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<strong>CITIZEN'S</strong> <strong>CHARTER</strong>ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (CR) AND LICENSE TO SELL (LS)SUBDIVISION/CONDOMINIUM PROJECTS AND OTHER REAL ESTATE PROJECTSWORKFLOW TIME FRAME RESPONSIBLE PARTY APPROVING AUTHORITY DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS1. Files application with supporting documents Steps 1-5 one day Applicant2. Checks completeness of documents.a. If complete, acknowledges receipt of application and logs.Accomplishes transmittal sheet. Forwards to Regional Director'sOffice (RDO).b. If incomplete, returns toapplicant3. Receives and logs documents.LARRY DUFOURTLEONIDES GAITERALEONIDES GAITERA4. Indorses documents to Technical Service Group (TSG)5. Receives documents. Assigns documents to processor forevaluation6. Evaluates application based on requirements. Determinescompliance to standard and guidelines.a. If with deviation from standards and guidelines, issues Noticeof Deficiency in Requirements.7. Fills up pro forma Notice to PublishSteps 6-71-3 daysROCHELLE BANTAYANEDITH ESTIGOY, MILA AVILA,MARIBEL MANALO,LEONARDO CONDALOREDITH ESTIGOY, MILA AVILA,MARIBEL MANALO,LEONARDO CONDALORARCH. JOSE O. PENA, JRENGR. EMMANUEL GLIPO8. Reviews /evaluates documents and Initials. ForwardsEDITH ESTIGOY, MILA AVILA,ENGR. EMMANUEL GLIPOdocuments to RDO.Steps 8-9 one dayMARIBEL MANALO,9. Reviews/evaluates documents and signs. LEONARDO CONDALORARCH. JOSE O. PENA, JR10. Logs out and transmits documents to Records Section (RS) Steps 10-11 2-3 days ROCHELLE BANTAYAN11. Mails/releases Notice of Pulish to the applicant 2-3 weeks mailing LARRY DUFOURT12. Receives Notice to Publish13. Publishes Notice to Publish14. Submits Affidavit of Publication. Coordinates withprocessor/inspector for the scheduled site inspectionSteps 12-13 17 days for PD 95713 days for BP 220Applicanta. Sworn Registration Statement b. CertifiedTrue Copy of TCT or Original Certificate of Title(OCT) duly stamped with original marking"Certified True Copy" by the proper Register ofDeeds and bearing its seal or security marker c.Duly audited Balance Sheet.d. Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and latestannual corporate report to SECe. A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochures,advertisement or communication used/to beused for public offering of subject project andfor circulation upon approval by this Board.f. Sample copy of Contract to Self g. Certifiedtrue copy of Environmental ComplianceCertificate (ECC)/Certificate of Non-Coverage(CNC)h. Zoning Certificate fromHLURB Regional Officer i.Certified true copy of DAR ConversionOrder/Exemption Clearancej. Electrical Plan and Specificationsk. Permit to operate a deepwell/water potabilitytest results l.Project Study m.Program of development (bar chart with S-curve, Gantt Chart/PERT-CPM, etc.) signed andsealed by licensed engineer or architectindicating work activities, duration and costing.n. Affidavit of Understanding to submit titles(HLURB Form No. __)o. Duty accomplished and notarized fact sheet.FOR CONDOMINIUM PROJECTSp. Master Deed with Declation of Registrationand Declaration of Restrictions evidenced by theproper annotation thereof in the title(s) of theproperty and the certified true copy of suchtitle(s) from the Register of Deedsq. Building permit FORSUBDIVISION PROJECTS r.

15. Receives Affidavit of Publication. After two (2) consecutiveweeks from the last day of publication, project to deemedregistered unless clearance from legal and monitoring frouprequires compliance to order issued by this Office16. Conducts site inspection. Determines extent ofdevelopment. Computes performance bond and processing fee17. Accomplishes pro-forma of letter/advice on performancebond and fee18. Reviews/evaluates and initials.Steps 15-16 1-2 daysEDITH ESTIGOY, MILA AVILA,MARIBEL MANALO,LEONARDO CONDALOR19. Reviews/evaluates documents and signs Steps 19-20 1-2 days ENGR. EMMANUEL GLIPOARCH. JOSE O. PENA, JR20. Logs out and transmits the documents to Records Section ROCHELLE BANTAYAN21. Posts peformance bond and submits documents certifyingperformance bond/guarantee from financing institutionSteps 17-18 1-2 daysSteps 21-24 one dayENGR. ROSEMARIECARANDANG, ENGR.CHRISTOPHER MENDOZA,ENGR. LEX AUSTRIA, ENGR.EDUARDO SAHAGUNApplicant22. Receives documents and prepares Order of Payment (OP). PROCESSOR23. Pays Processing fee. Applicant24. Receives payment. Perpares Official Receipt (OR). Issues OPand OR to applicant.SHERYL ULIBAS25. Evaluates acceptability of performance bond. PreparesCertificate of Registration (CR)/License to Sell (LS) and ExecutiveBrief.Steps 25-29 3-4 daysEDITH ESTIGOY, MILA AVILA,MARIBEL MANALO,LEONARDO CONDALOR26. Reviews/Initials CR/LS. Signs Executive Brief ENGR. EMMANUEL GLIPO27. Reviews and affixes signature on CR/LS and Executive Brief ENGR. EMMANUEL GLIPO ENGR. JOSE O. PENA, JR.test results l.Project Study m.Program of development (bar chart with S-curve, Gantt Chart/PERT-CPM, etc.) signed andsealed by licensed engineer or architectindicating work activities, duration and costing.n. Affidavit of Understanding to submit titles(HLURB Form No. __)o. Duty accomplished and notarized fact sheet.FOR CONDOMINIUM PROJECTSp. Master Deed with Declation of Registrationand Declaration of Restrictions evidenced by theproper annotation thereof in the title(s) of theproperty and the certified true copy of suchtitle(s) from the Register of Deedsq. Building permit FORSUBDIVISION PROJECTS r.Verified Survey Returns (two copies)s. Sangguniang Resolution/Ordinance granting ofDevelopment Permit/Subdivision DevelopmentPlan.t. Certified truecopy of resolution conferring authority to theMayor or other local government official toissue development permit.u. Proof of compliance to Sec. 18 of RA 7279v. One (1) set of subdivision development planIF PROPERTY IS/ARE CURRENTLY MORTGAGEDw. Mortgagee Undertaking (HLURB Form No. __)x. Mortgagor Undertaking (HLURB Form No. __)28. Logs out documents and transmits to Records Section. ROCHELLE BANTAYAN29. Releases CR/LS to applicant LARRY DUFOURT

