Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL ) www.mtel.nesinc.com

Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL ) www.mtel ...

Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL ) www.mtel ...

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Spanish (28) Practice Test58. Providing direct instruction in thegrammar of a language and makingcorrections to a learner's mistakes aremost likely to be helpful to:A. young children learning a firstlanguage.B. adults in the process of learning anew language.C. young children being raised to speaktwo languages.D. adults learning to speak a differentdialect of their first language.60. In second-language acquisition,intermediate proficiency is characterizedby which of the following properties?A. dependence on props <strong>for</strong><strong>com</strong>municatingB. ability to negotiate meaning inconversation and other dailyinteractionsC. cautious use of vocabulary limitedto concrete objects and simplephrasesD. reading and speaking skills similarto those of a native speaker59. Which of the following best characterizesthe <strong>com</strong>prehension stage of secondlanguagedevelopment?A. production of partially correctstructures when speakingB. inconsistent use of correctgrammatical constructionsC. speaking in simplified but accuratesentences to express ideasD. interpretation of the language withlittle or no production61. A high school Spanish teacher is teachinga course that includes students with manydifferent backgrounds, experiences, andlearning styles. Which of the followingtypes of assignments would bestac<strong>com</strong>modate the diverse needs of thestudents?A. exercises from the students'textbookB. cooperative and collaborativeassignmentsC. individual Internet and <strong>com</strong>puterworkD. presentational projects prepared athome37

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