountries other than Spain.C. a lack of significant naturalresources.D. internal and regional conflicts overleadership and territory.82. Which of the following best describes asignificant contribution of Benito Juárezto the development of Mexico?A. As president, he led a movementthat overthrew foreign rule andsought to create a democraticfederal republic in Mexico.B. He led a revolution that ended a27-year dictatorship and restoredcivil liberties.C. He commanded the militaryresistance of the Maya against eliteoppression of indigenous peoples inthe Yucatán region of Mexico.D. Under his dictatorship, the Mexicaneconomy expanded and the standardof living improved.83. In which of the following ways has theAndes Mountain Range most affectedagricultural production in Colombia?A. The mountain slopes provide anextensive region for growing coffeeas a major export crop.B. Steep and rugged terrain makesmechanized agriculture impossibleand limits production to smallmarketand subsistence crops.C. Terraced hillsides and abundantstreams enable production of wheatfor the export market.D. The mountains' stony and thin soilsare suitable primarily for grazingsheep, goats, and llamas thatprovide wool for textile industries.42

Spanish (28) Practice Test84. Spain's democratic system of governmentin the early twenty-first century isprimarily a result of:A. a military coup that overthrew themonarchy in the early twentiethcentury.B. efforts of Francisco Franco tomodernize and develop the countryfollowing World War II.C. constitutional changes initiated byKing Juan Carlos after the death ofFrancisco Franco in the 1970s.D. a coalition formed between theCommunist Party and the SocialistParty in the late twentieth century.85. In seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuryNorth America, Spanish colonialsettlement differed significantly fromBritish colonial settlement because theSpanish were more likely to:A. incorporate indigenous people intotheir society through religiousconversion and employment as alabor force.B. negotiate with indigenous groups assovereign nations for the purchaseof territory and settlement rights.86. Which of the following aspects of Peru'sarchitectural heritage is preserved atMachu Picchu?A. elaborate Spanish colonialcathedrals and public buildingsB. the small stone and timber structurestypical of indigenous village lifeC. stonework and terracing of an Incapolitical and ceremonial centerD. the main house and outbuildings ofa typical Spanish colonial hacienda87. A study of the literary contributions ofRubén Darío would be most useful fordeveloping understanding of which of thefollowing aspects of literature?A. the ways in which literature reflectsnational beliefs and identityB. the character of early twentiethcenturymodernist literatureC. the influence of folklore on literarytraditionsD. the themes of late nineteenthcenturyromantic literatureC. limit interactions with indigenouspeople to trade relations andmilitary alliances.D. provide opportunities for indigenousleaders to receive education andassume roles in the administrationof territorial government affairs.43

Spanish (28) Practice Test84. Spain's democratic system of governmentin the early twenty-first century isprimarily a result of:A. a military coup that overthrew themonarchy in the early twentiethcentury.B. ef<strong>for</strong>ts of Francisco Franco tomodernize and develop the countryfollowing World War II.C. constitutional changes initiated byKing Juan Carlos after the death ofFrancisco Franco in the 1970s.D. a coalition <strong>for</strong>med between theCommunist Party and the SocialistParty in the late twentieth century.85. In seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuryNorth America, Spanish colonialsettlement differed significantly fromBritish colonial settlement because theSpanish were more likely to:A. incorporate indigenous people intotheir society through religiousconversion and employment as alabor <strong>for</strong>ce.B. negotiate with indigenous groups assovereign nations <strong>for</strong> the purchaseof territory and settlement rights.86. Which of the following aspects of Peru'sarchitectural heritage is preserved atMachu Picchu?A. elaborate Spanish colonialcathedrals and public buildingsB. the small stone and timber structurestypical of indigenous village lifeC. stonework and terracing of an Incapolitical and ceremonial centerD. the main house and outbuildings ofa typical Spanish colonial hacienda87. A study of the literary contributions ofRubén Darío would be most useful <strong>for</strong>developing understanding of which of thefollowing aspects of literature?A. the ways in which literature reflectsnational beliefs and identityB. the character of early twentiethcenturymodernist literatureC. the influence of folklore on literarytraditionsD. the themes of late nineteenthcenturyromantic literatureC. limit interactions with indigenouspeople to trade relations andmilitary alliances.D. provide opportunities <strong>for</strong> indigenousleaders to receive education andassume roles in the administrationof territorial government affairs.43

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