REGISTRATION OF HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATIONWORKFLOW TIME FRAME RESPONSIBLE PARTY APPROVING AUTHORITY DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS1. Presents/Submits requirements for HOA registration Applicanta. Articles of Incorporation signed on every pageby all 5 to 15 incorporators2. Verfies association name. Evaluates completeness ofdocuments. (Notes 1 & 2). Records/issues Order of Payment(OP)Registration Officer(RO)/HOA Staff/ LOUIEODIAMARb. By-Laws signed on every page by all 5 to 153. Presents OP and pays fee to Cashier. Applicantincorporators if filed with the Articles ofmajority of the members of the association andCashier/Special Trainingduty certified by the majority of the directors4. Issues Official Receipt (OR) to applicant.Officer (SCO) SHERYLand countersigned by the secretary. If filedULIBASwithin one (1) month after the issuance of thecertificate of incorporation5. Presents OR to Registration Officeer (RO) Applicant6. Processes application. (Notes 3 & 4) Recommends approval toUnit Head7. Reviews recommendation. Approves application. Instructs ROto prepare Certificate of Registration (CR).8. Logs details of association in Registry Book. Prepares CR/HOAcorporate folder. Initials.RO/HOA Staff/ LOUIEODIAMARLOUIE ODIAMAR, ANADAGNALANRO/HOA Staff/ BOY ALDEA,DOMER NUNEZANA DAGNALANc. Notarized written undertaking by theincorporators to change the corporate name inthe event that another person, firm or entity hasacquired a prior right to the use of said name orone similar to it; and to comply with all the rulesand regulations of the HLURB9. Initials HOA CR. Forwards to Regional Officer.LOUIE ODIAMAR, ANADAGNALAN10. Signs CR. Returns to HOA Unit ARCH. JOSE O. PENA, JR.11. Receives CR. Prepares certified true copy of CR andimportant documents. Releases photocopy to applicant.Instructs applicant to secure HOA TIN with BIR.12. Receives. Secures TIN from BIR. Presents to RO acquired TINtogether with photocopy of CR.13. Receives photocopy of CR with TIN. Records and releasesoriginal copy of CR.GIRLIE TAGLE, BOY ALDEAAPPLICANTGIRLIE TAGLE, BOY ALDEA14. Receives original copy of CR. APPLICANTd. Notarized information sheet contains thename of the association, principal officeaddress, list of Board of Directors and Trusteesand their addresses, list of officers and theirpositionse. Notarized list of the members of theassociation. A complete list of the members ofthe association.f. Notarized Certification as to existence orabsence of a HOA in the subdivision, territorialjurisdiction of the HOA, name and address of thenearest existing HOA.

Notes to workflow:Note 1 : The applicant should not have a similar name withan existing HOA. Otherwise applicant shall be required tochange/revise name prior to acceptance/processing.Note 2 : All applications should have complete requirementsprior to acceptance and processing.Note 3 : Processing of application with opposition shall betemporarily suspended until its settlement shall be applied.Note 4 : Processing period for registration is temporarily setto thirth (30) working daysNote 5 : All the above stated procedures and time frame arebased on the assumption that requirements submitted byapplicant is complete.g. Notarized Authorization. A written authorityof the incorporators for the representatives ofthe association to transact or follow up theapplication with HLURBh. Approved subdivision plan for regularsubdivisionsAdditional requirements for self-help housingprojects or projects undertaken under the GroupLand Acquisition and Development (GLAD),Community Mortgage Program (CMP) or othersimilar land tenurial assistance program.i. Location and vicinity map of the projectwhether on site or off site, duly signed andcertified by a geodetic engineer or surveyor.j. Notarized list of officers and members statingthe nature of their occupancy, whether asowner or tenant.k. Transfer certificate of title. Certified true copyof the TCT from the Register of Deeds, issuednot later that thirth (30) days before the date ofapplicationi. Letter of intent sell, contract to sell or deed ofabsolute sale or memorandum of agreement,duplicate original notarized copies

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