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430 C. WeibelAs pointed out in the proof of [10, 7.4], it suffices to show that for every symbola 2 Kn M .k/ there is a field extension k F such that a vanishes in KM n .F /=` andH nC1;nét.k/ ! H nC1;nét.F / is an injection. When F D k.X/, this is the bottom rightarrow in the flowchart (1.3), which is implicit in [8, 6.11].H 2C2b`;1Cb`.X/ ontoH 2dC1;dC1 .D/ D 01:43.6into 2:4(1.3)H nC1;n .X/4:4exactH nC1;nét.k/ sequence HnC1;nét.k.X//:The other decorations in (1.3) refer to the properties we need and where they areestablished. Proposition 4.4 states that the bottom row of the flowchart (1.3) is exact.By Lemma 2.4 the group H nC1;n .X/ injects (by a cohomology operation) intoH 2C2b`;1Cb`.X/, which is in turn a quotient of H 2dC1;dC1 .D/ by 1.4. In Corollary3.6, we prove that H 2dC1;dC1 .D/ D 0. All of this implies that H nC1;nét.k/ !H nC1;nét.k.X// is an injection, finishing the proof of Theorem 0.1.One part of the flowchart (1.3) is easy to establish.Lemma 1.4. The map s W X ! D ˝ L b Œ1 in (0.4) induces a surjection:H 2dC1;dC1 .D/ Š H 2b`C2;b`C1 .D ˝ L b Œ1/s! H 2b`C2;b`C1 .X/:Proof. In the cohomology exact sequence arising from (0.4), the next term isH 2b`C2;b`C1 .M /, which is a summand of H 2b`C2;b`C1 .X/. Because b` D d C b>d,this group is zero by the Vanishing Theorem [2, 3.6] – which says that H n;i .X/ D 0whenever n>iC dim.X/.The lower left map in flowchart (1.3) is just the motivic-to-étale map by the followingbasic result, which we quote from [10, 7.3].Lemma 1.5. The structure map X ! Spec.k/ induces isomorphismsH ;ét .k/ Š H ;ét .X/ and H ;ét .kI Z=`/ Š H ;ét .XI Z=`/:2 Motivic cohomology operationsIn the course of the proof, we will need some facts about the motivic cohomologyoperations constructed in [9]. When `>2, there are operations P i on H ; . I Z=`/of bidegree .2i.` 1/; i.` 1//, for each i 0 (with P 0 D 1), as well as the Bocksteinoperation ˇ of bidegree .1; 0/. These satisfy the Adem relations given in [5] for theusual topological cohomology operations. In fact, the subring of all (stable) motivic

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